Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Removing Coffee Stains From Carpet

Removing Coffee Stains From Carpet

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Coffee stains can leave a carpet dirty or brown if not treated properly. It can cause the carpet to have a yellowish-brown tone that is quite noticeable. After blotting the dampness and coffee from the carpet you will want to follow these simple steps for removing coffee stains from your carpet:
Dry the spot as well as possible with a dry cloth by blotting. If there is a substantial amount of spillage you can make sure you are not spreading the stain by changing cloths when they become saturated with the beverage.
Try the mixture of vinegar, water, and Dawn detergent first with the spritzer method, rinse, and repeat.
There are several products that are sold in such stores as Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, and other retail chains that sell specific cleaners for this type of carpet stain. Again testing a small patch of carpet in a less visible area is a good idea. Use product as directed, and beware some chemicals are harsh- wear gloves when using them as a precaution.
There are certain types of carpets such as Polypropylene that will respond safely to a carpet stain treatment of water and bleach. You can create a mixture of 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray the stained area, soaking it thoroughly, blot, rinse with warm water, and repeat until the carpet stain disappears.

Coffee stains can leave a carpet dirty or brown if not treated properly. It can cause the carpet to have a yellowish-brown tone that is quite noticeable. After blotting the dampness and coffee from the carpet you will want to follow these simple steps for removing coffee stains from your carpet:
Dry the spot as well as possible with a dry cloth by blotting. If there is a substantial amount of spillage you can make sure you are not spreading the stain by changing cloths when they become saturated with the beverage.
Try the mixture of vinegar, water, and Dawn detergent first with the spritzer method, rinse, and repeat.
There are several products that are sold in such stores as Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, and other retail chains that sell specific cleaners for this type of carpet stain. Again testing a small patch of carpet in a less visible area is a good idea. Use product as directed, and beware some chemicals are harsh- wear gloves when using them as a precaution.
There are certain types of carpets such as Polypropylene that will respond safely to a carpet stain treatment of water and bleach. You can create a mixture of 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray the stained area, soaking it thoroughly, blot, rinse with warm water, and repeat until the carpet stain disappears.

Coffee stains can leave a carpet dirty or brown if not treated properly. It can cause the carpet to have a yellowish-brown tone that is quite noticeable. After blotting the dampness and coffee from the carpet you will want to follow these simple steps for removing coffee stains from your carpet:
Dry the spot as well as possible with a dry cloth by blotting. If there is a substantial amount of spillage you can make sure you are not spreading the stain by changing cloths when they become saturated with the beverage.
Try the mixture of vinegar, water, and Dawn detergent first with the spritzer method, rinse, and repeat.
There are several products that are sold in such stores as Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreens, and other retail chains that sell specific cleaners for this type of carpet stain. Again testing a small patch of carpet in a less visible area is a good idea. Use product as directed, and beware some chemicals are harsh- wear gloves when using them as a precaution.
There are certain types of carpets such as Polypropylene that will respond safely to a carpet stain treatment of water and bleach. You can create a mixture of 1/4 cup of bleach to 1 cups of water in a spray bottle. Spray the stained area, soaking it thoroughly, blot, rinse with warm water, and repeat until the carpet stain disappears.

Remember Those Old Classic Cars

Remember Those Old Classic Cars

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Can you remember back to a time when cars were real? I mean when they were made of good heavy metal. A time when they all had their own character. They didn't all look the same. A time when you could tell a mile away that a Chevy or a Ford was coming because of the identifying characteristics. The rumble or roar of the engine. That special sound a Pontiac made as it rolled down the highway. Every car had its own specific sound and we knew all of them.
That was a time when all cars had a class of their own. They all had their own shape and look and each year we waited for the coming changes wondering how we could modify it and make it look even better.

We could chop the top, add some fins or cut in some vents. We could change the paint design and add some flames and a lot of pinstripes. We always had a new idea to make our car an extension of ourselves.

Back then we all had our own favorite car and we worked on it everyday to make it shine, run smooth and stand out in the crowd because it was ours and we were proud of it.

There was the 51 Merc, the 57 Ford convertible, the 57 Chevy. And don't forget the Charger, the Transam and the Firebird. All classic cars in a classic time.

A time when it was fun to go to the drag strip and show everyone what your car could do. It was great to pop the hood and show off the powerhouse that made that puppy roar. To see all the chrome shine and sparkle.

Remember when we hooked a sparkplug to the exhaust pipe to burn that excess gas? Man, we could shoot a beautiful flame 10 feet out of the tailpipe. Come on, you can still remember it.

Those were the good old days, rock and roll, poodle skirts and white bucks. Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper, Bill Haley and the Comets. Music you could really dance to.

Of course, there was a time that some parents and religious leaders thought rock and roll music was the dreadful sounds of the devil and wanted it banned but we proved them wrong and rock and roll lived on. It still does today.

The rock and roll music blasting on the speakers or at a local sock hop. Drive-in movies and drive-in restaurants with car hops on roller skates.

Remember cruising the gut till all hours of the night. Getting stopped by a cop, not for speeding and getting a ticket, but just because he wanted to know where you got a certain part or how you made something work.

There were even times when the Police department would work with us to close off a section in town and throw a street dance. We could all grab our guitars and drums and beat out a few tunes that everyone would dance to. Even the cops would enjoy it.

Remember it? Sure you do. You remember it and it reminds you of the good times you had and the car you owned. The way your car shined and the sound those glass pak mufflers made when you hit the peddle. The marks you left on the pavement when you burned rubber leaving a parking lot.

Its too bad that our kids can't remember things like that. So why don't you put on a some of that rock and roll music, grab your old photo album and sit down with the kids and just talk about those good old days.

Len Roe is the Owner and CEO of Diversified Distribution of Oregon. He is also the author of several books and has written articles for both business and pleasure. Some of his articles are humorous and emotional. To see more of what he has written go here: and here:

Reincarnated on Groundhog Day

Reincarnated on Groundhog Day

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One of my favorite movies is Groundhog Day (dir. Harold Ramos). It stars Bill Murray as the weatherman who keeps waking up to the same Groundhog Day over, and over, and over again. The movie has special meaning to me because, to me, the movie is about what I refer to as everyday reincarnation. Dont worry, I wont go too Buddhist on you. And, by the way SPOILER ALERT!

Bill Murrays character, Phil, keeps waking up to the same day because he is essentially the same guy everyday: cynical, misanthropic, and egotistical. If he dies, he just wakes up to the same Groundhog Day as if nothing happened. At first, he tries to use this curse to his advantage to sleep with women, and to steal money, but quickly grows bored. He even tries to get a woman to fall in love with him over and over again but it doesnt work. Rather than making the most of it, he tries everything he can to break the curse. Nothing works. He even turns altruistic at one point sort of and tries to save the lives of every person that would have died on Groundhogs Day in the town of Punxsutawney. Still doesnt work. I say sort of because if hes saving peoples lives for personal gain, its not exactly all that altruistic.

Then, one day, he decides to focus on the present moment rather than focusing on getting out. He accepts his situation, and is content with it. He figures hes got all this time, so he might as well read a few books. Get to know the people in town. He even learns to play the piano. He becomes a new man. And without even trying, the woman he pursued at the beginning of the movie all of a sudden falls in love with him. And viola, he awakens the next day to a brand new day as a new man. It is only when Phil accepts the present moment, and breaks himself of his cynicism, egotism, and misanthropic ways that he is able to break the curse of reincarnating into the same person over and over again.

Many of us go through life not living in the moment, and end up reliving the same miseries over and over again. We feel stuck in our lives, just as Phil felt stuck in that town. Rather than seizing the day, we tend to fall back to our bad habits, and our negative scripts.

According to quantum physics, we literally pop in and out of existence every moment of our existence. We are literally reincarnated everyday. We awaken everyday to new opportunities. We are simply choosing to pop back into the lives we have. We can literally choose to pop back into a different reality. We are in control of where we are emotionally with the world around us. We can choose how we react to any given moment. It is only when we choose to break ourselves of our bad habits, and negatives scripts that we can awaken into the new person we were meant to be. What day we awaken into, and the person we wake up to is not a matter of will, planning, or force. It is a matter of choice.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Into The Call Center Industry

Reasons Why You Should Consider Getting Into The Call Center Industry

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Whether youre looking for an easy job, a thrilling job, or even if youre
just looking for a way to easily get to the top of the leaderboard, you
need to choose the right business for you, and nowadays theres no such
thing as an easy choice. Wherever you look, there are plenty of options,
they are literally around every corner, but the problem is that only a
handful of those will help you acquire your goal. This article was written
with the intent of making you join the call center industry, and in it we
will be explaining the main advantages that this industry has over all the
other industries out there.

First of all, it should be mentioned that the Call Center industry is not
only well paid, its also very easy in comparison to most other jobs, and
the reason for that is because the work itself is not all that difficult to
perform. Its no day in the park, but in comparison to most other jobs out
there that offer the same price, the Call Center industry definitely is one
step ahead of its competition.

Second of all, as long as you have your main office in a zone that is
beneficial to your earnings, you will be more than set up for life. For
example, there are plenty of

BPO campaigns in Delhi
, which is the main reason why we chose to start our

Amigo Infoservices franchise
right here. As long as you find your call center franchise location and a
good BPO business provider youve already checked for everything you could
need in this scenario.

Third of all, if you wish to start a new BPO organization yourself, you
only need the resources and the manpower and you can start immediately.
Unlike most other industries out there, starting your own company in this
industry is about as simple as they get. All you need is money, and you can
just hire a company such as ourselves and voila, youve got yourself
covered for the future.

Fourth of all, the Call Center business offers plenty of job openings for
everybody that looks for a simple job to do. For example, if you want to
work from home you can find plenty of offers that give you that exact job.
A lot of people nowadays tend to go for part time jobs, which you will find
no shortage of when you enter the Call Center industry. Simply put there
are plenty of business opportunities to take advantage of in the Call
Center industry.

If you do decide to start your very own call center business, you really
should look into all of the campaigns and projects that you could take
advantage of. For example, you could easily find any of the following in
your path the moment you decide to become a Call Center manager: Call
Center projects, BPO campaigns
domestic and international BPO projects ,
inbound BPO projects, etc.

You can also look into the best BPO related companies near you and you
could use them to your advantage. For example, Amigo Infoservices is the
biggest and best BPO outsourcing company in Delhi, so a lot of smaller Call
Centers decide to check up on us and ask us for tips and tricks. Since

Amigo Infoservices reviews and complaints

have always been positive a lot of companies want to know our secrets,
which is why they all come up to us. In the end were all in the same
industry, under the exact same roof, so all we need to do is make sure that
we dont stumble upon each other. We need to make sure that we can avoid
all of that by working together from time to time.

Last but not least, the reason why you should consider getting yourself
into the Call Center industry is because of how easy it is to make a name
for yourself. You can very easily make a name from nothing, literally. One
day you are nothing to the world, nobody knows who you are, but then the
next day youre worldly renowned as the manager of one of the biggest
companies in the world. Its an ever flowing industry that always asks for
new names.

Reason to Recruit an Intern

Reason to Recruit an Intern

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Who is an intern?

The Intern is a university student or trainee who works sometimes without pay in order to gain some work experience or satisfy the requirement for a qualification. In other words, Internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to any potential employee called interns, usually, the interns are undergraduate or students.

What do they do?

They work in a temporary position for an employer within the industry that is relevant to their subject of study or they are interested in. Unlike conventional employment, internships and the intern have more emphasis on training, rather than employing it.

The necessity of an internship?

An intern gets the required experience and knowledge in their particular field of job and in their subject of interest. They also get the possibility of becoming a valuable candidate for the forthcoming opportunities for paid work, during the internship.

Different types of the internship?

You can find both short term and long term internship programs in companies or organizations.

Short term internship:

In the short-term internships, the employer gets a cheap labor or a free labor, usually to perform their low-level office based tasks, such as photocopying, filing or report drafting.

Long term internship:

In Long term internship, the employer gets a chance to advertise their graduate jobs to their intern. In most of the cases, the 20% of the employers ex-interns later end up being their prosperous employee or trainees. After leaving university, it is seen that highly likely those graduates will return to the organization that hired them as an intern for a full-time employment. The advantages of hiring an ex-intern are that they require little or no training.

Advantages of hiring an intern

An Internship can be done in a wide range of sectors like sales, marketing, engineering, graphic design, management, IT, commerce and much more. The internship helps to develop a variety of soft skills like communication skills, personal effectiveness, presentation skills, problem-solving skills, influencing skills, etc. The internship is like earning an on-the-job training it is equally valuable in learning in your studies. It gives you a hands-on experience on the matter that you have learned and helps you to understand what the job is. It gives you an opportunity to interact with the people in the position that you are willing to aspire in your future. Which in turn gives you the knowledge and provides you a space to know what it is all about and the efficient ways to reach that position.  Sometimes your career aspiration changes when you face the true realities of the role. So internship can be considered as the try before you buy option.

An Internship gives you a real insight into the nature of work and it is importance within the organization. It gives the intern to build on the theories that they have learned in the university and helps you to gain the practical skills that will help you to strengthen your CV and makes you more employable. Hiring interns, the company can both meet their human resource needs and reduce their staffing cost. The company doesnt have to put a formal program to hire an intern. The only thing that a company needs to do is to lay out their expectations to the intern once they join like. What you expect them to accomplish during their internship period? What are their roles and responsibilities? Their reporting structure and whom they need to approach for their assistance. This gives them a wider understanding of their roles and responsibility.

Most interns are paid and engineer interns are the most. But when you compare their wage expenses, it will be much lesser than the full-time staff. Moreover, the employer doesnt have to provide any variable pay or medical benefits for an intern.

Hire interns to get the minor to some major jobs done with a less pay and with more comfort.

Reality Shows Are They for Real

Reality Shows Are They for Real

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Reality shows have become a huge part of India's television screens. It allows the audience to be part of the show along with providing entertainment value via celebrity judges and controversies that arise due to the interactions of contestants on screen.

Most reality shows that are aired on TV now choose the winner through an SMS voting system. For each elimination episode, the shows call for the general public to vote for their favorites, the contestant with the most votes get to stay on the show while those at the bottom are considered for elimination - or so we are lead to believe.

Eliminations are filled with tears and smiles - the nerve wracking tension, the pleas of contestants to let them remain on the show and the "tough decisions" to be made by the judges seem to satiate the hungry minds of the television watching public. And with the person being eliminated in each round being given a free hand to express his or her views and to vent and rant, there is absolutely no dearth of drama and entertainment.

Since reality shows cater to public tastes so much it begs the question, are they for real? It is only natural to wonder how much of these shows are real and how much of it is staged. The SMS voting system to determine the winner usually comes under much fire especially when the contestants who seem to popular are suddenly voted out. The credibility of the voting system is often questioned, but what really happens behind the scenes is known only to the insiders.

Reality shows are seen as the fast gateway to fame and stardom. They put a hitherto unknown person in the spotlight within just a matter of hours. The shows also bring out latent qualities in the contestants and prove to be a grooming ground.

The contestants always emerge with significant changes to their personality and the viewing public sees the changes in them. They also get a chance to interact with celebrities who are part and parcel of the show either as judges or as guests. Contestants consider themselves privileged to learn and be groomed by seasoned professionals.

There is no denying the fact that reality shows do help contestants in a big way either in personality development or sometimes even by giving them a big break. But the shows also attract a lot of criticism. They are often accused of trading on the emotions for TRP ratings.

Reality shows also come under fire when contestants are required to perform certain acts on stage even when they are clearly not very good at it. The comments of the judges can sometimes be scathing even though the intention may be to honestly express their opinion and to help point out the flaws in the contestant's performance. The credibility of the selection as well as the elimination process is also something that is not very clear to the general public.

For those who cannot get enough of reality TVand are curious about what goes on behind the scenes of the world's biggest reality shows - including Indian Idol, the novel berstar by the Australian author Vaughn Alaine-Marshall provides an in depth view on the reality behind reality TV.

The book is a must read for all reality TV show aspirants and viewers. Whether you are just curious about the behind the scenes or you are dying to get onstage, berstar will give you a great deal of pertinent information which may help you make the right decisions and the right strategies to succeed when you do make it to the big show

Author Bio:
Australian author Vaughn Alaine-Marshall releases berstar from Hendlin Books, an explosive look at the reality television. Based largely on reality shows such as American Idol, India has Talent and other successful reality shows. The author's research included interviews with participants, producers and insiders from the world's largest reality television shows. for more:

Monday, February 26, 2018

Putlocker Movies As The Best Free Streaming Website

Putlocker Movies As The Best Free Streaming Website

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So you have heard of Putlocker Movies and now you are wondering how safe and reliable this movie streaming and downloading website is? Here we touch upon the subject with no holds barred, read on to find out how the service holds up to its bigger competitors in the industry.

Streaming tv shows and movies online is all the rage right now. These days there is simply no shortage of contents to stream and download. The same, too, can be said for video streaming websites out there. With so many choices presented before us, choosing a great and reliable video streaming websites can be quite overwhelming and so we tend to stick with the service that we are already familiar with. Oftentimes, we know that the service of this particular streaming website is infuriating but to give another website a try? Not so fast. We are aware of the trend of the cyber world trying to take advantage of our devices vulnerabilities by accessing and affecting our systems. This is the primary reason why we must always look for reliable websites to ensure our safety.

There is no denying that when dealing with online streaming websites, incredible service and safety are of the utmost importance. Much to our delightful surprise, Putlocker Movies surprisingly surpasses our expectations in both aspects. To begin, we conducted a quick research to see what the community has to say about the online streaming website, and we found out that more than 73-percent of commenters agree that the website is safe for children whereas 79-percent of them find the website to be incredibly safe and trustworthy. Putlocker may not be as huge as its competitors, but from the research we have conducted, it has won so many people with its reliability and service. With these findings, we move on to the second aspect: the service. As one of so many online streaming website, Putlocker has successfully caught our intention with its unique offering the ability to download movies and tv shows, and on top of that? You may do it for free! This seems too good to be true, isnt it? But we will talk more about it later on as we are now about to talk about its online streaming service.

Putlocker offers an easy-to-use interface with the latest movies lined up on the front of its page. Cant see your favorite movie on the page? Simply type in the title of the movie and Putlocker will show the desired result in a matter of second. With its incredible search engine and massive number of contents available for us to stream online as well as download directly, it is difficult to not love Putlocker. More so when you throw in the fact that we can do all of that without having to spend a penny in the process, this website truly is a winner. So if you are on the lookout for a remarkable free online streaming and downloading website that is also free from malware and other suspicious activities, there is simply no better option other than Putlocker Movies.

Projector Screens by Da-Lite Screens

Projector Screens by Da-Lite Screens

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Home theater systems are now common in many households. People are ready to spend money for entertainment purposes and invest in expensive home theater systems. Even though you have an expensive device, you can't have the real theater experience without effective home theater screens.

There are people who think that it is waste of money to invest in home theater screens. A home theater system with digital devices and speakers is not necessarily a cheap setup. After buying the system, many people buy white fabric to use as projector screen. You can view pictures on simple white fabric, but to have the real experience, you need projector screens.

These projector screens are highly sophisticated and you can view each and every color in the movie with the use of a good projector screen. If you are ready to spend for the home theater system, you must be ready to install the screen as well.

Home theater screens must be chosen depending on your room size and usage. Fixed screens are mounted on walls and installed during the setup of your home theater system. You can hide ugly wires and give a classical appearance to your home theater with the use of these wall mounted screens. If you feel that you won't have enough space in your room to mount the screen, you can buy retractable projector screen.

This screen can be retracted back when you don't use it. Tripod screens are basically useful when you are on travel. This type of screen is smaller so that it can be carried to any place. If you intend to buy projector screens to watch movies at home, you don't have to buy tripod screens.

Several companies sell home theater screens at various sizes and prices. It is up to you to decide what type of screen you want. The modern day digital screens are highly precise that you can watch every color and every pixel clearly on the screen. You will see sharp images and high color quality with these digital screens. Once you watch a movie using projector screen, you will realize how stupid it is to use some white fabric as the screen.

You don't have to choose the first screen that you come across. On the Internet, you will find a number of websites selling projector screens for your home theater system. If you wish to save money and get the best value for the amount you pay, you should do comparison shopping. While comparing different products, you have to compare based on various factors such as price, quality, company, features and so on.

Before you start your shopping for screens for home theater projector, you must identify the size of the screen you need. This decision must be made considering your room space and distance of the projector from the screen. Without this knowledge, you will end up with something that is either too big or too small for your home theater screen room.

Projector Discount Store sells projector screens at discounted prices. If you can't spend more for a projector screen for your home theater, then you should take a look at a variety of home theater screens.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

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(I use "she" throughout this article but it applies to male victims as well)

Contrary to popular misconceptions, and Acute Stress Disorder (or Reaction) are not typical responses to prolonged abuse. They are the outcomes of sudden exposure to severe or extreme stressors (stressful events). Some victims whose life or body have been directly and unequivocally threatened by an abuser react by developing these syndromes. PTSD is, therefore, typically associated with the aftermath of physical and sexual abuse in both children and adults.

One's (or someone else's) looming death, violation, personal injury, or powerful pain are sufficient to provoke the behaviours, cognitions, and emotions that together are known as PTSD. Even learning about such mishaps may be enough to trigger massive anxiety responses.

The first phase of PTSD involves incapacitating and overwhelming fear. The victim feels like she has been thrust into a nightmare or a horror movie. She is rendered helpless by her own terror. She keeps re-living the experience through recurrent and intrusive visual and auditory hallucinations ("flashbacks") or dreams. In some flashbacks, the victim completely lapses into a dissociative state and physically re-enacts the event while being thoroughly oblivious to her whereabouts.

In an attempt to suppress this constant playback and the attendant exaggerated startle response (jumpiness), the victim tries to avoid all stimuli associated, however indirectly, with the traumatic event. Many develop full-scale phobias (agoraphobia, claustrophobia, fear of heights, aversion to specific animals, objects, modes of transportation, neighbourhoods, buildings, occupations, weather, and so on).

Most PTSD victims are especially vulnerable on the anniversaries of their abuse. They try to avoid thoughts, feelings, conversations, activities, situations, or people who remind them of the traumatic occurrence ("triggers").

This constant hypervigilance and arousal, sleep disorders (mainly insomnia), the irritability ("short fuse"), and the inability to concentrate and complete even relatively simple tasks erode the victim's resilience. Utterly fatigued, most patients manifest protracted periods of numbness, automatism, and, in radical cases, near-catatonic posture. Response times to verbal cues increase dramatically. Awareness of the environment decreases, sometimes dangerously so. The victims are described by their nearest and dearest as "zombies", "machines", or "automata".

The victims appear to be sleepwalking, depressed, dysphoric, anhedonic (not interested in anything and find pleasure in nothing). They report feeling detached, emotionally absent, estranged, and alienated. Many victims say that their "life is over" and expect to have no career, family, or otherwise meaningful future.

The victim's family and friends complain that she is no longer capable of showing intimacy, tenderness, compassion, empathy, and of having sex (due to her post-traumatic "frigidity"). Many victims become paranoid, impulsive, reckless, and self-destructive. Others somatise their mental problems and complain of numerous physical ailments. They all feel guilty, shameful, humiliated, desperate, hopeless, and hostile.

PTSD need not appear immediately after the harrowing experience. It can and often is delayed by days or even months. It lasts more than one month (usually much longer). Sufferers of PTSD report subjective distress (the manifestations of PTSD are ego-dystonic). Their functioning in various settings job performance, grades at school, sociability deteriorates markedly.

The DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) criteria for diagnosing PTSD are far too restrictive. PTSD seems to also develop in the wake of verbal and emotional abuse and in the aftermath of drawn out traumatic situations (such a nasty divorce). Hopefully, the text will be adapted to reflect this sad reality.

Plasma TVs vs. LCD TVs Which Is Better

Plasma TVs vs. LCD TVs Which Is Better

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If you ask ten random people on the street what piece of electronic home equipment they most want to buy this year, chances are that at least 7 of them will tell you they would love a wide screen flat panel TV. Flat panel TVs offer previously unheard of levels of sharpness and clarity. Add high quality surround sound to the package, and a flat panel TV becomes a pretty difficult item to pass up.

When it comes to specifics, though, most folks are a bit less certain of exactly what kind of television they want. Even the most basic choice - plasma or LCD - can be confusing to an everyday consumer. One television ad extols the beauties and benefits of the latest plasma technology while the next tells you how LCD televisions represent the wave of the future. Is this a VHS or Betamax moment?

Not exactly, say most audio-video experts. Plasma and LCD televisions each have their own pros and cons, making them better suited in specific situations. It all depends on size, viewing area, the viewing conditions, and price. For many individuals, when all is said and done, it comes down to picture quality. However, these factors may influence your decision when trying to decide between plasma or an LCD television set.

Size - Bigger Is Not Always Better

If you have to fit a flat panel television into a wall space that's less than 37 inches across, then you may want to go with an LCD television since current plasma TV technology does not allow for sizes much smaller than that. You can buy an LCD flat panel television as small as 10 inches across and as large as 65 inches. Plasma sets, on the other hand, start at about 37 inches and go up to 103 inches. And if you go much larger than 32 inches with an LCD screen, however, you are getting into pricey territory.

Lighting Level

The viewing conditions will also determine which type of set looks best in your viewing room. If you can position the television so that you can view it head on, LCD delivers a beautifully bright, sharp picture. If the room is bright, LCD is also the better choice, thanks to special screen coatings and the brightness of the LCD cells. If the television is going to be located in a room bright sunny room like a patio or kitchen, then go for the LCD.

On the other hand, plasma screen television are much better at delivering blacker blacks and whiter whites, which translates to sharper colors over a wider viewing area in normal lighted rooms. If your room is large enough that some people will be viewing the screen at an angle, then plasma screen televisions are your better options.

Picture and Action Quality

If you are watching a lot of sports and action movies, then plasma might again be your better choice. LCD screens have a slower video response time. It is not very noticeable in most scenes, but in fast action scenes like sporting events or high speed car chases in movies, you will see the difference. The biggest tradeoff for the picture quality is price - LCD screens are still cheaper than plasma screens until you hit about 42 inches screen width.

Plasma Pros and Cons

Overall, plasma television screens have a lot of things going for them. They have a wide viewing angle, better contrast for darks and light colors and a faster video response time, making them more suitable for viewing sports and action movies. In addition, today's top of the line plasma televisions have a very high shelf life - they're rated to run for about 60,000 hours before losing picture quality. That's about 7 years of watching television 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In a more typical viewing household where the television might be on for 6 or so hours a day, the plasma television that you buy today will still be going strong in 27 years.

LCD Pros and Cons

LCD televisions are brighter, so they're better for viewing in bright rooms like waiting rooms, patios and kitchens. They are available in much smaller sizes than plasma televisions - as small as 10 inches. Between 32 inches and 42 inches, LCD televisions are less expensive than plasma televisions. Because they have slower video response times, they don't do quite as good a job of showing sports action and fast movie action scenes.

Armed with that information, check out the various television options that you have. Consider where you will place your new television, what size space you have to fill and how you will watch it to help you decide whether a plasma screen or an LCD screen is the better choice for you.

Jesse Kelly is a freelance writer who writes about style, fashion and shopping, often offering tips and advice about how to shop.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Pipe Maintenance for Your Winter Home

Pipe Maintenance for Your Winter Home

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Pipe maintenance is one of the most vital household tasks.

A cracked or burst pipe can cause up to tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage. A common cause of this type of damage is water freezing within the pipes, so looking after them during the winter is crucial.

Even if youve got insurance, it can be heartwrenching to see your home damaged by water. And dealing with the aftermath can be lengthy and stressful. Plus, not every home insurer will cover you for this check your policy if you dont know.

Its best to prevent the situation as best as possible by putting a good pipe maintenance regime in place in the home.

Heres how to keep your pipes running smoothly particularly during the winter months.

Insulate Your Pipes

Prevention is the best cure if your pipes cant get cold they cant freeze!

Wrapping them up in foam or rubber insulation can help to keep them warm during the winter months. This is a cheap way which is very effective at reducing the chance of a pipe bursting.

Electrical heating tape is another option, but you should consult with an expert about this.

Self-heating materials can be dangerous if wrongly applied, and they may also cost you a lot in terms of your energy usage.

Double-check your basement and attic, as well as any accessible crawlspaces, for pipes without insulation.

Check Outdoor Pipes Too

If youre arranging professional pipe maintenance, dont forget to have your contractors check pipes running underground in your yard for example, to a water feature.

This is important because if underground pipes crack, the earth around them can sink as water seeps into it. This can be expensive to put right, as you might need to hire a professional landscaper to start all over.

A specialist might be able to advise on a course of action to help keep these pipes from bursting in winter. Insulation is usually the best answer if they arent already insulated.

But you might want to leave this job to a pro in case you crack a pipe by digging them up yourself. One thing you can do yourself though is to make sure the water is drained from any swimming pools you have or from your water sprinkler supply line. Dont be tempted to use antifreeze in either of these.

Its possible that youll need to make sure water is running outside the property maybe to an RV parked on your land. The common advice is to disconnect any hoses before winter because this will break too if water freezes.

A freezeproof hose like the NoFreezeWaterHose is your best bet if you absolutely need to run that line. For example, if you have animals to look after.

Run Your Taps From Time to Time

If there are taps in the house you dont use often, flush them through with warm water every couple of days during a cold snap.

If youre concerned about a particular pipe, leave a faucet dripping slightly. This ensures that water is still being pushed through the pipe at a slow speed. Which means that pressure shouldnt build up in the system.

The movement of the water will also help to prevent it from freezing.

Fill Gaps To Stop the Cold From Getting In

If there are any gaps around or inside your home where pipes are being exposed to cold air, seal these shut.

You might choose to use sealing caulk or replaster any holes in your walls.

Carefully check all your external and internal walls for gaps. Gaps are also attractive to vermin seeking a warm place to live, so thats just one more reason to seal them off.

Conversely, inside your home, leave doors to cupboards open if they have pipes running through them. Your heating will keep them warmer than they would have been with a closed door.

Leave the Heat On

Its likely youve got the heat on anyway if its freezing cold outside. But if you usually use only certain rooms, make sure the radiators in all other rooms are on too.

You dont need to leave the heat on at full blast. But a comfortable temperature to prevent freezing is sensible perhaps in the mid-20s to 30s.

If part of your building is sublet, make sure your tenants know that they must leave the heat on slightly when they go out. If theyre running their own meters, you might want to offer a contribution towards their winter energy bills.

This will make them more likely to comply with your request. And many landlords would happily pay $100 or so to cover the extra cost in winter. Its nothing compared with the cost of repairing a burst pipe in their unit, so the feeling of security is worth every penny.

Make Sure Your Water Heater Works

While were talking about heating, you should make sure that your water heater is working properly well before winter arrives.

If that fails during winter, youll be in trouble. Get it professionally serviced in August or September so that theres plenty of time to fix problems before winter comes.

In fact, you can add pipe maintenance to the list while your water heater is being inspected to knock out two jobs at once. Ask the inspector to take a look at any reachable pipes and examine them for wear and damage.

Replacing a damaged pipe in the summer is far better than it bursting in January.

Hire a Professional if Youre Unsure about Pipe Maintenance

We hope this guide has given you all you need to know about pipe maintenance in time for winter.

However, there are times when its good to get a second opinion. So if youre unsure about your pipes, or pipe maintenance, consult with a specialist.

As weve mentioned, paying a few hundred bucks for a professional opinion is worth it for peace of mind!

Make sure to check in on our blog on a regular basis for tips on maintaining a happy home.

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Piano Teaching Tips for Highly Motivated Music Teachers

Piano Teaching Tips for Highly Motivated Music Teachers

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Are you a music teacher who intends to improve himself and gain professional growth? Well, read on as this blog aims to cite and identify some relevant and effective piano teaching tips - applicable to all music teachers out there.

Music education as well as learning various musical instruments has become more and more interesting, competitive and in-demand. Aside from arts, science and technology, music generally has turned out to be both the passion and the profession of most music teachers, musicians and music educators. With this, music teachers around the globe are motivated and inspired to learn new tricks, strategies and techniques more than to what they are used to. Here are some of the useful piano teaching tips that can make you both effective and efficient:

Time and stress management. Music teaching as well as teaching any other subjects requires time, effort and other resources. When you leave your classroom or private music studio, your work doesn't stop. Sometimes you bring your work along with you at home - accomplishing unfinished businesses, unchecked and unrecorded activities, worksheets and quizzes. With these tedious tasks, you need to learn how to manage your time and organize your workloads. Proper time management draws you closer to a more successful and happy teacher life; thus, eliminating risks and chances of getting stressed out.

Continuous learning. Music teachers enhance their skills and achieve professional growth through various workshops, seminars and conferences. These series of training sessions help them in building enough self-confidence and self-esteem in teaching individuals from different ages with different lifestyles. With the kind of professional development they have, they have become fully-equipped with the right skills, knowledge and expertise. Also, they tend to update themselves with the latest piano teaching tips as well as the newest and most effective music teaching strategies.

Professionalism. This term has a wide array of meanings and significance. From one level to another, this needs continuous learning, dedication and passion. This also refers to good and reliable customer service, work ethics, and business integrity that are often grouped together and mixed up in other people's minds as one big concept. Others see this as one's personal commitment to anything that he does, thinks, says and feels.

It is true that music teaching is one big responsibility and noble profession; thus, it requires much time, effort and resources. To be tagged as a professional, music teachers must learn how to handle different kinds of learners, situations and circumstances with all composure, character and fairness.

Consequently, music and piano teachers must willingly improve themselves for more effective comprehensive, innovative and interactive teaching strategies and techniques - making their students appreciate and love both learning music and music as a whole. As music educators, remember that you can inspire your students in many ways and touch their lives as well - more than just motivating and encouraging them to learn.

The above piano teaching tips allow many music teachers around the globe consider themselves professionals and have become worthy of respect, trust and appreciation at all times. So make yourselves equipped with the right weapons to make your students and parents realize that teaching is both your profession and passion - teaching music by heart.

More piano teaching tips are available on this music teacher website - Earl Marsden

Music Education Articles

Photography By Means Of The Ages

Photography By Means Of The Ages

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These days photography could not be more different. In the movies, we utilized to be astonished when spies had cameras in their watches or the soles of their sneakers. But now it is typical for virtually absolutely everyone to have a camera in their mobile phone and to be in a position to pull it out and snap a photo virtually anyplace.
Let fill in a few gaps. We can go back to the origins of the language to find that the word photography started in the Greek instances and it actually implies drawing with light. But the actual science of photography did not genuinely get off until the 1800's in this nation when a fellow by the title of John Hershel utilized the phrases photography, positives and negatives to the activity of producing images. We had negatives of our pictures from then until the dawn of digital photography in the last couple of many years.
For most of us, though, the company Eastman Kodak is almost certainly the one particular we associate most with the early developments of photography. And it was the early pioneer of photography, George Eastman that manufactured the very first developments on the primitive techniques becoming utilized till his operate in 1839. A tiny trivia? Eastman made the name Kodak up because he wanted his business name to begin with a K.
The developments started to come along rather routinely as photography started to mature and turn out to be more sophisticated. Colour photography was designed in 1861 by a scientist named James Clark Maxwell. Up until then, all images have been black and white or monochrome. Color photography was a massive leap forward but it genuinely did not start off to move into the public arena until two brothers named Lumire in 1907 invented the color plate.
More than the decades to comply with, photography moved forward steadily and moved out of the planet of science and then journalism and into each of our residences. But the revolution that has turned photography into what we know it to have nowadays occurred in 1981 when Sony invented the initial camera that worked without having film. The digital age was upon us.
It was Kodak that yet again acquired the lead in the marketplace by obtaining the first digital camera out on the market in 1990 when they developed the Kodak DCS a hundred. As with all technology, early digital cameras had been large (by these days specifications) and a lot far more expensive than we are utilized to now.
Innovation in the area of photography has continued to march practically as quick as people could keep up. When digital cameras have been presented that gave us a port to be able to download them to our personal computers, the internet explosion of imagery was fueled.
Further development coming virtually every 12 months since 1990 incorporated the speedy and phenomenal expansion of memory in digital cameras along with the idea of swappable storage drives. This altered the way men and women took photos since now the quantity of photographs a person could take was virtually limitless. The growth of memory also gave developers the capability to add video capture to the same gadgets as have been utilized for photography so that practically anybody could become a cameraman with that tiny camera that could by this time match in their shirt pocket. Much of the excitement of world wide web websites like YouTube can be attributed to the capability of the regular citizen to take video anyplace, anytime and at no cost to them.
The photography and video sector have had to do a whole lot of adjusting to discover how to service this marketplace that was altering at speeds unimaginable by George Eastman a century just before. The affordable availability of good quality color printers that enabled men and women to print their pictures at the property was a boon to the amateur camera buff but a blow to the photography business.
But to their credit, the industry has kept up. But we can be positive that the developments are just acquiring underway. Who understands what new technical wizardry is ahead for the photography world. It is certain to be an exciting trip, no matter what the potential holds.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Photo Shoot of South Indian Actress in Bikini Can Actually Make Your Day More Cheerful

Photo Shoot of South Indian Actress in Bikini Can Actually Make Your Day More Cheerful

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Hot, spicy and sizzling wallpapers of south Indian actresses have the potential to attract many an eyeball. Even when you are forced to work by your tight schedules and meetings just a glance through photos of actress in bikini can bring a smile to your face. Even if you are as occupied as a bee, you can still manage to view the pics and stills of Tamil actress and Telugu actresses who are renowned to be exquisite and appealing.

Photo shoot of actresses will surely amaze you as you will find that it has the power to make your day more bright and resourceful. As a matter of fact, if they are film personalities, their numbers would invoke in you several extraordinary actions from a number of orthodox renderings around the giant screen. The larger the fan following, the more popular the actress is and subsequently more is the demand for her wallpapers, hot photos and spicy images. These kinds of movie stills and spicy wallpapers kindle everyone, in other words stimulate them and permit them to lose their boredom.

You can also transfer them to your mobile phone and its a sort of time inspiration and that is equipped at hand. Some of the most famous and popular tamil actresses are Anushka, Asin, Bhavana, Namitha, Nayantara, anushka and a lot more. On a similar note, some of the most popular Telugu actresses are Swathi, Ramya Krishnan, Rambha, Jyothika, Simran, Sada, Ritu Barmecha, Monalisa, sandhya and a lot more. Amongst sizzling wallpapers of south Indian celebrities, Telugu actress photo shoot is an instant supply of inspiration typically and will surely sweep you off your feet.

Pulling supplied by using a rare radiance of unique stardom along with the reminiscences of the scenes these actress immortalized often abandon the boredom in you in minutes of cheery ecstasies and maddening satisfaction. So, popular wallpapers of superstar versions, Telugu and Tamil actresses are likely to be an immediate spirit for a lot of during irritable minutes.

As modern-day health revelation reveals, how much perfection in person try might well be fluctuating depending on the oracle ambience an affliction where the professed undertaking occurs. Thus you can look at wallpapers and live healthily. Nevertheless, in case you are thrilled, your thoughts might enfold uncertain thoughts of resourceful imagination and that consequently could create shining mindset and deliver the results in an unprecedented way.

Actress Hot is a entertainment website.Get Latest Photos of Hollywood Bollywood South Indian Actress, Photo Shoot, Movie Stills, Event photos and More,Actress hot, hot Photos, Photo shoot, in bikini, Actress, movie stills, hot, Tamil actress, Telugu actress, South Indian, Photos, wallpapers, pics, stills, images, spicy.

Penn Levelwind Reel Reviews

Penn Levelwind Reel Reviews

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The Penn levelwind reels can be used in many different types of fishing such as a casting reel for surf fishing, deep sea bottom fishing, jigging either from a boat or a pier and trolling in both freshwater and saltwater. You can catch just about anything with these including your fishing partner if your not careful.

These reels have precision machined stainless steel pinion gears with high-strength bronze alloy main gears. Each reel has an anodized aluminum spool. Composite side plates and a warning clicker. These reels also feature a free spool lever. Penn Levelwind Reels are made to take abuse from mother nature as well as careless fisher men.

The Penn Levelwind Reels are tough guy reels you simply can not find a better working or longer lasting levelwind reel you can get more expensive ones just not better Penn Reels has set the standard for excellence for nearly 80 years and is like the energizer bunny it keeps on going and going.

Penn General Purpose Round Levelwind Reels 9M, 209 and 309

Penn 9M 3.4:1 gear ratio 13oz 15 LB/275 yards This reel is a tough with an excellent drag and loud clicker just watch out for backlashes. When casting these types of reels be sure you keep your thumb lightly on the line, you may not cast as far but it wont jam and the back lash wont be as big a problem.

The Penn 9M can be used for jigging, lake fishing, ocean fishing, river fishing and trolling an all around type of reel. I have seen very few people that have had problems with it. Some said screws fell out or were coming loose, a word to the wise always check your gear before you leave your house.

A few said their clicker failed, other then these 2 problems everybody agrees that this reel is great for what ever type of fishing you do. Weather your going for big catfish or Tarpon the Penn 9M will do the job nicely.

Penn 209 2.8:1 gear ratio 19oz 20 LB/320 yards This is a tough guy reel it will take lots of abuse and it never fails to bring in the big ones. This reel has stood the test of time and will continue to do so. This is the type reel preferred by charter boats for their toughness and reliability.

The Penn 209 can be used for jigging, down rigging, lake fishing, ocean fishing, river fishing and trolling an all around type of reel. As with the 9M the 209 has few complaints against them mostly minor or irritating, there is always a few lemons but 99% of the time it's a great reel.

If your looking for a dependable reel that isn't going to break the bank then get a Penn 209 Reel it will give you years of pleasure, high quality, great value at a very reasonable price.

Penn 309 2.8:1 gear ratio 26oz 30 LB/350 yards this is another tough guy reel this reel can be used for jigging, lake fishing, ocean fishing, river fishing, surf casting and trolling an all around type of reel. If you are going to be casting with this reel get yourself a thumb guard unless of course you have heavy duty calluses on your thumb.

The Penn 309 will give you years of great fishing this is a work horse of a reel dependable, durable and strong enough to bring up some really big fish. Every body agrees for the money this reel can't be beat, from catfish to 5ft sharks this reel will handle the job.

I have spent nearly 4.5 hours searching the net been to over a dozen websites read every review I could find and everybody has similar stories to tell about how fantastic their Penn General Purpose Round Levelwind Reels 9M, 209 and 309 are. I personally own the 9M and 309 I have used these reels for over 30 years!

Partnership Firm Formation And Registration In India

Partnership Firm Formation And Registration In India

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Two or more people when come together with a common idea of business by infusing the sources and funds together with the common goal of earning profit is termed as Partnership. Partnership Firm is one of the common forms of business in India as it does not require stringent procedure to be followed and avails the flexibility in administration to the Partners.

The formation of Partnership Firm shall be with mutual consent of Partners to the business. The firm shall be formed and registered by following the procedure prescribed in this regards under Indian Partnership Act, 1932.


Indian Partnership Act allows a firm to be formed and executed by entering into Partnership Agreement. Further, it provides types of Partnership Firm as Unregistered Partnership Firm or Registered Partnership Firm. Whether the firm is registered or not the Partnership firm is legal in the eyes of Law.

Unregistered Partnership Firm:
The Unregistered Partnership Firm is established by entering into agreement by the partners of the proposed firm. The Unregistered Partnership Firm as stated to be legal allows the Partners to carry on the business in manner stated and provided in the agreement.

Registered Partnership Firm:
The Partnership Firm is to be registered with the Registrar of Firm (RoF) having jurisdiction over the Place of Business of the Firm. The registration of Partnership firm involves payment of Government fees to Registrar, varied from state to state according to the State Law.

The Registration of Partnership Firm is preferable as the unregistered Partnership Firm cannot sue the third party or contracting party and vice-versa. Also, the Partners, in case of internal disputes or issues, cannot approach the Court and shall resolve the disputes with the help of arbitrator or alternate dispute resolution mechanism. Furthermore, the registration also helps the expansion and conversion of the Firm into any other form of Business.

An unregistered Partnership Firm at any stage can be registered in order to remove the deficiencies as prescribed above.

Know the steps to be followed and considered for formation of Partnership Firm:

Preparation and Execution of Partnership Deed:
The Partnership Deed shall contain the covenants such as the name and business place of the firm, business activities to be carried on, the contribution and profit sharing ratio of the Partners or any other conditions required.

Payment of Stamp Duty and Notary:
The Partnership Deed prepared shall be executed by the payment of stamp duty as applicable in accordance with the respective state law. One may either opt for execution on non-judicial paper or franking i.e. payment of stamp duty from banking channel. Subsequently the deed shall be notarised after providing the signature of all partners along with witnesses to agreement.

Registration of Partnership Firm with RoF:
The registration of Partnership Firm is voluntary, however is preferable by the businessmen. The registration procedure prescribed by the respective Government shall be followed with payment of requisite Government Fees and submitting the documents required.

Application for PAN:
The application for allocation of PAN shall be made to the Income Tax department as the department identifies the Partnership different from its Partners.

Opening Bank Account:
The current account in the name of the Partnership Firm shall be opened in order to regulate the transaction of the Firm.

Documents required to register a Partnership Firm:

Self-attested copy of PAN card of Partners
Self-attested copy of Address Proof of Partners
Utility Bill as Business Address Proof
Rent or lease Agreement of Business Address (if place is rented)
NOC from the owner of Business Place (if place is rented)
Original Partnership Deed
Application form in the prescribed format
Any other documents as required by Registrar
The Partnership Firm is best suitable for starting any business having small scale of operations and requires flexibility in operations. Also, where the business idea involves higher risk of discontinuation or failure of products, can be started with Partnership Firm, which afterwards can be converted into any other form of business with the stability and growth of the business.

The introduction of LLP has caused erosion of popularity of Partnership Firm in India as LLP allows benefit of flexibility and tax advantages along with the benefit of Body Corporate.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Panic Attack In Dogs - Causes And Methods To Help Your Dog

Panic Attack In Dogs - Causes And Methods To Help Your Dog

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Panic attack in dogs comes on suddenly and can be triggered by loud noises such as thunder, fireworks or gun shots. The fight or flight instinct kicks in big-time, but since they can't fight something they can't see, some dogs will usually try to run away from the noise. For dogs who are fenced in or contained within a house, there is nowhere for them to go. So they turn all of that "flight" energy into outward destructive behavior or they internalize it, causing severe shaking, whining, panting, and raised heart rate.

It is not really understood why some dogs suffer from these panic attacks and others don't. One dog in a household may sleep through a violent thunderstorm, while another dog goes absolutely berserk and seems to be totally inconsolable.

If you have adopted a rescued dog, it may be impossible to know its previous history. It could have included some type of incident that left it deathly afraid of certain situations or sounds. If only they could tell us. Then again, I'm not sure I would want to know. Anyway, the reason behind the panic may never be known, but it's really not as important as helping your dog overcome the behavior.

I really think that a panic attack in dogs is much the same as it is in people. I don't think we really understand why some people suffer from it and yet others don't. However, humans have the means to seek out help and put that help to use in conquering our fears.

Dogs don't have the tools to deal with an anxiety or panic attack. They have no means of working through it or of understanding how to overcome this panic they are experiencing.

That is where we, as their caretakers, must intervene and find methods to help overcome this panic attack in dogs.

First of all, I have to stress the importance of not punishing your dog for running away or destroying something during a panic attack. Your dog is reacting to something he doesn't understand. By punishing him you will only be adding to the stress and confusion, possibly escalating any further episodes.

I do believe that a dog who has undergone some obedience dog training will have a bit of an edge over an untrained dog in that you may be able to distract your trained dog momentarily with commands. This is not always the case with extreme anxiety, because it does seem to over-ride any previous training, but with mild cases of panic attack, distraction with obedience work may help.

One method of calming your dog during a panic or anxiety attack is through the use of sedatives. This is not a recommended method for the obvious reason that it will not solve the problem. It will only drug your dog through the event. Most sedatives will last for a few hours, during which time your dog will be lethargic, unsteady and uncoordinated.

Some sedatives will restrict the reactions of the dog, yet will not lessen the terror going on within the dog's mind. He will still experience the distress of the situation without being able to do anything about it. If you have decided to use sedatives to help your dog through an extremely anxious time, please do some research on the side effects of the particular sedative you will be using.

The ultimate goal is to help your dog overcome its terror and get through a stressful event with a somewhat more peaceful balance of mind.

Another tool for helping overcome a panic attack in dogs is the anxiety wrap. You can find this as the Original Anxiety Wrap and the Thundershirt. The anxiety wrap is a snugly fitting shirt that exerts deep touch pressure on pressure points to soothe a dog during stress. It is similar to the swaddling of an infant to help it feel secure. This does not work for every dog or every instance of irrational anxiety a dog may experience, but it does help many dogs. Some it helps instantly, others may take several times of using the anxiety wrap to gradually lessen the extreme panic they have experienced so many times.

One other method of teaching your dog to overcome its extreme fear is by gradually exposing it to the very thing it is terrified of, such as thunder. You would start this with a tape recording of thunder. Play it at a very low level, encouraging your dog to take treats, to play ball, to dance around and have fun. This will help your dog to associate good things with the noise it has previously deemed terrifying. Gradually increase the noise, but only after your dog has accepted each level, showing no significant anxiety.

There are several methods to work through a panic attack in dogs. There really is no reason to simply watch your dog deal with the terror it feels. It may take some research, some effort and a LOT of patience, but it will be worth it in the end to suddenly realize you are in the middle of a thunderstorm and your dog is lying peacefully on its bed.

Paid Surveys Online With Legitimate Companies

Paid Surveys Online With Legitimate Companies

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Paid surveys are a great way to receive cash for your opinions. Your rewarded for doing things you do everyday like going to the movies, eating out, and buying products at stores like Walmart and Target. Love sharing your opinion? Indulge yourself and get paid for surveys on more serious topics like crime, politics, the environment, parenting, social issues and more.
If you are in it to make some quick cash or because you love to express your opinion than this site is for you. There are many survey sites out there that are scams or kind of scams. We deliver the best sites to you for free to eliminate bad ones so you have the best possible experiences online.


The scam sites don't deserve our attention but are worth mentioning. They are sites that act like survey sites, take your name, email, and other personal identifiable information and then lead you down a path of spammy sites and advertisements that lead nowhere.


Legitimate sites offer a sign-up bonus just for signing up. These bonuses range from $2, $5, or even up to $25. Most will be around $5. It should not cost you anything to enter a survey site or most likely its a scam.

More reliable paid surveys online do not necessarily offer a sign on bonus. Instead, may sometimes offer higher money-making opportunities. At least you sign on for free and start making money without having to come out of the pocket.

Swagbucks is an awesome paid survey website. They broke down the surveys into featured and non-featured and provide the time frame it will take to complete a survey along with the amount you receive once complete it. The key to being successful is providing accurate information or they will discover the answers you have provided in the past that did not match up with your future answers and proceed to terminate your survey account. Although its rare some people try and speed through various paid online surveys and this is one of the procedures to catch them.

Market research companies hire companies like Swagbucks in order to provide incentives to people to fill out their opinion polls.

Market research is an over 44 billion dollar industry. Companies that offer surveys pay out millions to its members. These are in forms of sweepstakes, trips, vacations, merchandise, and many people's The highest payouts I have come across has been $200 for an hour long survey panel session. The high payouts are reserved for serious people who take the opportunity seriously, are honest with their answers, and earn the trust of these companies.

If you enjoy taking paid surveys as much as I do, then you wouldnt mind taking them for free as well. Once you join sites to get paid to take surveys you will discover sometimes a free one or two will pop up. Do not be alarmed because it allows the company offering the survey, as well as the client supplying the survey, more information about you and how you work.

One of the most lucrative offers is for products and services. Many times you may be asked to try out a product for free in order to evaluate it and share your feedback. For these type of offers they pay very well because the companies have a ready made product that needs skilled people to share honest and valuable opinions. Score big with these offers and more high paying offers will pop up for you to test.

A great way to maintain a high level of income with your survey taking is through utilizing mobile apps. Many of the more prominent survey companies come equipped with apps that you can use to take surveys while on the go. If you are waiting in a Drs office, in a car, at the airport, you can still reach that lucrative goal within a particular site in order to achieve that special bonus with your smartphone.


Do not get upset when surveys disqualify you. Most survey sites disqualify you for taking a particular survey and you are left wondering why. This is totally normal. The paid to do surveys try and reach a certain demographic point and based on your answer for a particular question, reached its max capacity for that particular answer, gender, nationality, combination of each, etc.

For example:

Kim is female, 28, Caucasian, has 2 kids, single and the question she was booted out from was did she go to Walmart yesterday. She answered yes but was booted out for some reason after 15 minutes of taking a survey.

John is male, 28, 2 kids, single and Caucasian. He answered the same question with a yes after 15 minutes into the survey as well but because he was male was allowed to continue based on that particular demographic.

Obviously there are other factors and combinations that may disqualify people from certain paid opinion surveys but the main thing is not to get discouraged.

The longer you participate with instant paid surveys with a particular company the more they will get to know you as long as you answer the questions honestly. In the future you will be screened out a lot earlier and screened in for surveys faster for instant cash, especially through invitations inside your email.

Whether you live in the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, South Africa, or anywhere else in the world this site is for YOU to explore and get paid for doing surveys online.


Out Of This World Intercourse Positions That Can Drive Your Man Crazy

Out Of This World Intercourse Positions That Can Drive Your Man Crazy

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Do you want to have sex tonight? Then better make it as unforgettable and as wicked as possible. Remember, a wise and witty woman always makes her mark every time she makes love to her man. Keep in mind that great sex should not only spice up your love life, but it should also have a lingering effect on you and your lover. It should inspire him, empower you and make him love you more. If you want to make your mark in the bedroom, then surprise him with this hot intercourse positions that can definitely blow his mind away!

1. Lets begin with something mild. When your man is having a hard- on, push his penis towards his stomach and start licking the underside of his shaft. Some tip to remember, when licking, keep your tongue flat and move your head from side to side to make sure you dont miss a spot! Be sure to bend over, and give him a clear view of your yummy bottom, while doing the act. The view and the sensation will absolutely drive him crazy!A great foreplay before doing some intense intercourse positions.

2. Instruct him. While hes going down on you, tell him to do a number eight figure on your clitoris so he wont miss any angle. This will certainly heat things up before doing some sizzling intercourse positions.

3. Before doing some mind blowing intercourse positions, apply some warming lubricants to enhance the sensation.

4. Do the wild massage! No, not on his back or his feet, but on the spot behind his balls, yes, the perineum, the pleasure spot. Intensify his orgasm by circularly massaging this area with your 2 fingers not less than 30 seconds before he ejaculates.

5. For maximum clitoral stimulation on his pelvic area, lean forward and rest your upper body against his. Then bring one leg to the side and bend it, while straighten the other leg and slide it in between his leg.

6. For deep and maximum penetration. Sit down on the sofa, legs wide apart, hips slightly on the edge and feet on the ground. After positioning yourself, have him kneel in front of you and let him enter you from there. The best part is you can use your legs and arms to have full control of the penetration. This is one of the intercourse positions that will surely bring him to great heights.

7. Pin him down and be the domineering character on the bed. Position yourself on top of him. Then clench his arm and body with your legs, giving you full control of the deed. Then move your hips clockwise, then counterclockwise, then back and forth. Change your move every 30 seconds and watch him orgasm like never before.

8. For a more intimate sex act. Tell him to sit with his leg crossed (indian-style), then sit in front of him and wrap your legs around his body, then begin to rock him hard back and forth.

9. Do it with your panties on. Yes, you read it right! As foreplay, let him massage your soft spot with both his fingers and tongue through the fabric. And when youre all wet and hot and ready to go, pull your panties on the side and enjoy the sensation.

10. Girl on top position with an extra twist. While sitting on top of him, lean back and tilt your head back, too. With your both arms holding the bed behind you, he will get a full view of your breasts and torso while you do him. Men are all about the view. This is one of the intercourse positions that will surely fulfill not only his sexual desires but his visual desires as well.

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Ruth Purple, is a successful Relationship Coach who has been helping and coaching individuals and couples for many years. Get your copy of Ruth's ebook The Powerful Secrets of Seduction. Learn how you can seduce any man that you fancy with so much ease and subtlety.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Organic Coffee vs. Regular Coffee- What Is The Difference

Organic Coffee vs. Regular Coffee- What Is The Difference

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There has been much discussion amongst coffee lovers regarding the pros and cons of organic and inorganic coffee. There is actually one main aspect that sets the two apart. Organic coffee is made naturally, which limits environmental pollution. Those who make organic coffee stick to strict guidelines in order to bring you the highest quality cup of coffee.

On the other hand, the process of developing coffee through conventional methods is different in a sense that it is not done in such a way that is environmentally conscious. The conventional methods for cultivating coffee use a combination of chemicals and processing techniques that can be harmful to both the environment and consumer.

The biggest difference in the two cultivation methods is that inorganic coffee is made through the use of damaging pesticides and compounds. Chemicals such as this are never used during the process of cultivating organic coffee.

In addition, organic coffee does not pollute the atmosphere at all. The same cannot be said for conventional coffee, as these methods present a great hazard to the environment.

Next to petroleum, coffee is the commodity that is the second highest in demand. According to the statistics, roughly 11 million acres of land gets used exclusively for the production of coffee. This means that the environmental impact is vast.

There is also a big difference in the taste of these coffees. Due to the fact that organic coffee is produced in a purely natural way, the taste will always be more vibrant and flavorful. It is now becoming widely known that inorganic coffee simply cannot compete with organic coffee when it comes to flavor and aroma. Perhaps this is why the demand for organic coffee increases on a daily basis.

There is also a big difference in price. There is a lot more difficulty when it comes to the cultivation of organic coffee. For this reason, the price for organic coffee is always going to be significantly higher. However, most coffee drinkers will agree that the health benefits of organic coffee make it totally worth any additional cost. Many coffee lovers are now making the switch to organic coffee in order to avoid the harmful effects stemming from the many different chemicals used throughout the process of producing conventional coffee.

It has become quite obvious in recent years that anyone who is concerned about their health and the environment should immediately make the switch to organic coffee. Not only does it taste much better, but it is also better for you!

Onlineclues Providing The Indian Masses With The Fashion Of Their Choice

Onlineclues Providing The Indian Masses With The Fashion Of Their Choice

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In this era of computers and smartphones, it is difficult to imagine life without the internet. It has brought businesses closer to customers. It is easy and cheap to establish a website and an online store. While the internet offers many benefits, there are also some downsides to it. The easy accessibility has made it a safe haven for fraudulent people who are just there to extort money from people. However, not every website is like that. It is interesting to note that there is almost no OnlineClues complaint regarding price and quality.

No Dearth of Options

There are many genuine stores that provide good value for money. Online shoppers have to use discernment when selecting a store to buy things from. They cannot always go for the cheapest option as that could lead to a bad quality of product and service. That is why they would enjoy the range of options that OnlineClues brings to them. This online fashion store has a vibrant stock of top brands from around the world. The prices that it quotes are reasonable as well. Customers seldom turn to the OnlineClues complaint section as they find satisfaction in what they get.

Handsome Apparel for Men

The collection of mens clothes at OnlineClues has a certain appeal to it that is difficult to ignore. The store keeps shirts, jeans, t-shirts, trousers, and much more. Men dont find shopping that interesting. But at OnlineClues they have the time of their lives. The fashion knowledge that they gain from this site helps them to expand their choice of clothes. No more boring dressing as men get ready to roll with the products they get there. The printed T-shirts add the spice to their fashion sense and help them impress. There is no OnlineClues complaint that indicates otherwise.

Attractive Womens Outfit

Womens fashion finds a new identity at OnlineClues. It has a huge line of dresses for the beautiful ladies who make it a point to rock the party. They can get their choice of design, colour, and pattern from this website which lets you become a trendsetter with a simple click of the mouse button. A large number of positive reviews and the relatively rare OnlineClues complaint shows that this store has done its job well. It plans to expand its collection to include more clothing styles and accessories soon.

Secure and Fun Shopping Experience

OnlineClues does not take chances when it comes to customer satisfaction. It has taken great measures to ensure that its shoppers get the best deal in price, quality, and experience. Its price math guarantee is one such measure. If there is any OnlineClues complaint regarding the price of a product, this store is willing to alter it. It promises to match the lower price at which that product is available on some other website. Customers dont have to worry about hefty prices anymore.

The payment mechanism is also diverse yet secure. If you have OnlineClues complaint after receiving the order, you can return the product safely and get the refund or replacement. Online shopping is a fun affair and OnlineClues shows everyone how it should be done.

Online Movie Tickets Booking

Online Movie Tickets Booking

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Thanks to ecommerce, we can buy the movie tickets right from home. No more buying in black!! The process of buying on the cinema theatre sites has to improve though. They haven't paid attention to user experience. Why wait at the counters in the queues at the last moment for the tickets? Also the convenience of planning and tension free visit to the theatre to relax is a boon.

The tickets are available in advance and the user can book film tickets for the upcoming 6 days for the movie of his choice running the theatres though his credit and debit cards. The print out of the ticket needs to produced at the counter with an identity proof for the theatre authorities to issue an original ticket. Theatres have their own websites that provide this service or have tie ups with websites to provide this service to the consumers. It is available in all the metros in India.

This online booking has prevented malpractices of selling the tickets in black at higher rates and exploiting the consumers. There were times the consumers stood disappointed when the theatres displayed the houseful board while people sold tickets outside for double the rates and the consumer purchased it out of compulsion to have come all the way to watch the movie with his family, friends and others.

The consumer now books the movie ticket from a computer and has an option to check out availability of seats for a particular cinema in the theatre running different shows. It's very common with almost every online film ticket booking website to offer a seat map and you get to select your own seats from the map - everything online. The user can choose a seat of his choice (provided available) and is assured of watching his favorite movie on the big screen. Also the consumer can opt to avail value add services offered by the theatres.

The ticket purchased is non transferable. Children aged 3 years and above require admission ticket. The management reserves the right to refuse admission by refunding ticket price purchased. The consumer has to collect his tickets 1/2 an hour prior to the show time from theatre with your booking ID.

The process of booking the tickets is simple and goes this way.
From the website you can online see the movie schedule and check ticket availability. From the homepage select your choice of movie, theatre and date, on submission it will display schedules of all the matching shows. If the show is open for booking, then click on that show to check the cinema ticket availability. The seat position is dependent on the theatres. Consumers can book tickets in advance for movies that will start playing the following week (from Friday). As long as the movies are listed on the site, you can book tickets for those movies. Once tickets have been bought online, they are considered sold and cannot be cancelled, refunded or exchanged. Once you have finished booking your tickets, you will be given a ticket by the booking center that is called as the confirmation slip. This slip has to be provided at the respective theatre to exchange for the original ticket. If you lose or damage the confirmation slip, no replacement or no refund will be provided and you will not be able to get the original ticket also. They add a very nominal amount as a service charge per ticket.

What are you waiting for? Start booking your cinema tickets for your favorite movies at your nearest theatres. Happy ticketing! - Read a review of the best tamil movies, trailers, interviews of star actress, hollywood and bollywood films. Search available upcoming latest tamil movie previews, wallpapers, galleries, movie show times and film events.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Online Movie Rental Reviews- Blockbuster Vs Netflix

Online Movie Rental Reviews- Blockbuster Vs Netflix

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Isn't it frustrating when you go to your local movie rental store, only to find out that the movie you had been hoping to see is already checked out?

Now there is more chance of getting hold of a copy of the latest release as online movie rental companies like Blockbuster and Netflix can stock more copies at their distribution centers. This is a review of both online movie rental services, including how they are the similar and how they differ.

How does Blockbuster work? At Blockbuster, users have two main options to rent movies. The first option is to rent a movie online and have the DVD mailed to you. Usually, the DVD will arrive within two business days of placing your order through their website. Membership plans for this service allow you to rent either 1, 2 or 3 movies at a time for a fixed monthly fee. These fees are $8.99, $13.99 and $16.99. There are no late fees and as soon as you return your movies, you can rent more.

The other way to watch movies at Blockbuster is to stream them directly to your computer or any internet ready device. This can even be an Xbox or Playstation. You stream the movie via an internet connection to the Blockbuster website. This option is included in the plans above at no extra cost.

Blockbuster still have their bricks and mortar stores so you can also rent and return their movies in one of their stores. They also offer game rentals and Blu Ray DVD rentals at no extra cost.

How does Netflix work? Blockbuster started offering their customers a chance to rent movies online only because Netflix was cutting into their profits.

Netflix remains more popular than Blockbuster, but Blockbuster is starting to catch up by offering features that Netflix does not.

For example, Blockbuster's rental by mail plan includes Blu-ray discs, but at Netflix, Blu-ray users have to pay extra. Other than that, the fee structures and prices are the same. Netflix doesn't offer game rentals like Blockbuster does.

Which one should you choose? If you don't mind paying a bit extra for Blu Ray DVD rentals (if you need to rent on Blu Ray), Netflix is best because of the movie range.

If you want to rent games as well as movies and also want to rent and return in store, Blockbuster is the only one that offers this.

The selection of things that you like to watch is also important. So check which online movie rental service offers a wider selection of your favourite TV shows and movies.

If you are still unsure, why not take one of their risk free trials and see which one you prefer? Both companies offer a trial.

Online Furniture Shopping Made Easy

Online Furniture Shopping Made Easy

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From furniture to shoes to something as small as zip pullers, today, everything that one can imagine is available online. Consumers love the idea of buying things sitting on their couch and getting them delivered at their doorstep.

The boom of e-commerce industry has given the people the freedom of choice and comparison. They can easily compare the price of their desired product on a number of websites by a single click. In addition, it has also given impulsive shoppers a new way to shop. Easy return and refund policies have surely made online shopping a huge success. So, if you are an impulsive shopper like Rebecca Bloomwood from the popular movie Confessions of a Shopaholic, that too for furniture and furnishings, then you are in a big trouble. Why? Because that urge to shop and make the world a better place can burn a hole in your pocket. But, dont worry. Here are a few ways in which you can satisfy your urge to shopping furniture online and saving big as well.

Look out for Discount Coupons

There are a hundred of websites that offer amazing discount coupons for almost all online furniture shopping websites. So, before you proceed to the cart and enter your card details, always search for coupons on the web. Coupons would help you save big when buying your favourite furniture online.


Mobile phones have literally spoiled the human race. They are constantly looking down at their devices. So, being and avid online shopper, you can take advantage of this bad habit of yours. Follow and like the pages of your favourite online furniture stores and be the first one to know about the great deals and discounts announced by them. E-commerce companies have a habit of announcing their coupons and special sales on their social networking pages first.

Sign Up for the Newsletters

Signing up for the newsletters is another great idea to know about the deals and discounts offered by your favourite online furniture store. They announce great deals even during the no sale season. So, never unsubscribe.

Save on the Shipping Cost

While many of the online shopping stores offer free shipping on no minimum cart value, some offer free shipping only after you buy something above the minimum cart limit. If the furniture design you chose doesnt qualify to get you free shipping, add a few more items that think maybe useful in the future. Thinking ahead of time would help you save on the shipping cost.

Join the Loyalty Program

Loyalty program helps you earn points whenever you shop and redeem them on your next purchase. So, make sure you join the loyalty program of each website that you shop from.

Know about the Return Policy

Its always a good idea to shop from a website that has an easy return policy. Images do not always tell you the truth. So, if in case you dont like the look or colour or size of what has been delivered, you can return it without any hassle. You can get your money back directly in your bank account in the form of cashback, depending on the policy of the website you shopped from.

Always Compare

Just the way you compare mobile phones of two brands before buying one make a habit of comparing furniture items too. There are various websites that let you compare the material, price and more easily. So, always compare.

Wait for the Discount Season

The discount season gives you extremely pricey items at great prices. Wait for the discount season and bag the amazing deals offered at the online furniture store you are shopping from. But, keep in mind the shipping cost.

Be Patient

Its hard to be patient if you are a compulsive shopper. But, you have to do it. Buy something only when you think that you need it. Else, just let it go. Youll get something better than that for a better price.

Happy Shopping!

How To Choose Your First Broadband

Image source: How To Choose Your First Broadband Looki...