Friday, March 30, 2018

Garter Belts In History And Her Story

Garter Belts In History And Her Story

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Garter Belts In History And Her Story

I recently watched a film on how women can wear garter belts to make sex a little more fresh and exciting. Garter belts used to be a necessary part of a woman's clothes. Now they are novelty items. Can you believe there was a time when women wore garter belts simply to hold up their stockings and not to enhance their nightly escapades?

Now stockings are something you might see in a museum. They have been replaced with panty hose. Can you imagine a less piece of sexy garment than panty hose. Truly they were made for convenience and not sex appeal. The women of this world wanted to be able to get dressed faster for work and they got their wish in panty hose.

But let us face the truth. Women dress sexy if they ever do dress sexy only on their boyfriend's birthday. Not on their husband's birthday mind you but perhaps their boyfriend's birthday. Why dress up for the husband he has to stay no matter what. Oh you might see a garter belt in a lingerie ad but that is about it. Women stopped dressing with sex appeal in mind long before garter belt videos were available on the internet.

You might be too young to remember this and you might not believe this but girls actually used to wear dresses most of the time. Yes, that is right. When I went to elementary school and junior high most if not all females wore dresses. This changed by the time I got to high school. I remember in junior high I had some teachers who wore some great dresses. And back then it was a question of how high the knee was cut above the knee. That made going to school fun.

But today you can go to school, the market, the post office and you will nothing but blue jeans, pant suits, and slacks on women. You can forget about garter belts altogether. I guess it is a matter of convenience. But is also about our culture.

And for any of you Brits out there when I say pants I am referring to trousers and not underwear. So yes it is a lot easier for women to wear slacks than a dress. You do not have to be a woman to know that. It is easier to put on slacks, easier to wash and iron them. And I suppose it is easier to sit down and do daily chores wearing pants than a dress.

But it is also the result of the women's lib movement back in the 1970's when women were burning their bras and demanding equality with men. You may have seen these film clips of women protesting on the college campuses around burning trash cans.

If you notice though most of these women were wearing dresses. And they were pretty short dresses at that. Kind of like the ones my teachers in junior high wore. But later these women outside the camera view must have burned their dresses too. Because there are sure no more women wearing sexy short dresses let alone garter belts where I live.

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