Saturday, March 3, 2018

Scary Creatures For Halloween That Cause The Loudest Screams

Scary Creatures For Halloween That Cause The Loudest Screams

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In most cultures, Halloween is believed to be the time when the line that divides the world of the living and the sphere of the dead becomes hazy. Supernatural phenomenon and events pertaining to the paranormal become a focal point of interest during this festival.

Needless to say, scary creatures rule out all other fascinations during Halloween. It is when we are reminded of our deepest darkest fears as kid, and our creepiest nightmares as adults. Scary creatures for Halloween don't come as a surprise, but despite that, they haven't failed to send us running while screaming like pesky frightened little toddlers.

I'm sure that everyone has feared one, two or even all of these scary creatures for Halloween. To round it all up, I've listed some of the scariest dark entities that cause the loudest screams during Halloween.

1. Boogeyman

The boogeyman has been the trump card of most parents to muffle children's tantrums. Although there are no accounts of this scary creature's appearance except for being an outlandish metaphor of terror, we have all been victims of this horrendous creature said to be hiding under our beds since childhood.

2. Ghosts

There have been many accounts of ghost sightings, and countless movies have been made about these scary creatures for Halloween. Ghosts are often depicted in films, stories and folklores as restless spirits of people who had untimely deaths. The description may already sound creepy, but first hand encounters with these scary creatures would send you running for your life.

3. Zombie

They may be portrayed as walking at a glacial pace, but better believe that zombies are not slow in inducing fear among the living. Zombie movies have stocked a lot of cash out of moviegoers dying to see a zombie dominate the world and likewise, trembling at the mere sight of these scary creatures for Halloween.

4. Dragons
These creatures may be portrayed as magical and mythical creatures, but that doesn't make them any less scary than any of the creatures listed here. With their humongous appearance, horrific serpent-like feature, and razor-sharp claws and incisors, dragons are topnotch when it comes to bringing to life the spirit of fright.

5. Werewolves

For a time, movies about men turning into wolves during a full moon have become the in thing in Hollywood. It is not really a secret that men, by nature, fear death, but dying in the hands of a werewolf would multiply that fear tenfold. The sight of a werewolf's sharp teeth, claws and fiery red eyes is enough to make someone scream to save his life.

6. Leprechauns

Leprechauns come in small packages, but their size is not to be undermined. These scary creatures for Halloween are so mischievous that they could make your life miserable because of the fear they cause. Just like how the film Leprechaun depicted them, Leprechauns hold a grudge on those people who would steal a coin from their treasure.

7. Krakens

According to myths and stories, seafarers fear and detest Krakens for drowning their entire troop. Who wouldn't be scared of a giant squid whipping out its tentacles to get you? A Kraken's enormous size and fearsome appearance is enough to give you second thoughts about going on a boat for a Halloween trip.

8. Ravens

Black is in during Halloween. Although ravens might be one of the blackest (literally) creatures on earth, you wouldn't want to see a flock of them this Halloween. According to traditions and folklores, a sighting of a raven would bring bad luck. Ravens are also said to be ghosts of murdered people. This is truly one of those scary creatures for Halloween that doesn't need to bite you to make you scream.

9. Vampires
They are classic scary creatures for Halloween. In almost every culture in the world, there is always a tinge of a blood-sucking entity. Vampires are undead creatures that go out at night on a killing spree. They suck the blood and life out of their victims to survive.

10. Poltergeist
You don't see them, but they're around you. Although only commonly known to seek attention from the living through making weird noises or moving furniture, Poltergeist could also be very aggressive and violent by hurling objects in the air and hurting people. There is really nothing scarier than being slashed by an unseen creature.

We've all had our shares of screams and wails of fright caused by these scary creatures for Halloween. Whether in movies or in close encounters, these strange creatures are made to bring fear.

Are you ready to scream this Halloween?

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