Sunday, March 11, 2018

Teachers Need Foot Care, Too!

Teachers Need Foot Care, Too!

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Its that time of year again- back to school and fall! Leaves are changing color, sales are going on in stores, and trends are changing! School is back in session and we are constantly being bombarded by sale coupons, circulars and ads about shoes and sales. Our kids always need more shoes; whether they are participating in team sports, gym, or just every day comfortable shoes to wear as the school year progresses. We always forget one group of individuals who are very important in going back to school- TEACHERS!

We always discuss picking the right shoe for you or your child but for once, we would like to devote a blog to foot care for teachers!

Dear Teachers: You are always on your feet all day and constantly walking back and forth in front of a classroom or down the hallways, it is important to realize that teachers need comfortable supportive shoes too- shoes that are as supportive and reliable as you are! But just because you need supportive shoes we understand that it is important to be comfortable and still look professional. You do not have to forego fashion for support!

We recommend that you do not wear flip-flops or high heels! To reduce your incidence of injury, foot pain or injury we recommend supportive shoe gear such as:

Supportive flats
Kitten heels

Please keep in mind, if there are shoes that you love and cannot live without-- you can always place orthotics in your shoes to provide support when there is none! We recommend you wear your custom orthotics regardless to realign and support your feet. Dont have them? Dont worry! Make an appointment at one of our three offices to come see us today! We will be more than happy to help you and evaluate your shoe gear and discuss what you may need.

Its that time of year again- back to school and fall! Leaves are changing color, sales are going on in stores, and trends are changing! School is back in session and we are constantly being bombarded by sale coupons, circulars and ads about shoes and sales. Our kids always need more shoes; whether they are participating in team sports, gym, or just every day comfortable shoes to wear as the school year progresses. We always forget one group of individuals who are very important in going back to school- TEACHERS!

We always discuss picking the right shoe for you or your child but for once, we would like to devote a blog to foot care for teachers!

Dear Teachers: You are always on your feet all day and constantly walking back and forth in front of a classroom or down the hallways, it is important to realize that teachers need comfortable supportive shoes too- shoes that are as supportive and reliable as you are! But just because you need supportive shoes we understand that it is important to be comfortable and still look professional. You do not have to forego fashion for support!

We recommend that you do not wear flip-flops or high heels! To reduce your incidence of injury, foot pain or injury we recommend supportive shoe gear such as:

Supportive flats
Kitten heels

Please keep in mind, if there are shoes that you love and cannot live without-- you can always place orthotics in your shoes to provide support when there is none! We recommend you wear your custom orthotics regardless to realign and support your feet. Dont have them? Dont worry! Make an appointment at one of our three offices to come see us today! We will be more than happy to help you and evaluate your shoe gear and discuss what you may need.

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