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What is a Father to the Child
1] Fathers are the Bible of the world
He is the one who tells you the ugly truth of the world. Without his guidance, we would still be living in our dreamland of happiness and thinking everything and everyone out there will make us happy. We unknowingly learn from his everyday struggle. I learned how to use money, respect, patience, tolerance, forgiveness and even anger in the real world through him.
2] Fathers are always there
Every time he held my hand in the crowd, I knew he will save me from everything, and that I can peacefully eat my candy. Even when I grew up and it was time to face the world, I stepped out with the confidence of him watching my back, always.
3] Fathers teach how to struggle and never give up
Watching dad throughout our childhood we learn how to make our way in the mad race. Isnt it? He never comes home and gives us a lecture of how to make a living, but we learn it from his face that looks like a warrior tired after a war. We may hear him cribbing or even hating his work, but still everyday he gets up kiss us and goes back for his struggle, only to give us a life of happiness.
4] Fathers teach to eat with family
There were times when I had friends to catch up, favorite shows to watch and went through the infamous- leave me alone teenage phase. Whatever the reason may be, it all became null and void when Daddy called at the dinner table. This simple habit taught me the importance of coming back to the family no matter where on world were you the whole day. That has always been my favorite time of the day.
5] Fathers teach the difference between want and need
Remember when we really wanted something and thought we just cant live without it, and dad who always says yes to everything suddenly said NO! It took time to realize but he knew as inexperienced children we cannot differentiate between want and needs, so for us, he did that job, always.
6] Fathers have many faces- Teacher, Disciplinarian and even Clown
If fathers can draw a line, they are the ones who override orders (mommies) and lets you live too. He helps you with your homework at night and even draws your diagrams just to ensure you dont get scolded in school. Every time I made a mistake, its dad who I feared the most. Father is the disciplinarian who brings back our conscience and teaches us how to apologize and helps us correct our mistakes. At times when no one understands you and laughs at you at your funny paper boat, he is the one who claps and applauds your creation. He is the one who plays with you only to lose always, so that you can feel like a winner.
7] Fathers are the pillars of strength- They dont cry
Every father knows, in the childs eyes his father is the hero. A hero who protects, fights for us, brings gifts, laughs and plays with them and still never gets tired. A father is the shoulder to cry on and get strength for the entire family. He knows it is important for him to be the hero so that the child can get the strength to keep fighting and never give up. That is why, fathers dont cry- even if they want to.
8] Fathers teach you to love your family
No matter how much he wanted to go for his office party, he stayed back to help me with my exam preparations. He came back tired from office wanted to watch a movie but instead calmed me down by putting my favorite channel. Never for once did he complain why he should come to wonderland when what he really wanted was to sleep and rest at home.
The endless sacrifices that a father makes to ensure his family is happy makes you wonder what we would do without him. As much as we love our mother, our father completes our personality and makes us a better person. Happy Fathers Day, Dad!