Sunday, April 8, 2018

How To Choose Your First Broadband

How To Choose Your First Broadband

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How To Choose Your First Broadband

Looking for a home broadband plan and not sure where to start? Not to worry, we're here to help. Choosing the right broadband plan can be easy, as long as you know what you're doing. Follow these simple steps and you'll be online in no time.

What Kind of Broadband Should You Choose?

The first step is maybe the most difficult one. There are various kinds of broadband, and you need to decide which is right for you. What are your options? Here we'll outline the pros and cons of each form of broadband connection.

ADSL broadband will use the existing telephone wires in your house to move data. This is the most common choice of broadband options, thus it tends to be the cheapest. Speeds are pretty good as well. In order to get ADSL you must have a home land line (you don't necessarily need the phone, but you will need the wiring that brings phone service into your house), so if you don't have a landline, ADSL won't be for you.

Cable broadband will use the same wiring as that which brings cable television into your house. This is the second most popular choice in the UK, and so is still very affordable and speeds are similar to those on ADSL. You will need a cable TV connection, so if you don't have this, you might want to opt for another choice.

Fibre optic broadband uses fibre optic cables to move data extremely fast. You'll find that fibre optic choices are more expensive than the first two options, but you will get much faster Internet speeds. You will need to live in an area that has a fibre optic connection though, and not all parts of the country qualify. You can find there's an accessible network by going online and searching your postcode on the website of any fibre optic provider.

Mobile broadband is generally only used at home when there's no other option, i.e. no phone, cable or fibre optic lines are available. You sign a contract with a mobile operator and get a SIM card and a device which allows you to connect your computer to the Internet using that operator's 3G network. Speeds are slow, and prices can get high if you're big Internet users, but for some households, there's no other option.

The final choice is satellite broadband and this really should be a last ditch attempt, satellites are really only used in extremely rural areas where there is no other option. Speeds are slow and prices are high, plus you'll need to install a satellite dish. In this case, if you face any internet error then this Top PC Tech website may help you a lot.

Which Providers Offer Service?

Once you've decided which kind of broadband you want, then you'll need to find out which companies service your local area. This information is easily found with a quick Internet search, or you can go to the website of all the major providers and enter your location to find out whether or not they'll provide service to your area.

How Much Data?

The final big step in your decision-making process, though there are some smaller concerns that we'll address below, is to decide how much data you want. Plans come in three broad types, capped, unlimited and truly unlimited. Remember that everything you do on the Internet uses data, so these limits are basically a limit to the amount of Internet you can use.

A capped plan comes with a set amount of data each month. A one-person household that needs the Internet simply for surfing and emailing should be fine with around 2 GB of data a month. The average two users household that likes to download a film or some music will be better off with around 10 GB or so. Obviously, the higher your data limit is, the more expensive your plan is going to be.

If you don't want to deal with data limits, then you can get an unlimited plan, though this will be more expensive. A truly unlimited plan lets you use the Internet however you want. An unlimited plan will be subject to a fair usage policy, which means that the company can slow your speeds down during busy times or if they think that you're using too much data.

Should you decide on a capped plan be aware that there may be consequences if you use more than your monthly data allowance. Your Internet may be cut off or speeds slowed down, and some companies will charge you extra fees on top of your normal bill to pay for extra data.

Comparison Shop

The next step is simple. Go online and find a broadband tariff comparison site, the one at is pretty comprehensive. Enter the data limits (or unlimited/truly unlimited) that you're looking for, and select the companies that provide service in your area. You'll then get a list of packages that might suit you, and you can decide based on price, though there are a couple of other things you might want to think about.

Other Issues

While you're comparison shopping and looking at plans you might want to keep a few things in mind. Broadband Internet comes at different speeds expressed in Mbps (20 Mbps, for example). The faster your speeds, the faster your Internet service will be, though faster plans usually cost more money. You might want to look at speeds when you're comparing plans.

You may also want to look for additional services. Many companies offer free installation as well as free equipment, such as a wireless router, to help you make the most of your connection. The equipment generally won't belong to you, and you'll need to return it at the end of your contract, but these offers are very convenient and lower your initial investment. Some companies will also offer broadband with free gifts, such as a tablet computer, which can be a nice incentive.

Finally, there are different contract lengths as well. Usually, longer contracts are cheaper, but remember that breaking a contract can be expensive, so only sign up for as long as you can realistically keep the connection.

How To Buy Solar Panels -- What To Look Out For

How To Buy Solar Panels -- What To Look Out For

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How To Buy Solar Panels -- What To Look Out For

When you buy solar panels, there are various factors to look out for that make your investment pay off. Among the important criteria, type of photovoltaic panel, brand and specification are the most important.

In general, there are 3 major types of photovoltaic panels -- portable, residential and commercial systems.

Portable photovoltaic panels are very small products that can supply low voltages (and limited power) to hand-held or portable gadgets. There are rollable solar chargers, foldable photovoltaic panels and small, thin-film panels. The type of photovoltaic panel to be used depends on your application.

Residential and commercial solar power generators are made using either crystalline silicon, thin-film or string-ribbon technology. They are much larger than portable solar panels and require inverters to convert direct current to alternating current. This conforms the electricity supply to the requirements of the household or commercial electricity supply.

Choosing a suitable brand is another major consideration. Purchasing from leading solar panel brands ensure that you have the service and advice that will most likely serve your needs. When it comes to repair and maintenance, spare parts and labor are adequately catered for -- more so in larger companies than in smaller mom and pop shops.

Here is a list of leading solar panels brand: BP Solar, Evergreen Solar, General Electric, AEE Solar, Kaneka, Mitsubishi Electric, Kyocera, Sanyo, SunWize, Suntech, Sharp and Uni-Solar.

There are professionals in these companies that can help you size your solar power system. With your average power consumption figures and number of sun hours at your location, they can determine the specifications you need for your solar panels and other related components.

Depending on your budget, you may be advised to install as many solar generators as is required to supply all your household electricity needs. Or you can install the solar panels in stages. The specifications for each option are different and it is important to purchase a system that fits your requirement so you'll not spend more money than necessary.

Along with solar panels, other necessary components for a home solar power system are inverters, batteries and mounts. These, too, have different specifications and you'll need to choose one that suits your need.

Another consideration when buying solar panels is the warranty period. Companies offer different warranty periods and it is important to check that this period is much longer than the calculated payback period.

Keeping these pointers in mind as you shop for solar panels, you are better equipped to buy solar panels that can serve you for decades and put money back into your pocket.

How To Build The Plot When Writing Thriller Novels

How To Build The Plot When Writing Thriller Novels

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How To Build The Plot When Writing Thriller Novels

When writing a technothriller novel, how does the writer set up and develop the plot and refine it?

The plot can be based on one central idea. Then, it can evolve from that point, as the writing progresses.

Others will start with the idea and map out the plot in detail, before writing. That can be seen as formulaic. Once the plot is mapped out in detail, then one view might be that it becomes writing by numbers. Keen readers will see these patterns in many techno thriller novels.

My preferred approach is to start out with a central idea, and let the story develop itself. With 'Gate of Tears' it was the extraction of gold from seawater.

Of course, that way, you don't know how it will end up. With thrillers most writers will know that the main character will survive. Why let him or her live? Well, it enables them to use the character in a sequel. Obvious.

'Gate of Tears' is set mainly in the Middle East, where the Strait known as the 'Bab el Mandeb' - 'Gate of Tears' - guards the southern entrance to the Red Sea. There is action in Alaska and Australia besides the Yemen, and in many ways the geography helped the plot development. It would probably be more difficult for me to write a thriller novel that was set in a fairly constrained environment - say a prison.

Then there are other challenges. How does a writer deal with a stage in the story where a character has come to an impossible situation? Well, firstly, the author backtracks. 'Unwriting' is, for me, a copout and also loses an opportunity for further plot intrigue. So, I wait and think, and sometimes it takes a few weeks to resolve the situation (even by adding in some relevant context earlier in the book). I'll take a notebook and go for a walk. And another walk.

Another issue is 'what happens next'?

A writer could do use Luke Rhinehart's device in 'The Diceman' - identify some options and then throw the dice to see which scores most. That's an interesting way of moving the plot forward. I don't know how it worked for me, the ideas just came, though I did sometimes consider options.

A fairly recent approach is to let the readers decide, issuing a few chapters at a time and inviting reader comments. I don't favour that.

Technology Input

With techno thrillers there are other ways of plot development, because the technology itself can tell a story. And, then, when you get down to it, the writer can extrapolate existing technology. I have a defence equipment blog feed which I follow, and that unearths new technology for me. Then, recently on the television I saw the new Honda robot which can hop on one leg and pour a drink. It was scary, and the weapons possibilities are disturbing (or not - maybe they'd save lives). It's not sci-fi anymore - it's here.

These techniques all help the plot develop , whilst allowing room for creativity. My favourite though, is when I tell the main character 'Now, get out of that"!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

How Often Can You Donate Plasma For Money

How Often Can You Donate Plasma For Money

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How Often Can You Donate Plasma For Money

You'd actually be surprised by how often a person can donate plasma for money. Before doing research into the subject of plasma donation, I had been under the impression that a person could only donate very infrequently at their local plasma donation center. And while different centers have different requirements, some centers allow a person to donate up to 2 times per week, as long as the donation times are evenly spaced apart. That surprised me, because I had never thought that the body could restore its plasma that quickly. If you're really interested in the requirements of your local plasma center, you should give them a call requesting more information.

Blood is a pretty amazing substance. It transports literally everything the body needs to the furthest reaches of the body through veins, arteries, and capilaries. Donating plasma is a different, more lengthy process than donating regular blood, and because of that, the recovery time is shortened. While donating plasma, only a small portion of the blood platelets are removed from the body and the blood itself, after being stripped of its plateles, it the put back into the body. There are different types of cells within the blood. Platelets are small cell structures that are most notably essential to the process of blood clotting, among other things. When you donate plasma, your blood is hooked up to a machine that filters out the platelets and then puts the blood back into the body. Because of this, it is much quicker for the body to rejuvenate and restore its platelet levels. Regular blood donation takes longer to fully recover from because an entire pint is generally taken from the donor, which is over 15% of the total blood supply in the body.

Platelet transfusions are usually given to people in the midst of chemotherapy and things like bone marrow transplant and organ transplant. Usually, multiple donars are used for one recipient. That's why plasma donors are usually welcomed heartily because platelet transfusions are used on a variety of different types of patients, and often multiple donors are used for each recipient. So if you're thinking about wanting to donate plasma for money often, it's good to know how often you can donate and what exactly the process is all about.

But in the process of donating plasma for money, you have to beware a few things. Each plasma center is different and might have different requirements and policies on payments. Sometimes a plasma center will want a person to donate a certain number of times before starting to pay them for the process, and different plasma centers offer different rates of payment for plasma. So before you make big plans for donating plasma on a regular basis, you should definitely contact your nearest plasma center and ask them some of those questions. You can also ask them how long the process generally takes and when the best hours are to do the process. If you show them that you're serious about wanting to donate, they may even set you up with regular appointments to cut down on the wait time and make the entire process go more smoothly. Best of luck.

How Effective Are Crest White Strips

How Effective Are Crest White Strips

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How Effective Are Crest White Strips

The effectiveness of the Crest white strips depends largely on the size and shape of the user's mouth. The Crest strip covers the 6 front teeth. If a Crest strip user has a smiling mouth that shows more than those 6 front teeth, the Crest strips might not give that user effective tooth whitening.

While Crest strips do cover only the front 6 teeth, Crest strips do tend to be a bit larger than other strips. Crest strips are probably the best choice for someone with a large mouth. Of course, someone who deserves mention in the Guinness Book of World Records might not feel satisfied with the teeth whitening achieved by use of Crest strips.

The effectiveness of any product can be more easily ascertained when it is judged against some sort of "gold standard." In relation to Crest test strips, the whitening tray serves as the gold standard. How does the whitening obtained with Crest strips compare to the whitening obtained with a whitening tray, one that relies on 10% carbamide peroxide?

For some people, the Crest strips create a real challenge. Some people encounter difficulties, when they try to apply the strips to their teeth. Their struggles might lead them to wonder just how to whiten teeth.

Some users of Crest strips praise the stickiness of the strips (a feature that can make application a challenge). Those users say that the Crest strips do not dislodge easily. Some other strips do come off with ease, sometimes even before they are supposed to come off.

Crest strips do offer something not found in all teeth whitening products. They give the user a consistent amount of whitener. Each strip has the same amount of whitener. Use of a whitener in a tray does not always have that same level of consistency.

The user of Crest strips should understand that whitening strips do not come under the same controls as medication. They are not regulated by the FDA. That being said, it should be noted that Crest whitening strips do undergo an extensive testing procedure.

Most users of Crest strips appreciate the need for hand washing, before application of the strips. Strip users do not want to get dirt or germs in their mouth, even if it does make their teeth whiter. Strip users should know that they must also wash their hands after they have applied the Crest strips. Chemicals on the strips can transfer to the fingers, and they can irritate the skin on those digits.

The ability of those chemicals to irritate the skin raises a question concerning the strength of the chemicals in the Crest strips. Are they strong enough to kill the germs that cause gingivitis? The chemicals used for professional teeth whitening are said to have the ability to kill any germs that can cause bad breath.

The effectiveness of Crest whitening strips derives from the characteristics of film chemistry. The thin film created by the strip must perform the work of a dentist's gel in a tray. The effectiveness of that thin film disappears, if the Crest strips are not applied correctly. Crest strips will be most effective, when the user of those strips can follow the directions inserted into the strip package.

When purchasing Crest strips, a consumer should keep in mind the fact that there are two kinds of Crest strips. Professional strips can be purchased by consumers who shop online. Professional Crest strips contain 6.5% hydrogen peroxide. Original Crest strips contain only 5.3% hydrogen peroxide.

Both professional strips and original strips are meant to be used two times per day. The user keeps the strips on his or her teeth for a 30 minute interval.

How Does Watching Television Affect Your Children

How Does Watching Television Affect Your Children

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How Does Watching Television Affect Your Children

research tells us that most young children start watching television before they start going to school. Two-thirds of toddlers and young infants watch an average of two hours per day whilst kids and teens between the ages of eight and eighteen tend to spend roughly four hours each day in front of a television. On top of this they spend an additional two hours on their computers, playing video games or doing school work.

it is recommended that kids below the age of two years watch no TV whatsoever, and those over the age of two watch no more than between one and two hours. This is because the first two years of a child's life are considered critical for the development of the brain, and television can get in the way of more positive activities such as playing with others and exploring and interacting with their surroundings.

as kids grow up, watching too much television can be detrimental to their overall progression as it prevents them from being physically active and activation their minds through reading and doing their homework.

it can of course be a good thing watching TV, although this is only in moderation. For example, kids yet to attend school can get help on learning the alphabet or slightly older kids can learn about nature and life around them. It is a source of great information and can be a fantastic way for children to learn about new things in a more interesting way than in the classroom.

yet for all its potential advantages, watching too much television can be detrimental. For example, those who spend more than four hours per day consistently are more likely to be overweight and unhealthy which can lead to further problems later in life.

children who view violence on their televisions are also more likely to display violent behaviour towards others. They will also hold a more fearful view of the world and be more likely to expect violence and aggression towards themselves.

furthermore, characters on TV often depict unhealthy and risky behaviours such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. Its very important to monitor your children's watching habits to make sure that they are watching the right sorts of programming. For some this is the solution, to keep kids watching TV but to make sure their favorite shows are positive ones. For others the solution is merely to stop our children watching any television whatsoever.

Friday, April 6, 2018

How Do I Just Get Over It

How Do I Just Get Over It

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How Do I Just Get Over It

People usually mean well. Although sometimes theyre just tired of putting up with someone elses problem. And its not as if youre not trying. Youd love to just get over it, after all. Its no fun holding on to all this negative emotion.

The good news is that its not because you have a weak character or theres something wrong with you that you havent been able to get over it until now.

Honestly though, it feels like its holding on to you, not the other way around, and theres not a lot you can do about it. If you could, you would have done it already.

But imagine that you could finally get over it, whatever it is. Whats the downside of getting over it? Seriously. Because if there were no downside to getting over it, you would have done so already.

Heres the deal: usually, theres a part of you thats trying to keep you safe in some way, and letting it go is not part of keeping you safe. One way or another, in one version or another, thats usually the downside.

The decisions that you made, possibly unconsciously, at the time that it happened may no longer be appropriate, but the part of you that made that decision is still alive and active in your energy field. At the time of a traumatic event (and it could be a seemingly small and hardly significant event as easily as something truly horrific) part of your subconscious mind literally froze in that moment.

In Matrix Reimprinting, that part of you is called an ECHO, or Energy Consciousness Hologram. And for your ECHO, the time that it happened is always now. And that energy is still affecting you right now, in every moment, whether youre aware of it or not.

So how do you get to the ECHO, the part of you that is still stuck in the it and convince it that its safe to let go, that there is no longer any downside to getting over it? Worse, what if you have no conscious memory of it?

Fortunately, with energy psychology methods such as Matrix Reimprinting or Deep State Repatterning, its now possible to get in touch with, literally have a conversation with, and heal the ECHO that is holding on to your traumas. And this is true whether your ECHO happened at a time where you have no conscious memory or not.

Its true even if you were an infant. With these techniques we can have access to preconscious memories as far back as in your mothers womb, and even beyond.

The recent astonishing advances in energy psychology allow a gentle healing that actually creates new energetic memories, so that not only do we neutralize the emotional charge around the old memories, but we also change the energetic memory attached to the event.

This does not change history. It does, however, change the energy field that your ECHO is holding concerning the history.

In short, it allows you to finally get over it, usually once and for all, once all the ECHOs have been healed and cleared.

There are subconscious dynamics that are now beginning to be understood in a way that finally offers people a real, practical, and effective way to get over it -- whatever it may be, from fears and phobias, to trauma, to grief, to heartbreak, to just about anything that weve held on to that we have previously been unable to let go of.

So how do you just get over it? You locate the earliest ECHOs that are holding your trauma, and heal the ECHOs. The results are peace, freedom, and joy.

For more information, go to:

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How Do Farmers Observe the Health of their Soil and What Tools do they Use PART A

How Do Farmers Observe the Health of their Soil and What Tools do they Use PART A

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How Do Farmers Observe the Health of their Soil and What Tools do they Use PART A

Farmers know that soil health is critical to their success. They thus learn to observe nature keenly and to use their observations for refining their farm management practices. Written records are important tools and the farmer should use them to keep track of all information about individual fields.

It is easy to evaluate the general tilth and physical aspects of the soil even without using precision instruments. It helps to repeat some tests one or more times a year to see the progress of your soil-improvement program.

Texture influences water and nutrient-holding ability.  Get a handful of moist soil and squeeze it into a ball. If it falls apart when you open your hand, the soil is sandy. If it remains a ball, squeeze some of it between your fingers and form as long a ribbon as possible, and measure it. If making a ribbon is not possible, the soil is loamy sand.

Add some water to the ribbon in your hand until it becomes liquid mud. Feel the mud with the forefinger of the other hand and decide if it is mostly gritty, mostly smooth, or equal parts of both.

Soil that forms a ribbon shorter than 1" is sandy loam if it feels mostly gritty, silty loam if mostly smooth and, loam if equally smooth and gritty. A ribbon of soil 1-2" long is sandy clay loam, silty clay loam, and silty clay, respectively.

Moisture readings should be taken when the crop is started and several times afterwards. If soil moisture down to a six-inch depth is less than 50%, you will need to add water.

Look at the soil for signs of dryness (crusting, cracking, etc.) and see how far down before soil gets darker, indicating more moisture. Get a few handfuls from various depths and squeeze firmly. If your hand gets wet, the soil is saturated. Moisture is probably 25-50% if light-textured soil does not form a ball, medium-textured soil tends to crumble but holds under pressure, and heavy-textured soil is somewhat pliable and balls with pressure.

Drainage problems are easily detected. Fill a 12-inch deep, 6-inch diameter hole with water and let the water drain completely. When the water is gone, fill the hole again and observe how long complete draining takes this time. If it takes more than eight hours, drainage is an immediate problem to address.

Water infiltration rate gives you an idea of soil porosity. Bring one quart of water, a tape measure, and a stopwatch. The test should be done when the soil is equally dry and wet. At soil level, empty the water and count how many seconds it takes to soak into the ground. Measure the diameter of the wet spot and multiply the diameter by the time. Test the soil several times during the growing season, using exactly one quart of water each time. Over the years, subtle changes become apparent. A declining trend indicates an improving capability to absorb water.

Structure and size of soil aggregates and how well they hold together are important aspects of tilth. Soil with good structure holds about two times more water than soil of the same texture but with poor structure. Get some soil and observe how it crumbles in your hand. If well structured, heavy soil still crumbles easily whilst light soil keeps some shape without becoming powdery. If poorly structured, heavy soil resists crumbling whilst light soil becomes powdery. Evaluate aggregate stability by placing several large crumbs (up to one-half inch) in a glass filled with water. If many crumbs hold together, the soil has good structure.

How Computer Training Changes the Corporate Landscape

How Computer Training Changes the Corporate Landscape

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How Computer Training Changes the Corporate Landscape

Computer Training and Business: Changing the Corporate Landscape

Computers are an essential part of everyday life, and as such computer training isn't so much a luxury as it is an essential part of any job. Computer training can happen internally at any company or can be outsourced to a computer training franchise; either way, adequate training for employees is imperative for a business to succeed in our technology-driven market.  

Comprehensive computer training is changing the way corporations operate. Converting to thorough computer training helps your business train employees faster and more effectively. Because computer training enterprises have flexible programs, your employees can learn in ways that adapt to each individual.  

Fast and Effective Computer Training Saves Time and Money

There are a variety of components of computer training that can be invaluable to businesses in every industry. When a business can train its employees quickly and effectively, it can save itself a lot of time and money.  

Faster Training Times 

The fast pace of today's worldhigh speed internet, quick load times, instant information at our fingertipshas influenced our concentration. People learn and focus in short bursts, which means that companies have had to adapt.  

Computer training businesses have turned long training courses into shorter tidbits that employees can learn and apply right away. Shortening training time helps retention, as studies suggest that it is better to learn a little bit at a time rather than spending hours learning the same things.   

More Effective Learning 

Converting long-winded training courses into smaller, 15-20 minute bursts results in more effective learning in two major ways: first, as existing employees learn bits at a time, they can apply the new processes to their work immediately, thereby learning it better. Second, new employees are not bombarded with information for hours at a time, which helps them retain what they have learned (see the link above).  

Some businesses choose to develop their own computer training methods, while others enlist the help of specialists to do the training for them. Regardless of which route your business chooses, implementing computer training methods into your existing training programor replacing old programs with computer training entirelywill help your bottom line. 

Adaptable Computer Training Works for Everyone

Flexibility in your computer training is a win for the company and the employee. By adapting your methods to using computer training, you can reach a wider audience, which in turn helps with employee engagement.  

Computer training franchises can easily cater to a variety of learning styles and even devices. Some training specialists out there can even help you convert your existing training materialswhite pages or flash-based coursesinto formats that will work on all devices.  

Different Learning Styles

Because not everyone learns the same way and at the same speed, training needs to be relatively flexible. A computer training franchiseNew Horizons is one examplehas the tools that can adapt computer training to each individual.  

This kind of flexibility is great news for any company's bottom line. Employees that are already well-versed in one aspect of the training will not need to waste time sitting in a training session for it. Additionally, computer learning allows each student can learn at his or her own pace, so those who learn quickly can move through the training without waiting for those who are behind.  

Different Devices

According to research by Forrester, 66% of employees use more than one device for work. Desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones are all increasingly important in the day to day workforce, and as such computer training materials need to be adaptable to each format.  

It is easy to dismiss the need to have computer training available to employees on their smartphones and tablets, but consider that these are devices that your employees carry in their pockets. Being able to utilize their downtimeriding the bus, waiting in lineemployees can be more fully engaged.  

The Bottom Line: Your Bottom Line Cannot Afford to Skip Computer Training 

Your employees are your most valuable asset. Training them quickly and effectively is one of the easiest ways that your company can save money. Adaptable learning through computer training can save your company money and engage your employees. You can't afford NOT to use it.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hot Urban Movies

Hot Urban Movies

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Hot Urban Movies

Who is Sid Kali? I've written, directed, and produced two full-length urban features, CONSIGNMENT and IN WITH THIEVES, plus have a third feature in production titled STASH SPOT.

Some people feel that when you attach the word urban to an independent film the story will be based on slices of life that unfold in housing projects or the barrio. Which do provide rich and colorful backdrops that reflect a slice of americana.

On the flip side urban culture has moved beyond the housing projects and barrios. Taking those attitudes and feelings into new environments. This opens up new backdrops for you to shoot urban films. You no longer are forced to only shoot in the inner city to produce urban films.

A few other hits urban movies take is that the production quality will be less than an art house film made on a similar budget. That urban movies don't have well written scripts and they all look the same style wise.

Many innovated filmmakers that love the urban genre are changing the way people think about that. They are putting out high quality urban movies made on indie budgets that are freshly entertaining.

The diversity of the urban genre continues to grow because the storylines are connecting with a larger audience by going beyond what you would expect to see in an urban movie. The elements you can fold into an urban drama are becoming more complex earning these films more respect.

Through networking I've connected with Irish-American filmmaker Mike O'Dea founder of Shamrock Films. He is currently in production with TOWNIES. A film about the Charlestown mob. Looks like a great urban movie being delivered from the viewpoint of Irish-American gangster characters.

The word 'crime drama' is used to describe films like 'Training Day', 'The Departed' and 'Scarface', but to many urban movie buffs these aren't crime dramas. They are urban masterpieces done by highly talented and respected filmmakers at the top of their creative game.

Shooting urban movies has always been a goal of mine. When I began fleshing out the script for CONSIGNMENT my first feature film I wanted it to be authentic across the board. Nothing kills the vibe of an urban movie more than it being completely phony. Like in the older Westerns when the Native-Americans were played by blonde hair blue eyed actors. Imagine how different 'Dances With Wolves' would have played to viewers.

There are tremendous actors out there at every level that can deliver powerful performances. On a larger budget feature actors are able to get into character, research the role, or work with a dialect coach if needed. On a truly independent film budget you will be lucky to get in a decent amount of rehearsals before shooting.

It is sometimes a benefit to work with real people for what I see as tailored roles. In CONSIGNMENT we had a character named Smiles that was from the streets and had survived a nearly fatal shooting. My friend Ruben Navarro was cast. Unfortunately, he did survive a near fatal shooting in his life. It made sense to me as a director to work with him as a first time actor since he understood the character from personal experience. It wasn't like he was being cast as for a role he had zero knowledge of.

As the writer I felt that this particular script was best served highlighting a Black and Latino perspective playing out through the film. The plot centers around a Virginia Beach drug dealer that runs into trouble and has to lay low in Southern California. This being the movies all the problems that come with power, drug money, fast women, and jealous rivals has to come out. It was nice to be able to mix in the subtle cultural differences between the two places.

This came from being able to work with Co-Producer/Editor Tim Beachum that had lived in Ohio, Detroit , and Virginia Beach. I've only lived in Southern California. When the film was done shooting we were able to mix in some outlaw bikers and corrupt police. The personal bonus was being able to add people I grew up with to the cast to give it a real edge.

I felt comfortable adding elements from the East Coast because I could consult Tim Beachum. If that option had no been there I would have focused on writing what I knew. That would have been a film that was completely slanted to the West Coast lifestyle. If you're able to ever expand your film take advantage of that. If not and you have a limited budget write a film you can shoot within your resources using what you know.

Through collaboration with the website Jackin4Beats.Com we were able to add a quality soundtrack featuring East Coast and West Coast artists including Custom Made Recordings, Ayreon The Don, and Malice and Da Commission. You're going to hear "NO" a lot when tracking down music for your soundtrack. A nice music budget makes it easier, but most independent films have very little money for music. Don't give up or settle on music that doesn't fit your film. There are music artists that will appreciate the exposure of being on a movie soundtrack. CONSIGNMENT lent itself to a hip hop soundtrack, so we focused on rising hip hop artists. In our case it happened to work.

CONSIGNMENT has recently been acquired by Maverick Entertainment Group, Inc. It will be a direct to video title. It will be released November 2007.

After the experience of CONSIGNMENT. We decided expand our take on the urban genre with our second feature film IN WITH THIEVES. This urban film blends together a Cuban cartel deep into their darker version of Santeria, blood diamonds being pushed by an African based crime group, ruthless Albanian gangsters, and an American burglary crew.

This unique blend of creative and visual elements we felt would make for a provocative urban film. The inspiration was to show that urban stories can have global influences.

The production of IN WITH THIEVES was difficult because casting was calling for extremely diverse and capable actors that could play real in front of the camera. Good fortune smiled on us bringing some tremendous talent that we had not worked with before and some faces from CONSIGNMENT we respected.

The goal was to fold in the Albanian Mob, American crooks from the streets, an African based crime syndicate and a Cuban cartel that practiced a wild version of Santeria. I asked a family friend that ran a botanica to show me items that would be authentic. She set me up down to Jesus Malverde giving us realism at the voodoo altar scenes.

Sharing real experiences and honest practical advice with others interested in shooting urban movies is what this article will hopefully do. The biggest lesson I learned was that if you have a certain amount of time and money to produce your film do not overwrite your script and over schedule each shooting day to fit your over all schedule. I'm not a film professor so the easy way for me to put it is like this. If you're 1st Ad or UPM breakdown the script and say it will take 14 days to shoot your film, don't expect to shoot in a 7 days and get everything you want.

Think about trimming the script if you can't extend the shooting days. On IN WITH THIEVES this became a reality for me as a director as the shooting days I had available began to shorten quickly in comparison to what we were getting into the can. By the third day rock and roll UPM Cameron Penn already let me know at the pace we were shooting we wouldn't nail all the pages we needed to finish the movie.

I knew the script was ambitious and my own writing ego wasn't open to deleted some scenes that really weren't crucial to the film. Ego is a terrible thing, not just in film, but in life. At least for me anyway. Before the fourth day of shooting an actress who had a supporting role let us know she couldn't show up for her first day of shooting because her agent got her an audition for a well known television pilot. I never begrudge anyone that has a chance for a shot at what they feel is a bigger opportunity than what they committed to.

We wished her well and knew the production could not shoot around her or reschedule her. The practical choice was to release her from the film. It was a blessing in disguise. I had to do some re-writes to remove her character from the script. This allowed me not to fall in love with any scene or dialogue that wasn't important to the film. It has been said that screenwriters should not fall in love with their own words. I agree!

I was able to write her out and the story was tighter. We finished the movie. It's currently in the final stages of post-production . We will begin shopping it to interested distributors shortly. If you are interested in seeing the trailer for this film please Google IN WITH THIEVES.

With the love for urban movies still strong we're starting production on our third feature STASH SPOT. Rival criminals fight to find a fortune in cash ripped-off during a drug deal gone bad. When the stick-up artists responsible turn up dead, a bloodbath erupts as each vicious criminal makes their ruthless play to locate the money.

You always learn things with each film you produce. Hopefully filmmakers will continue to push the urban genre beyond what it is now.

* Quick and dirty tips if you're going to produce your own urban movie:
(* does not apply to filmmakers that have Hollywood connections or access to big money)

Avoid writing an amazing scene like the shoot-out in 'Heat' if you can't pull it off.

Write realistic locations into your script that you have shooting access to.

Action scenes are always going to take longer to light and shoot than talking head scenes.

Make sure your dialogue is authentic to the culture of the street. If you're writing your own script your words cost nothing.

Wardrobe can't make Corey Feldman (nothing against The Corey) a Latino gangster by putting him in a bandana and a flannel buttoned only at the top. You see that type of phony wardrobe in some really bad urban movies.

Whatever happens keep the show rolling.

Host a Neighborhood Film Evening Utilizing the Garage Door

Host a Neighborhood Film Evening Utilizing the Garage Door

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Host a Neighborhood Film Evening Utilizing the Garage Door

Summer time is drawing to a close, and soon the nights will be longer, the air will be colder, and neighbors will see much less of each other as they stop taking after dinner walks around the block and instead curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and a film. Appreciate the last halcyon days of summer time and seal lasting friendships with neighbors by hosting a neighborhood outdoor film evening using the garage door as a movie screen.

If the garage door is flat, then it will most likely function fine as is, although a small cleaning may make the view more clear. If the garage door is colored, or has inset designs, then taping a white sheet over it might function much better. The concept is to use the garage door as a big film screen and also the driveway as the theater seating area.

To be able to show the film up around the garage door, a projector will probably be required. If you will find any college teachers within the neighborhood, they may be in a position to borrow one from the college where he or she works. Several companies also have projectors that employees can check out for a evening or two.

Utilizing the projector, hook up a laptop computer pc and normal size speakers. Play the DVD film on the laptop computer, running the image to the projector utilizing the appropriate cables. The speakers can likely be plugged into the headphone jack of the laptop computer.

Once the equipment is set up, it's simple to pull off the rest of the enjoyable evening. Select a household friendly moviechildren's movies are great for this. The more engaged in the film the youngsters are, the more enjoyable the adults will find the event. Folding chairs could be positioned within the driveway for the adults, although children generally prefer loads of blankets and cushions positioned around on the ground for sitting and lying down throughout the film.

Of course popcorn is really a film time favorite. Cookies are a simple treat to supply, as is water or lemonade. If it still doesn't get dark until later, give the children clear glass jars with holes punched in the lids and have them fill the jars with lightning bugs. Then the jars could be utilized as little, dim table lamps to light up the refreshments table throughout the film.

Don't forget bug spray to stop the mosquitoes from ruining the evening. Of course the camera is also a wise accessory to have on hand. A notepad and pen are also great to have handy, so that neighbors who may not have recognized each other before can exchange phone numbers or email addresses. Neighborhood film evening around the garage door is certain to become a hit which will bring neighbors together and encourage a sense of friendship and community.

Homemade Carp Fishing Baits Testing For Guaranteed Big Fish Carches!

Homemade Carp Fishing Baits Testing For Guaranteed Big Fish Carches!

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Homemade Carp Fishing Baits Testing For Guaranteed Big Fish Carches!

Many fishermen would love to make their own secret homemade carp and catfish baits from their personally chosen ingredients but are fearful in case they don't actually work!
But often, anglers have been confused by the myriad of information which often serves to complicate rather than simplify this exciting process. This article will show you how to make your baits and test them to GUARANTEE they will be successful and fill you with confidence through very positive results and great catches!

Many people have heard of dedicated dough baits, paste and boilie bait base mixes.

These are a combination of dry powdered ingredients which can be mixed with water, eggs or other liquids, to create a mouldable dough to create baits in paste form, or boilied to form more long-lasting skinned boiled baits.

Base mix design is fun because they can incorporate such a wide variety of ingredients, for different effects, and to target different species in different ways.

But do you start by just choosing ingredients at random and hoping they mix together, or is there an easier method of controlling your exploratory mixing of ingredients?

Well, one idea is to mix together just enough powdered ingredients that if you mix them with one egg or a quarter of a cup of water, then they would mix together and bind together into a dough. Now at this test stage if you have your various ingredients in the right amounts (ratio), they will bind correctly to form a smooth mouldable dough.

Once you have tried small amounts of different ratios of your ingredients and noted the amounts in each mix tested, you will now have your own personal guide to which combinations form a practical, mouldable or rollable dough or paste; just right for making balls of bait for hook baits, or to boil in water to make boilies.

It does take a small amount of trial and error to reach this stage, but by using only small amounts of ingredients at a time you will only waste a fraction, compared to incorrectly mixing much larger amounts of perhaps expensive ingredients, and then discovering they will not bind together, or roll together, or they might even repel the fish!

Of cause, the design of the bait mix you use for your fish is paramount to successful big fish captures, and you need to test your new mix before making loads of perhaps ineffective bait! It is possible to make bait that seems nutritional and attractive, but actually, for some unforeseen reason, it does not catch fish!

So, it is advisable to test your new bait mixes on fish before possibly wasting time fishing with it. In the early days of making bait, I recall fishing for carp one night just casting out when I arrived and leaving the baits until morning, but without any fish caught. I discovered the bait only lasted half an hour before dissolving! A quick test before fishing would have saved a wasted night when the carp were truly feeding well, whilst I slept well!

Try leaving your new baits / boilies in a cup of water of different temperatures, and time how long they last before they break down, or how long it takes to flavor the water with attractors. This is really useful to your confidence to know this for a fact and demonstrates to you how your bait performs under water; something most anglers never experience for themselves!

Perhaps feed some of your new bait to fish in a garden pond, or seen feeding on the surface of your lake. You could even make your baits as instant floaters perhaps by micro waving them for very short periods until they star to be able to float in a test cup of water. (Try not to burn them!)

Watching the reactions of surface feeding fish feeding on your new baits is an instant indication of the power of attraction your baits may have or not, especially if you feed them alongside a bait you already know is exceptionally good like a top proven shop bought bait. When fish attention to your new bait is equal or even better than that given to the other control bait, then youre on a winner!

Or leave them in shallow marginal areas at the edges of your lake or river, and aim to actually observe the feeding reactions of fish to your bait over a morning or evening feeding spell to see how confidently the fish enter the baited area and feed on the new baits. You might be in for a real surprise!

For example, I made a new carp bait once, with a new sweet appetite stimulator powder incorporated into the baits original dry mix. I just tested the paste dough version instead of boilies. I wished to see if I had over loaded the bait with this new ingredient, and made it repellant to carp! I had aimed to improve the new bait, by enhancing it with a new instant feeding trigger carp response.

Having dropped pieces of the new bait into a marginal lake feeding area I waited for carp to feed, and was elated at the response, as instead of fleeing the area, they kept returning with more of their carp friends to enjoy this new delicious feast; until it was all gone. My only regret was I wasnt fishing for them at the time; it would have been great fun!

I have made many dry ingredient base mixes that would not roll evenly to form a paste, many using fish meals with a rough or grainy texture, many of which turned out to be fairly insoluble and requiring substantial water or eggs to make them bind together to other ingredients.

The same can be said of bird food ingredients. But these mistakes are never wasted and can indeed be the perfect bait for a different situation or fishing circumstance. Many a mix that would not roll has become used as a fantastically effective free bait or form the very attractive and nutritional ground bait.

I remember trying to make bait using flaked rice and spirulina based cold water fish food. I added to it some semolina (wheat based flour) as a binder and lots of molasses and egg biscuit bird food. But I had not added enough semolina; once I had added some eggs to help binding, the mix would bind together, but not roll to form bait balls.

Instead of adding more poor nutritional value semolina, I decided to use this new sugar bait as I called it, as a new experimental ground bait. (It was extremely tacky and stuck to my hands like glue.) So I went fishing using my current base mix boilies for hook baits, and used some of the new failed paste mix as small finger molded baits, to use as carp attracting close proximity attractor baits. These were baiting needle fed onto dissolving poly vinyl alcohol (PVA)strings tied to the hooks.

Having cast out two hook baits in a line at right angles from the bank, and catapulted out a line of new sticky sugar paste baits directly over the top of them things started to happen.

What a surprise! Normally it could take an hour to 6 hours or more to get the carp to really get feeding on the bait, as demonstrated by their head and shouldering surface movements, diving on the baits and bubbling activity. Almost immediately, four carp rolled simultaneously, along the baited line. It took just five minutes for the first carp run to occur.

Then runs just kept coming for the next hour and a half. (I lost count how many!) This was at a time when it could take 24 hours to produce that number of takes; so this was truly exceptional. This was an important lesson to me in the value of using paste or dough baits instead of boilie baits whose results really were much less.

This was such another striking example of how a new bait can trigger an instant carp feeding response, and it stuck in the memory. A very similar bait hooked the largest fish in this particular lake (Shotgate, Essex.) This came merely two minutes after casting out the bait out! On a different lake, (South Weald Essex,) a similar paste bird food bait with high levels of sugars, molasses and the famous Rod Hutchinson Chocolate Malt flavour, produced even more stunning responses from the big fish there.

There were many, many such examples of experimental baits producing fantastic results, some being yeast and spices based, some being fish meal based, and others being milk protein and body building powders based. Again some of these baits were so packed with attractive energy boosting sugars and were so soluble they proved exceptional alternative instant baits; many producing the lakes biggest fish almost after the first cast!

Testing new baits is so exiting at times; I made a trip to Dream Lakes in France, one year. I had been testing a new ground bait made from a boilie base mix packed with taurine rich squid extract. This bait was not cheap, but all my experience and bait knowledge told me it was a fantastic edge to take to a fishery with such consistently high angling pressure.

Fishing the often harder to fish Dream Lake 1 each morning I fed just one grapefruit sized ball of this ground bait into the edge of the lake right next to the bank at a difficult to cast to place. This would be just before breakfast time, at which point I would make my way up to the anglers lodge for a half hour social.

Upon returning to the baited spot the water would literally be black! Such was the feeding response to this bait; my confidence in catching was so high I couldnt wait to cast a rod out, and it sometimes only took a few seconds to initiate a carp take!

I realise now, that the majority of my most successful bait mixes and ground bait mixes have come about more by accident and doing things wrong as much as by design as most great inventions are!

You may be wondering if you could be missing out on exceptionally exciting catches by your ritualistically and habitually buying your most important fishing competitive edge at the shop, rather than solving your special fishing needs and requirements yourself.

Why not break the lazy habits the majority of fishermen seem to have these days; try going fishing with your own homemade baits, and make sure you take loads of spare film for the camera!

This fishing bait secrets book author has many more fishing and bait edges up his sleeve. Every single one can have a huge impact on catches.

By Tim Richardson.

These are the best guides to improve your catches:


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hollywood Movies Why Some Fail at Box Office

Hollywood Movies Why Some Fail at Box Office

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Hollywood Movies Why Some Fail at Box Office

For decades Hollywood has been making movies of different genres. One such genre is sex and violence. But do these movies do really well at the box office or, are they really appreciated by people around the globe? Well some admire them while the majority discards them if they fail to relate with the characters.

Hot and sensuous contents are part of the Hollywood movies which pulls the crowd to the theaters. Characters make a sizzling entry during a scene which tunes a person's mood and takes them to a different world. But scenes like these do not make the Hollywood movies to break box office records.

Of course, we do get tempted by such sizzling scenes so do our children. Movies should be based on strong script, a good story lineup and a unique form of screenplay. These are the elements that make the movies to reach the stardom.

Though there are certain movies that had such disturbing scenes, yet they have managed to break the box office jinx and won numerous awards. It is because the people have liked them.

Titanic, The Graduate, The Reader and many more such movies that bagged Oscar, Golden Globe and the BAFTA awards and became the people's choice. Whereas movies like "Basic Instinct", "Species", Cool Surface and many more such movies that contained such adulterous scenes failed miserably at the box office. These movies really run out from the story and showcase much on the intimate scenes which needs parental advice when watched at home.

Movies are meant to entertain viewers and should manage to pull a huge number a crowd to the theater. But, contains like this fail miserably at the box office which drives the movies out from the theaters within a week. Movies should be made for everyone including the kids, but adulterous scenes are triggered by the letter "A" which excludes children from getting into the theaters.

We all know about such movies, but it is better to make a romantic movie such as "Gone with the Wind" and "Titanic" than to make movie that have intimate scenes. Sometimes such movies tend to show certain unexpected scenes which might disturb our sentiments.

Before the release of an adult movie, the censor board takes a thorough checking on such movies and passes it with an "A" grade. The movies hit the theater and with the alphabet printed on the poster, people come to know about the quality and it's contain. This is why censor board plays a crucial role while approving any kind of the movie before its release.

Though editors play a crucial role in editing contains of the movie, yet censor board plays its role to give out the final approval before the release. The censorship panel takes a firm look of the movie and the juries decide over the scenes, which part must be deleted and which one should be in the movie.

Though censor board enacts its role while editing certain scenes, still movie makers like to make such bold movies that contain certain disturbing scenes. Maybe certain groups of people enjoy such movies but majority of them consider it to be a time killing performance.

Holiday in Sicily Spend Your Holiday on a Film Set!

Holiday in Sicily Spend Your Holiday on a Film Set!

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Holiday in Sicily Spend Your Holiday on a Film Set!

Romantic villages, breath-taking landscapes, Greek theatres, incredibly ancient traditions, golden beaches, lively cities... and even erupting volcanoes! No wonder if this magnificent island became the favourite choice for many directors. When you spend your holiday staying in one of the most charming villas in Sicily, dont forget about this fascinating perspective.

Luchino Visconti, one of the most important artists and intellectuals of the twentieth-century, created many theatre, opera and cinema masterpieces, and two of his memorable movies were shot in Sicily. First, in 1947, he filmed the neorealist The Earth Trembles in Aci Trezza (near Catania), a free reinterpretation of the novel I Malavoglia by Giovanni Verga. For the making of the film, Visconti resorted only to non-professional actors: the people of Aci Trezza, in front of the camera, talked in Sicilian language and showed their harsh daily existence. A milestone in cinema is The Leopard (Il Gattopardo) based on the novel by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. The novel (which, by the way, became the top-selling novel in Italian history), chronicles the changes in Sicilian life and society during the Risorgimento. Visconti was able to create a stunning, award-winning film in 1963, with an exceptional cast: Claudia Cardinale, Alain Delon and Burt Lancaster.

Piazza della Vittoria allo Spasimo, Piazza Sant'Euno, Piazza della Marina and Palazzo Gangi, in Palermo, were part of the set. The luxurious Palazzo Gangi hosted the spectacular scene of the Ball, while Villa Boscogrande, near Palermo, was restored in record time in order to set the scenes that should have been shot in Palazzo Salina, at the time abandoned and in decay.

The great film-maker Roberto Rossellini in 1950 filmed Stromboli (or Terra di Dio), in the awe-inspiring scenery of the Aeolian Islands: the set became famous also because it marked the beginning of the lovestory between the Italian director and the beautiful and talented Hollywood star Ingrid Bergman. Considered a classic of Italian neorealism, the movie involved many inhabitants of the island. During filming, an eruption of the volcano gave some insights to Rossellini, which directed Stromboli without a real script, setting the day-to-day ideas on a simple notepad.

Lets leave behind the great Italian cinema of the past, in order to arrive to more recent years: in 1988, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, by Giuseppe Tornatore, was shot in Palazzo Adriano (province of Palermo) and Cefal amongst other places. Also the legendary film-maker Woody Allen chose Sicily in 1995, when he decided that Taorminas Greek-Roman  theatre was the perfect location for one of the scenes of his Mighty Aphrodite. For Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith, the iconic film-maker George Lucas used footage of the Mount Etnas 2002 eruption to help out with special effects.

One of the final scenes of Oceans 12, directed by Steven Soderbergh, starring Brad Pitt and George Clooney, was filmed at the impressive Tonnara in Scopello, one of the most important and ancient of all Sicily. Scopello, also known as Castellammare del Golfo, is a picturesque village located in a stunning position. It is just 10 km away from Trapani, one of the main Sicilian cities, and is in the nearby of Lo Zingaro Natural Reserve. It is extremely hard to resist to the beautiful seaside, the dramatic cliffs and the historic tonnara.

Do you feel inspired? Sicily is waiting for you... discover the wonderful nature and the charming cities of this Island, and your holiday will be unforgettable. Plus, you will have the chance to see the stunning locations of several international movies. What else could you ask for? The hard part for you will be to leave

Holding Families Together with Family Motivation

Holding Families Together with Family Motivation

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Holding Families Together with Family Motivation

As many people know from experience, the family unit can be a strong source of stability, security, and happiness. It can nurture support, love, and togetherness. However, when things go wrong within this unit, it can become the opposite: a source of great stress and tribulation. Family motivation is the desire to preserve the family unit and keep it intact.

Husbands and wives:
It is no joke that newlyweds are often in for a shock during the first year or so of marriage. Even though a couple may have dated for several years, more often than not marriage tends to change things. Once a couple becomes husband and wife, their two separate lives merge into one. Sharing chores, bills, responsibilities, and intricate parts of each other's lives can be a tough adjustment at first. Family motivation, or the desire to keep a family together, is a very delicate balance of communication and compromise. It is not an easy task, but when two people are committed to each other and want to stay together, family motivation is the tie that binds the family structure.

When couples have problems, family motivation comes into play. If a husband and wife truly want to make the marriage work, they have to be willing to make sacrifices for each other. Staying together is their motivation. They cannot be self-centered, greedy, or stubborn. They have to learn to work together to achieve goals and be a team. If they are unable to do this, their relationship will fall apart.

If couples have a hard time solving their issues alone, family motivation may push them to seek marriage counseling from an outside source. Couples can visit a certified therapist or even a member of a religious clergy (if the couple is associated with a particular religion). Taking these steps can bring a couple closer together.

Love, marriage and children:
For couples that have one or more children, family motivation is especially important. A couple no longer has just their own relationship to work on, but they must also be concerned for their children. Children bring a great deal of responsibility into a relationship. Children must be raised, educated, and given good examples of how to live. Children learn primarily from their parents. Therefore, couples must make their lives an example for their children to live by.

Each parent has a certain responsibility to the children they are raising. A parent should be reliable, consistent, loving, patient, generous, and be willing to give their undivided attention whenever it is needed. Parents should also be firm with their children. All of these parenting traits will help to raise a child that is well adjusted and disciplined. This is family motivation for a parent to succeed. Family motivation will inspire a parent to be responsible, keep a job, pay bills, and save money for the sake of the child's future education or needs.

Family motivation keeps all types of families intact. Without it, family ties easily unwind.

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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

History of, BlackPolitics

History of, BlackPolitics

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History of, BlackPolitics

In the History of, Black Politics all we seem to have left is deracialization. It Is this writers belief that we as black men have made it through the hardiest of time possible, historically speaking. In this paper I will discuss the black politics and deracialization starting with: Willie L. Brown Jr. And his triumphs over thirty-one years in a political office. Then I will discuss Colin Powell and his position as a General in United States Military. Next I will discuss O.J. Simpson, his trial and Nicole Simpson. I feel it is necessary to discuss both people because I feel this would be a direct example of deracialization. And last in this paper you will find the Million Man March, and my limited research Rev. Louis Faracon and his dealings with the Million Man March. In Conclusion it is my hope for my reader to understand the phenomena that has occurred in deracialization in 1995.

AUTOBIOGRAPHY Willie L. Brown Jr.: Mr. Brown was elected in 1964, and was born March 20, 1934, in Mineola, Texas, and currently lives in San Francisco with his wife Blanche Vitero and three children, and his religion is Methodist. He was in the National Guard Reserves from 1955-1958, he also has a B.A. from San Francisco State University and also attended Hastings College of Law. Browns roots are modest. An African American youth who had shined shoes in Mineola, Texas, he left the Lone Star State to follow a colorful uncle to San Francisco and never looked back. He went to college at San Francisco State and earned a law degree at Hastings. Brown was a man who seemed destined for big things from the moment he walked onto the Assembly floor as a Freshman legislator in 1965. He was a flamboyant, left-leaning, angry-talking young street lawyer who had formed a homegrown liberal political organization with the Burton brothers (Philip and John) and George Moscone, the son of a local fisherman. Brown had an opinion on everything and would voice it to anyone who would listen. One of his first votes was against the re-election of the legendary Jesse Unruh as speaker. But Unruh tolerated Brown, perhaps because both were raised dirt poor in Texas, both emigrated to California after World War II and both began their political careers as rabble-rousers. Its a good thing you arent white, Unruh remarked to Brown one day after the latter had made an especially effective floor speech early in his career. Whys that? Brown asked. Because if you were, youd own the place, Unruh replied. (California Political Almanac 1995-1996 Fourth Edition, Introduction By Dan Walters, pg. 204-205, 208 R 328.794 C15 35, 1995) Willie Lewis Brown Jr. Engineered what may be remembered as the coup of his legislative career at the start of his 16th and final term in the California Assembly, overcoming long odds - and, some argue, abusing his powers and tarnishing the institution - to win re-election as speaker. It was a display alternately described as dazzling in its exhibition of parliamentary mastery and dastardly in its use of raw political force. In either case, the unprecedented eighth term as speaker that Brown won in the early morning hours of January 24, 1995, added another entertaining chapter to his extraordinary personal biography. What remains to be seen is what the audacious move means for his legacy - a subject of more than passing interest to Brown himself - as he heads toward a 1996 term limit in the lower house. Brown remains the ranking state legislator in seniority. For years, he has been the most powerful Assembly member, and certainly he continues to be the most interesting - someone who engenders strong loyalty, fear and loathing in equal proportions. Rising from the humblest of orgins. Brown has held center court in the California state Capitol for the most of his career and for more than 14 years as Mr. Speaker, breaking all records for longevity and functioning as one of the nations more influential African American political figures. A fiery orator and a brilliant strategist, Brown has an explosive temper and an equally sharp, urbane wit. But he has left many, even those who admire him, wondering if he has any core beliefs other than holding power and enjoying to the hilt all that comes with it. Brown, despite his insistence during the 1995 speakership battle that the institution was first in his mind, has often behaved as if all that counted was Willie Brown. His district has almost been an afterthought in his political career, although the Supreme Courts reapportionment of his district changes his personal constituency dramatically for the 1992 elections. Brown once represented the more affluent western and northern sections of San Francisco, but reapportionment divided the city into western and eastern districts and Brown opted for the eastern one, a much poorer area that also includes many of the citys African American and Latino residents. It made no difference in terms of Browns own re-election in 1992 or 1994. The entire city is so overwhelmingly Democratic that all Brown has needed to do is file his re-election papers every two years. And his influence goes far beyond routine ballot-box matches. Former San Francisco Supervisor Terry Francois put it this way a few years ago: He (Brown) engenders fear like you wouldnt believe. I have just become enthralled at the way he wields power. I dont know a politician in San Francisco that dares take him on. Brown is a star, and not just in San Francisco and the tight little world of Sacramento politics. He was, for example, the Rev. Jesse Jacksons national campaign chairman in 1988. In 1994, Brown took a trial run at expanding his stardom in another direction: into the world of broadcasting. He hosted a half-hour daily talk show on a Sacramento TV station. The show pulled disappointing ratings and ended after a 13-week run, but the genre remains an option for him. (California Political Almanac 1995 - 1996 Fourth Edition, Introduction By Dan Walters, R 328,794 C15 35 1995, pg. 203 - 204) Whether Brown is remembered for the power play or for the creation of a more fairly structured house remains to be seen. Even before the divisive 1995 speakership battle, Browns critics argued that he has rarely exercised his talents on behalf of substantive policy issues and has, instead, presided over a decline both in the performance and the moral atmosphere of the Legislature. He has been accused of shaking down special interests for millions of dollars in campaign funds, of presiding over a blantly partisan reapportionment of legislative districts in 1982 and of being too consumed with the inside game. After winning the speakership, Brown took the vast inherent powers of the office and shaped them into a personal tool, controlling the activity of the house with his authority over committee assignments and resource allocation. But Brown argues that he made life easier for lawmakers of both parties, and he takes credit for rounding up votes for the budgets of Republican governors - budgets ultimately passed with more Democratic support than Republican. Outside the confines of the Capitol, Brown is a controversial figure. Republicans routinely use Brown as a tool to stir up supporters and to raise money, a fact he acknowledged during the 1995 speakership fight. All your lives youve been running to get elected to public office on the theory that you would somehow vanquish Willie Brown - the hated speaker, the demon speaker, he said in a floor speech aimed at Republicans. No matter how you desperately attempt to rewrite history, for 14 years I have carried the of speaker of this house, and I many cases I have distinguished this house by virtue of it. Given his complete immersion in the aura and power of the speakeship, it was not surprising that Brown took it very personally when the voters in November 1990 passed Proposition 140, imposing term limits on legislators and forcing them to cut their staffs. Voter antipathy toward the Legislature was aimed, in part, at Brown - and he knew it. In the wake of proposition 140, Brown bitterly lashed out at the press, calling reporters dispicable and moving their desks from the side of the Assembly chambers to the rear. Brown viewed passage of term limits as an image problem and not as the result of a more deeply seated institutional malsise. (California Political Almanac 1995 - 1996 Fourth Edition, Introduction By Dan Walters, R 328.794 C15 35 1995, pg. 207) Willie Brown has since then left office of speaker of the house, and is now seeking to be the mayor of San Francisco. Theres a very undefined vision of where Willie Brown will take the city of San Francisco. It is my gathering from the news articles that I have read that Frank Jordan has not done very much for San Francisco addressing the issues, such as the homelessness, economic standing, human treatment, inner youth city programs, and social illnesses. The Sacramento Bee gives great success to Willie Brown, it says that the voters are in support of his leadership. Willie Brown has thirty-one years under his belt and he has never lost and never failed to achieve his goals for the passing of laws, and making laws for rehabilitation. The polls have Willie Brown leading 27 points over Jordan. Several analysis say that they believe the margin is actually normal, but few if any see a real Jordan serge yet. The indications are that Brown is safely ahead, said San Francisco pollster David Blinder. At this point Browns big vulnerability comes from within potential complacency among his supporters, people potentially perceiving him as thinking the election is over when its not. (Sacramento Bee, December 3, 1995, By Brad Hayward, A24) Colin Luther Powell: New York City, Apr. 5, 1937, was appointed assistant to the president for national security affairs in 1987 and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1989, the first African American to fill either post. A career army officer, Powell was commissioned in 1958 after graduating from New York's City College, where he was enrolled in the R.O.T.C. He served two tours of duty in Vietnam (1962-63; 1968-69) and held executive posts under five presidents--in OMB (the Office of Management and Budget) and the departments of Energy and Defense--while advancing through grades to the rank of general. Colin Powell (1937- ), American Army general and chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, helped create the strategy that led to the defeat of Iraq in the Persian Gulf War. In the summer of 1958 Colin Powell was in R.O.T.C. at Fort Benning, Georgia. He arrived at in June of his twenty-first year was a meritocracy, a place where performances counted more than pedigree or race - and if the Army itself was more and more becoming a meritocray in larger ways - off base in western Georgia in 1958 for a young black officer was another story. William McCaffrey, Powells fellow machine-gun hauler, recalled one example for Newsday. There was a string of bars outside the place, and when we tried to go in, they wouldnt serve us because Powell was black. We just kept telling the bartender this guy is a Ranger just like is, but we got into some kind of fight. We went back a second night, and things got really ugly. The third time he just went off by himself, and we found him later at that same bar. Hed gone in and talked to the guy, and theyd given him a beer and told him to go sit in a corner and leave them alone. Its incredible to believe, to even put in perspective after all these years, that a man who is now Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a possible vice-president, was denied service in my life time, McCaffrey adds. Powells first field assignment - the second item in a military resume that would grow to thirty-four entries and include three continents, seven U.S. forts, the White House West Wing, and nearly every ring of the Pentagon - was as a platoon leader with Company B, Second Armored Rifle Battalion, Forty-eighth Infantry, with the United States Army in Germany. Powell arrived in October of 1958. Four years and ten months after Secretary of State John Foster Dulles had first enunciated the policy of instant, massive retaliation against a direct Soviet attack at times and places of our own choosing; almost two years after Soviet troops and tanks had rolled into Budapest and crushed the revolt there; and long after there was any real hope, except in the dreamiest diplomatic circles, that the two post-World War II superpowers could find any sort of meaningful common ground. Powell was stationed for much of the time in Gelnhausen, near the border of the Hessen and Bavarian states, on the Kinzia River, less than fifty miles from the East German border, where - so military doctrine held - the ground war between East and West was most likely to begin. Over the next twenty-four months he would shuttle between the Second Armored Rifle Battalion and the Third Armored Division. He would also find a good friend and what seems to be a first rabbi.(Colin Powel, Soldier/Statesman - Statesman/Soldier, Howard Means, 355.0092 P882zm 1992, pg 110) Powells first rabbi in the military - one of those critical senior officers who can help guide a career through the bureaucratic advancement labyrinth of the services - appears to have been Ret. Col. Raymond Red Barrett. I was executive officer of the battalion he went to, Barrett says. I was there from 1957 to 1960. That was the Third Armored Division, Germany. He was great at that time. Theres no question. He was an outstanding officer. His sense of responsibility - he had that from the word go. And a cheerful disposition - he was never head serious, even under adverse conditions hed find something humorous. He was an all-around guy, not just rifle platoon but heavy mortar. He was a real goer, a real doer. (Colin Powell, Soldier/Statesman - Statesman/Soldier, Howard Means, 355.0092 P882zm 1992, pg. 111) By the summer of 1962 the terms of a career in the Army were about to change for Powells immediate generation of officers. While Americans had been staring eastward across the Atlantic Ocean, mesmerized by a potential ground was with the Soviet Union across the battlefields of Europe - and a potentially far more devastating nuclear confrontation beyond that - the nation was slowly sliding into war in Asia for the third time in a little more than two decades. Beginning in 1961, a search had gone out across the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. In July of 1962 Powell got orders to do just that. I was an infantry officer. I was stationed at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, Powell told the Washingtonian. I was thinking of getting married, or at least I was going very steady with a young lady, and suddenly I got orders saying, You are going to Vietnem. Colin Powell got married three weeks later on August 25, 1962.(Colin Powell, Soldier/Statesman - Statesman/Soldier, Howard Means, 355.0092 P882zm 1992, pg 115-116) Captain Powell served his first tour in South Vietnam - December 1962 to November 1963. In February of 1966 Powell was pulled off of the Army infantry Board, which he returned to after his advanced infantry course and assigned to be an instructor at Fort Bennings Army Infantry School, where he had been a student only nine months earlier. (Colin Powell, Soldier/Statesman, - Statesman/Soldier, Howard Means, 355.0092 P882zm 1992, pg 138) From 1966 to 1987 Colin Powell moved rather quickly up through the ranks. In November 5, 1987 he was appointed the office of National Security by President Ronald Regan. Colin Powell was the first African American to achieve such an office, beating several young men to such a prominent post. In 1995 Colin Powell has since the retired from his position as a general. And was given the opportunity to run for President of the United States which he has chosen to decline. The football star Orenthal James Simpson, San Francisco, July 9, 1947, first gained fame as a running back (1967-68) for the University of Southern California, where he won the 1968 Heisman Trophy. Simpson was drafted by the Buffalo Bills of the professional National Football League (NFL) and, after a period of adjustment, displayed the same smooth, deceptive running style that had made him virtually unstoppable in college. Simpson was selected to play on five all-star teams and set the NFL record (1973) for the most rushing yards gained in a season, 2,003. That record was broken in 1984 by Eric Dickerson of the Los Angeles Rams who ran for 2,105 yd. Simpson finished (1979) his career with 11,236 yd gained rushing, at the time second in NFL history. He also set records for most touchdowns scored in one season--23 in 1975--and for most 200-yd games in a career (6). After his retirement Simpson turned full-time to a career in movies and television. He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985. O. J. Simpson's Most Memorable Games (1978); Fox, Larry, The O. J. Simpson Story: Born to Run (1974). O.J. Simpson (1947- ) established what was then an NFL single-season rushing record in 1973 when he gained 2,003 yards. He gained over 200 yards in a game more times (6) than anyone else. On retiring in 1979 to pursue a promising career in film and television, Simpson ranked second behind Jimmy Brown in career rushing yardage for the National Football League. OJ Simpson was a accused of Nicole Simpsons murder it has been a racial question for some and has been a non-racial question for others in such of facts. As I stated in the pre we need to know also Nicole Simpsons story, and the book that I got to tell this story is Nicole Brown Simpson, The Private Diary of a life interrupted. Throughout her book she has stated that OJ loved Nicole but she was in fear for her life. She was a battered woman that could not escape a mental, abusive environment. On page 210 she is quoted as saying I felt a cold chill when I was around OJ Simpson. The last phone call that Nicole was Sunday and it seemed from reading the book that she was scared, paranoid, and that she was in fear of her life. It is not to be disputed that OJ Simpson did not batter her but yet it is a question of did he kill her. Deracialization for this writer is to say that he married her, had to kids with her, and how could he kill her. It is not possible to kill someone that you strongly love, but yet to try to help them and reconnect your relationship with them. In the OJ Simpson trial the defense painted OJ just so, the prosecution painted him in a jealous rage. As a writer of this paper, I say it just isnt so. I pause to find the errors inside their reasoning of guilty: 1) his arthritis 2) the samples of blood contaminated, cross contaminated 3) the time factor and 4) Mark Ferman. Just what those simple four reasons in my mind he was not guilty, but I am here to answer the question of deracialization. As I have said before, an integrated marriage between two races is deracialization. Million Man March: In the Million Man March you had three million African American men and women predominately men marching on the steps of Washington. The NAACP down played it but yet they were there the other organizations of Black origin down played it but yet their leaders were there. The Million Man March was help in Washington DC for a joining of the Black Brotherhood. The prominent leader of this march was Rev Louis Faracon, whom was teaching the black men not to degrade their black women, to help his fellow black men, to support the organization of their community, to own up to their responsibility as parents, to better themselves and their black communities at large. These were the teaching of the honorable Rev, Louis Faracon. How does this apply to deracialization, I would say that it would be described for a political and social issue to better serve all communities at large. If you have listened to Rev. Faracon you will hear the things I have just mentioned apply to all people in 1995. What may divide us can only make us stronger when we see a common and mutual interest. In conclusion, the Willie Brown, Colin Powell, OJ Simpson, and Rev. Louis Faracon symbolize a strong point of deracialization, but I guess the question is what is deracialization, I do not have the answer. Have lived so many years in this world toghter but yet we have walked apart. We eat at the same restraunt but we never speak to on another. It is only when there is a social issure it separate us do we stand up and fight. It is only when an injustice is done that we stand up and fight. It is only when a man of color attempts to obtain a presidential seat do we stand up and fight. It is only when we have a race war were the fighting will end and there will be no one left to fight. BIBLIOGRAPHY

California Political Almanac, 1995-1996, Fourth Edition, Introduction By Dan Walters, R 328.794 C15 35, 1995 Colin Powell, Soldier/Statesman - Statesman/Soldier, Howard Means, 355.0092 P882zm, 1992 Nicole Brown Simpson, The Private Diary Of a Life Interruped, Faye D. Resnick with Mike Walker Sacramento Bee December 3, 1995 Brad Hayward section A24

Hire a Talented Freelancer from the Top 5 Freelance Websites

Hire a Talented Freelancer from the Top 5 Freelance Websites

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Hire a Talented Freelancer from the Top 5 Freelance Websites

In recent times, there has been an exponential growth in the number of freelancers across the globe. Thanks to the advent of improved online freelance websites, more and more people have been embracing this new culture of working as a freelancer. The best thing about freelancing is that it gives one the flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere while choosing a convenient timeslot. In fact, most of these websites allow freelancers to become their own bosses and help them get as much work as they can as per their talent and competence. Gone are the days, when freelancers were considered as those, who had uncertain future now people can make a desired progress in their careers. Listed below are some of the top freelance websites, which have gained immense popularity by offering the best solutions to freelancers.

Ruprr: Well, Ruprr has made the most promising start as compared to others and it has been growing magnificently since its inception in 2015. This feature rich online platform has a massive database of freelancers in the world. It has well defined categories for freelancers and clients, which are comprised of writing services to website development and designing services among others. It is a multi-national freelance website, which also provides an exemplary marketplace for buyers and sellers.

Toptal: Though, Toptal is comparatively a new entrant in the world of freelancing, it has earned a huge following in a short span of time. This platform connects top freelance designers and developers with their clients across 90 countries in the world. It has a stringent screening process to create a database of the very best freelancers in the world. This service is only limited to technical projects and known for its immaculate network of freelancers. Toptal also has dedicated account managing teams, which assist the clients in finding the most suited freelancers for their projects.

Freelancer: Freelancer is one of the earliest players in this field, which still has a network of 17 million registered users. Though, not all of those users are active on this platform, every day innumerable employers across the world post their requirements on this website to hire talented freelancers. This platform works on the bidding process, where employers post projects and freelancers bid on those. Thus, employers get the services of freelancers at competitive rates, while the freelancers get ample opportunities to bid and earn projects.

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The way things have been evolving in the world of freelancing jobs, it would be apt to say that they will further get better for a common freelancer. The obvious reason is that all these freelance platforms will continue to strive to make their services robust and better than ever in their quest to outdo each other and ultimately that would prove beneficial for a user.

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