Friday, April 6, 2018

How Do I Just Get Over It

How Do I Just Get Over It

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How Do I Just Get Over It

People usually mean well. Although sometimes theyre just tired of putting up with someone elses problem. And its not as if youre not trying. Youd love to just get over it, after all. Its no fun holding on to all this negative emotion.

The good news is that its not because you have a weak character or theres something wrong with you that you havent been able to get over it until now.

Honestly though, it feels like its holding on to you, not the other way around, and theres not a lot you can do about it. If you could, you would have done it already.

But imagine that you could finally get over it, whatever it is. Whats the downside of getting over it? Seriously. Because if there were no downside to getting over it, you would have done so already.

Heres the deal: usually, theres a part of you thats trying to keep you safe in some way, and letting it go is not part of keeping you safe. One way or another, in one version or another, thats usually the downside.

The decisions that you made, possibly unconsciously, at the time that it happened may no longer be appropriate, but the part of you that made that decision is still alive and active in your energy field. At the time of a traumatic event (and it could be a seemingly small and hardly significant event as easily as something truly horrific) part of your subconscious mind literally froze in that moment.

In Matrix Reimprinting, that part of you is called an ECHO, or Energy Consciousness Hologram. And for your ECHO, the time that it happened is always now. And that energy is still affecting you right now, in every moment, whether youre aware of it or not.

So how do you get to the ECHO, the part of you that is still stuck in the it and convince it that its safe to let go, that there is no longer any downside to getting over it? Worse, what if you have no conscious memory of it?

Fortunately, with energy psychology methods such as Matrix Reimprinting or Deep State Repatterning, its now possible to get in touch with, literally have a conversation with, and heal the ECHO that is holding on to your traumas. And this is true whether your ECHO happened at a time where you have no conscious memory or not.

Its true even if you were an infant. With these techniques we can have access to preconscious memories as far back as in your mothers womb, and even beyond.

The recent astonishing advances in energy psychology allow a gentle healing that actually creates new energetic memories, so that not only do we neutralize the emotional charge around the old memories, but we also change the energetic memory attached to the event.

This does not change history. It does, however, change the energy field that your ECHO is holding concerning the history.

In short, it allows you to finally get over it, usually once and for all, once all the ECHOs have been healed and cleared.

There are subconscious dynamics that are now beginning to be understood in a way that finally offers people a real, practical, and effective way to get over it -- whatever it may be, from fears and phobias, to trauma, to grief, to heartbreak, to just about anything that weve held on to that we have previously been unable to let go of.

So how do you just get over it? You locate the earliest ECHOs that are holding your trauma, and heal the ECHOs. The results are peace, freedom, and joy.

For more information, go to:

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