Saturday, March 31, 2018

Got Dry Skin Use Only the Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin

Got Dry Skin Use Only the Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin

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Got Dry Skin Use Only the Best Moisturizers for Dry Skin

You may have never heard of this, but did you know that your skin won't get its much-needed moisture if you use products that merely add moisture to the skin? The best moisturizers for dry skin are in fact those products that improve the skin's ability to preserve its moisture level.

So what are the most effective moisturizers for dry and wrinkled skin? These skin care products and face moisturizers have to be gentle on the skin because dry skin is aggravated by products with ingredients that cause skin irritation.

To avoid being trapped in such situation, it pays to use only those anti-aging products that contain natural and safe ingredients such as antioxidants. At the very least, good moisturizers for dry skin are made of antioxidants that prevent the damage caused by free radicals in the skin cells.

The best moisturizers for dry skin are manufactured using ingredients such as Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 (a non-emulsion form of the antioxidant coenzyme Q10), phytessence wakame, and Cynergy TK. These special and natural ingredients are up to the task of helping your skin boost its moisture level.

Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 is a potent antioxidant that goes deep down into the skin to improve skin cell activity, thus leading to hydrating of the skin. This substance effectively fights free radicals that cause premature aging and skin problem, resulting in less wrinkles and supple skin!

In addition, Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 stimulates the body to produce more collagen and elastin, and more collagen and elastin leads to a healthier and younger looking skin. Only the best moisturizers for dry skin contain the compound phytessence wakame sea kelp extract that comes from the seas of Japan; phytessence wakame fights the damaging effects of the enzyme hyaluronidase found in the body.

Hyaluronidase destroys the hyaluronic acid in the skin, and hyaluronic acid is critical to the skin's ability to repair its tissues. Now, phytessence wakame helps hyaluronic acid prevent dark spots, wrinkles, and other ugly manifestations of premature aging.

In addition, the best moisturizers for dry skin contain the latest discovery in anti-aging industry: the Cynergy TK. This breakthrough substance enhances the growth of collagen and elastin to make the skin firmer and more flexible, and like other effective ingredients in skin moisturizers, Cynergy TK helps the skin improve its efficiency in retaining its natural moisture.

In contrast, avoid anti-aging products and face moisturizers that contain alcohols, paraffin wax, petrolatum, and mineral oil because these ingredients do not make a good moisturizer for dry skin; instead, they only cause the skin to become drier. These skin-drying ingredients create a greasy film on the skin's surface, which in effect tells the glands in the skin to stop producing its own oil for hydrating the skin.

To sum it up, you must be careful enough not to let your skin deteriorate and make you look older because of skin dryness. Look for the best moisturizers for fry skin that contains safe and natural ingredients such as Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10, phytessence wakame, and Cynergy TK.

Global Warming and People of Faith

Global Warming and People of Faith

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Global Warming and People of Faith

Is Al Gore the political lefts equivalent of Chicken Little or should we all snap to attention and take him more seriously? Is global warming a concern that the church should undertake as its own cause? Lets see.
Former Vice President Al Gore has raised the awareness of the portent of global warming before the congress and the general public with a fervor that cannot be labeled anything less than a campaign. Should people of faith take him seriously?

Al Gores film should be added to the rest of the possible disasters to end the world genre that has emerged of late to defer attention away from what is really heating up.

Neither God nor the Bible holds any political position right or left. As it pertains to what is really polluting the earth the Bible says it is what we are allowing in our souls and not what we are allowing into the air that will cause our ultimate demise. and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness. Jer 3:2

It would be irresponsible to say that anyone Christian or not can ignore the implications that will ensue at the indiscriminate raping the planet. It would likewise be irresponsible if we saw global warming as the only threat to civilization that we should take heed to. In fact there is an inherent danger in leaping on this latest diversionary bandwagon of panic and suspect science.

Christian people, especially those who are liberal leaning are cajoled into the panic with reminders of the Bibles call to good stewardship. Good stewardship does not preclude reading the final chapter. Whether a well studied eschatologist or just a regular Bible reader it takes no special intelligence to see that global warming is not what brings global judgment. It is not even close.

It must be said that Gores inconvenient truth conveniently ignores the fact that the world does not end because of rising global temperatures. In fact the world does not end at all but is restructured at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Government by mortals is ended and topographical changes are made around the globe. Under the rule of Christ which lasts for a thousand years there will be no chance of global warming or any other threat to the environment.

As we approach the second coming of Christ there is precious little time to be given over to the latest liberal cause. Liberal causes can derive very little redemption just by being coupled with this seemingly noble contention. The slaughtering of everything moral and right doesnt look any better just because its done in a crystal clear and pristine environment.

So what is the time for? Nothing new here, it is as always the great commission. Mt 28: 18-20 Yet it goes largely un-noticed that while attention is diverted to new causes like global warming that resistance is aimed at the old commands to bring the gospel to every creature on the earth. Concern for the environment is important but not at the expense of the souls of men.

Pumping hydrocarbons into the air causes more concern than the filth and trash we pump into the minds of our young everyday through media, educational claptrap and indifference. The promise that technology would rise at the same time that morality would fall is well known to students of the second coming of Christ. Daniel 12:4. Not as well known is that the Bible promises that our world will not and I stress will not end because of global warming.

Setting our priorities in order is part of preparing ourselves for the imminent return of the Lord. Keeping the planet clean is important but it is the least of the priorities when we consider that the earth will someday be removed. The Bible also says that while the earth will someday be gone the souls of men will go on forever. How and where those souls exist is what is more important than any cause new or old.

Rev Bresciani is a Christian author and a columnist for several online sites and magazines. His articles are now read in every country worldwide. Visit

Getting Unstuck and out of Denial

Getting Unstuck and out of Denial

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Getting Unstuck and out of Denial

Are you stuck in your life? Not moving forward? Perhaps it's time to take an honest look at what you have been doing to move forward in your life.

I constantly have people come to people who desperately want to achieve success yet they anxiously wait by the sidelines waiting to see what will come their way. Truth in fact is success rarely drops in your lap but must be preceded by action based on realistic circumstances. Yet its much easier to stay in denial and remain stuck than it is to venture out of that comfort zone. Problem with that is that you won't be able to achieve your desires. In real life success is never convenient but failure is always convenient. To achieve success means starting right where you are with what you have now at hand.

Many people live their lives in a state of denial especially in this economy and stressful times. Denial is one of the top sabotaging strategies people use. And many times is it tied into the 'rescue me please' self-defeating behavior.

At the base of denial is deep rooted shame. There is an internal shame of something that you do not want anyone to see or know about you so you cover it up with Denial. Because for them to see or know this about you would imply that you are less than or unworthy in their eyes. But you must realize that is strictly your interpretation and has little to do with truth.

Denial is at the base of eating problems, financial problems, relationship problems and work/career problems. People are so overwhelmed with what is going on around them that they are not sure of what actions to take and at its base there is a shame that they are covering up.

When you are in denial you are giving up your control.Are you in denial about your financial situation, or your relationship? Maybe it's your fear of success you can't quite seem to cross over. If you are stuck in life, chances are good denial is at the bottom of it.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to be authentic and own your self defeating behaviors. You have to own them, expose them so that you can re-write them.

Everybody has them, yet so many think it should be this closely guarded secret. Its as if another person would think less of you for thinking this way when in reality it has been my experience that they are relieved for this has been their same. It shows that you are authentic and can develop honest bonding relationships with others.

To break it down for you so that it will make your decisions easier to come by. And I will have to confess this is the system I use whenever I am stuck in a place that I dont want to be in.

First analyze what thought or fear is keeping you stuck about that specific situation. What is the thought? Is it a self defeating pattern? What is that bringing up for you? What is the shame in it?

Once you start coming out of denial is when you start taking control of your life and for once having what you want instead of dealing with what you get in life.

In most situations the fear that is behind that self defeating thought is exactly what you must do. I know you dont want to hear that and for many that makes your stomach churn. Fear is not to be thought of as a bad thing but rather as a signal for you to look internally and make changes so that you can take the next step in your life. That is a growing sign.

Once you realize that you have been in denial you have made a huge first step where you can write yourself an action plan to change your circumstances and start in the direction of where you want to be.

Supporting you in your success,

Chrissyann Smith

Friday, March 30, 2018

Get Him in the Mood For Sex - How to Get Him in Bed Tonight

Get Him in the Mood For Sex - How to Get Him in Bed Tonight

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Get Him in the Mood For Sex - How to Get Him in Bed Tonight

Here's good news for all the women out there --- men are pretty easy to seduce. Provided of course that he already likes you --- things will be a lot simpler if you start at that. Men are very visual creatures and the only way to make him totally yours is by getting a little creative with your flirting skills. A few little seductive moves and girl gestures and he'll be twisting around your fingers in no time. So what should you do to get him in the mood for sex tonight? Make it one hot and steamy night through these amazing techniques:

* Show a little skin. That's right. Let's get technical for now. Men love to seem some skin and it won't hurt if you do. Make it as subtle as possible if you can. A few body-fitting dresses would do to. That's enough to get his hormones raging and wildly turned-on in a few seconds.

* Smell irresistibly nice. This is not an option. It is a must. As a woman, a typical man would expect that you'd be smelling nice and sweet all the time. It's a very strong aphrodisiac and the more you get closer with him, letting him get a whiff of your cologne, the more he'd want to be in bed with you sooner.

* Get close and flirt. Flirting is your number one weapon when out on a regular bar night --- it keep you attractive and appealing. Flirt as much as you can but don't come off as someone totally easy to get. Send mixed signals and take some time to tease his imagination. He'll definitely yearn for more all night long.

* Be sexy and naughty. Sexiness is not only a physical attribute --- it's also a personality. If you feel desirable and sexy, you start to look the part too. Know how to flash him a few sexy and playful glances and they'd be definitely drooling after you. Keep it going and he'll be in bed with you soon.

* Stare right back. If he's flashing you few grins and trying to make eye contact --- stare right back. That would definitely get him all fired up. Not all women are very adventurous when it comes to flirting with men. But the more you get risky and aggressive, the more they'd bite the bait. So maintain eye contact with him. At all costs.

Do you want to find out more male turn-on's and other ways for you to starts attracting men? Do you want to become a total seductress and learn techniques with the art of flirting? Do you have what it takes to be an expert on how to be seductive? Visit my website right now! It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with women you thought you'd never get a chance with!

Author's Bio: 

Mark Hamilton is an expert on seduction, attraction and dating. He has helped thousands of men attract beautiful women and get over their shyness and transform into confident men.

He works closely with leading attraction and seduction guru Mark Taylor.

t's time you get the kind of relationship you desire. Click here NOW to find out how you too can date hot girls!

Time Warner Cable Offers the Best Value in Digital Packaging

Time Warner Cable Offers the Best Value in Digital Packaging

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Since television first began broadcasting around the world, Time Warner Cable was there to bring entertainment to your home. Time Warner cable has broadened its horizon to give you yet more services with the same great quality that you have come to demand from a veteran member of the cable TV and telecommunications world. When you think of digital phone, digital cable and broadband high-speed internet service, remember that Time Warner Cable offers the best quality and value available anywhere. You can obtain all the services you want for both home and office, plus the comforting knowledge you're getting your service from a trusted company like Time Warner Cable.

The quality of digital phone services has never been better. You can enjoy all the calling features you have come to expect as well as local and long distance calling all for one low monthly rate. Conversations are crystal clear, giving you the feeling you're speaking to someone in the same room. It's one of the benefits that comes from making use of digital technology. The distance and muliple transfers of an analog signal can degrade a traditional telephone call's quality. Not so with digital phone service from Time Warner Cable.

Broadband internet service from Time Warner Cable gives you top of the line in high-speed internet connections. You will have live streaming video, video games, and more , all the while having the comfort of knowing that you have a secure connection that won't fail you. This is a necessity for any business, and especially true for a small or home business. You also have the option of packaging with other services to save money.

Time Warner Digital Cable offers the best when it comes to TV quality and value. Additional features like HD and video-on-demand make Time Warner Digital Cable the best entertainment choice you can make. You may select a package that offers a wide range of entertainment choices, or merely pick a package that gives you basic channels and allows you to create your own custom package by selecting the sports and movie channels you desire. Digital television packages include music and DVR choices so you can watch movies and shows at a later time without the commercials.

For the most options with customizing your entertainment needs there is no one better than Time Warner Cable. When you purchase digital telephone service, not only will you receive local and long distance calling with great quality, you will also have a wide selection of different features. The incredible package deal of digital phone, highspeed broadband, and HD digital TV from Time Warner Cable is the best offer available from any cable provider. Click above or call today to take advantage of the biggest discounts available anywhere on the web!

Read Terry Jennings reviews if you are looking for Time Warner Cable Bundle Deals or Time Warner Communications Service to find the best deals!

Get Fully Versed With Chapters, 7,11, 12, and 13

Get Fully Versed With Chapters, 7,11, 12, and 13

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Get Fully Versed With Chapters, 7,11, 12, and 13

Hardly anyone living in the U.S. that is not a bankruptcy attorney knows that there are presently seven different ways of filing for discharge, and even if they do know, then they almost certainly wouldn't know what the differences mean, or how those differences could affect them, or which one might be best for them.

Here Are The Seven Different Kinds

Chapter 7 which relates to liquidation bankruptcies for individuals.

Chapter 9 which relates to municipal bankruptcies.

Chapter 11 which relates to discharges resulting from confirmation of a Chapter 11 plan of reorganization.

Chapter 12 (a&b) which relates to certain family farmer or fisherman cases.

Chapter 13 (a&b) which relates to certain cases involving adjustment of debts of an individual with regular income.

* There are two separate versions of Chapters 12 and 13 available.

In this article we will only examine Chapters 7, 11, 12 and 13 since bankruptcy as it applies to municipalities, is unlikely to be either needed or of interest here.

You Can't Pay Your Debts!

In essence, the various bankruptcy laws provide a way for a debtor who is unable to pay his creditors to resolve his debts, using a supervised dividing up of certain of his assets among his creditors.

The intent behind this supervised division, is to ensure that the interests of all creditors are treated with some measure of equality.

Certain bankruptcy proceedings permit a debtor to stay in business, and to use the revenue thus generated to resolve his or her debts.

While the debtor is either working out a plan or the trustee is gathering the available assets to sell, the Bankruptcy Code stipulates,

a) That creditors must stop all collection efforts against the debtor.

b) When the bankruptcy petition is stamped "Relief Ordered" upon filing, that the debtor is immediately protected from his creditors.

The Different Chapters Explained

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 is the liquidation Chapter of the Bankruptcy Code that is most commonly referred to as "straight bankruptcy" or "liquidation", and it may be filed by,

a) An individual

b) A corporation

c) A partnership

Under Chapter 7, a trustee is appointed to collect and to sell all property that is not exempted, and to use any proceeds therefrom to pay creditors. An individual who files for Chapter 7 is granted certain exemptions, technically known as a discharge, which means that he doesn't have to pay certain debts, and is allowed to keep certain possessions.

A discharge of debts is generally granted to debtors, but it can be denied or revoked by the court, based on certain misconduct of debtors, which might include fraudulent actions such as,

a) A debtor's failure of to disclose all of his assets during a bankruptcy case.


b) Corporations and partnerships do not receive discharges, meaning that individuals that are part of a corporation or a partnership are still liable for debts and often file for a second bankruptcy, as individuals.

Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Chapter 11 is a "reorganization" whereby an individual or the owners of a business propose a repayment plan to the creditors who are owed money before the case is filed.

Although it is designed primarily for businesses, it can also be used by individuals who do not qualify to file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.

Reasons for non-qualification are,

a) The individual's income is too high for Chapter 7.

b) The amount of debt is too high for Chapter 13.

Chapter 12 Bankruptcy

Chapter 12 is for those who qualify as family farmers, meaning that a certain portion of the debtor's income must come from the operation of a farming business in order to qualify. Family farmers have to propose a plan to repay their creditors over a period of time from anticipated future income, and the plan must be approved by the court.

Payments are made through a Chapter 12 trustee who also monitors the debtor's farming operations while the case is pending.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 is for,

a) Individuals who have a regular income, whose debts do not exceed $1,000,000 ($250,000 in unsecured debts and $750,000 in secured debts).

b) Individuals who operate businesses as sole proprietorships.

Corporations and partnerships do not qualify.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy,

a) Generally permits individuals to keep parts of their property, by agreeing to repay creditors out of their future income.

b) Each debtor proposes a repayment plan which must be approved by the court.

c) The amounts set forth in the plan must be paid to the Chapter 13 trustee who in turn distributes the funds for a small fee.

d) Most debts that cannot be discharged, can still be paid over an extended period of time.

e) After completion of payments under the plan, Chapter 13 debtors receive a discharge of almost their debts.

If you have overwhelming debts and have perhaps tried credit counseling, debt settlement and debt consolidation, but they either didn't or couldn't work, and you now have debt collectors at your door then bankruptcy might be the best route.

The present financial situation is catastrophic, and many people that ran their lives and businesses successfully for many years, have now succumbed to bankruptcy, and the good news is that it no longer carries the stigma that it once did.

If bankruptcy appears unavoidable, then hopefully this article will have provided you with enough information to enable you to decide which form of bankruptcy might be right for you.

But in any event, I would recommend having a skilled bankruptcy attorney handle the procedure for you, because he will almost undoubtedly save you more money, than he will cost you.

Time Warner Cable Offer Three Services To Fit Your Needs

Time Warner Cable Offer Three Services To Fit Your Needs

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You may want to consider Time Warner Cable if you are looking for phone, Internet, and cable TV from the same provider. There are many advantages and great rates with all of the services they offer.

The cable tv bundle you may select from Time Warner Cable is totally terrific. There are several unique packages to choose from to fulfill all your needs. What is great about this is that is provides you with more opportunities to find the television experience that is best for you. You could choose from many movie channels, sports packages, and even gets high-def (HDTV) television too. You won't be restricted to a limited amount of stations from a local broadcaster any longer if you switch to Time Warner Cable. The packages are designed to fit your needs and designed to fit your budget.

Time Warner Cable's Road Runner Internet is all that's necessary for complete internet security. Sometimes children tend to open every email that comes to their email address. Nothing to fret about anymore. The free anti-virus protection offered by Time Warner Cable will protect a computer system from attacks, such as hackers and viruses. Your Children can now surf the web, free of worry, and not destroy your computer. For those of you who have to share your business computer for family use, this is very beneficial. Viruses attached to your emails will be detected and removed immediately by the virus guard system before they get to you. This will allow you to receive reports of questionable activity on your PC and gives you the ability to run recurrent checks of your system, affording you complete protection. Time Warner Cable wants you to enjoy a safe internet experience.

Time Warner Cable has a digital phone service that provides a perfect solution for all your communication needs. Enjoy unlimited local and long-distance calling without fear of an outrageous phone bill. Receiving a phone bill in the hundreds for cross-country family calls is devastating. Stop worrying how much those lengthy long distance calls are hurting your pockets and check out the monthly Time Warner Cable packages. Talk to your family whenever you want for how long you want. This kind of telephone service has totally altered the way people view their phones.

When you go with Time Warner Cable for all of your needs like phone, Internet, and cable you are making an excellent choice. You can design your TV viewing to be set up the way you like it if you love to watch sports or you want to sit back and watch a movie every night. There is a package for you. Road Runner High-Speed Online Internet services provide anti-virus protection so you can enjoy the Internet and not have to worry about being compromised. Your phone bills will remain the same every month no matter who you call around the nation and you can talk to them as long as you like. Time Warner Cable will make it worth your while.

Read Terry Jennings reviews if you are looking for Time Warner Cable Bundle Deals or Time Warner Communications Service to find the best deals!

Garter Belts In History And Her Story

Garter Belts In History And Her Story

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Garter Belts In History And Her Story

I recently watched a film on how women can wear garter belts to make sex a little more fresh and exciting. Garter belts used to be a necessary part of a woman's clothes. Now they are novelty items. Can you believe there was a time when women wore garter belts simply to hold up their stockings and not to enhance their nightly escapades?

Now stockings are something you might see in a museum. They have been replaced with panty hose. Can you imagine a less piece of sexy garment than panty hose. Truly they were made for convenience and not sex appeal. The women of this world wanted to be able to get dressed faster for work and they got their wish in panty hose.

But let us face the truth. Women dress sexy if they ever do dress sexy only on their boyfriend's birthday. Not on their husband's birthday mind you but perhaps their boyfriend's birthday. Why dress up for the husband he has to stay no matter what. Oh you might see a garter belt in a lingerie ad but that is about it. Women stopped dressing with sex appeal in mind long before garter belt videos were available on the internet.

You might be too young to remember this and you might not believe this but girls actually used to wear dresses most of the time. Yes, that is right. When I went to elementary school and junior high most if not all females wore dresses. This changed by the time I got to high school. I remember in junior high I had some teachers who wore some great dresses. And back then it was a question of how high the knee was cut above the knee. That made going to school fun.

But today you can go to school, the market, the post office and you will nothing but blue jeans, pant suits, and slacks on women. You can forget about garter belts altogether. I guess it is a matter of convenience. But is also about our culture.

And for any of you Brits out there when I say pants I am referring to trousers and not underwear. So yes it is a lot easier for women to wear slacks than a dress. You do not have to be a woman to know that. It is easier to put on slacks, easier to wash and iron them. And I suppose it is easier to sit down and do daily chores wearing pants than a dress.

But it is also the result of the women's lib movement back in the 1970's when women were burning their bras and demanding equality with men. You may have seen these film clips of women protesting on the college campuses around burning trash cans.

If you notice though most of these women were wearing dresses. And they were pretty short dresses at that. Kind of like the ones my teachers in junior high wore. But later these women outside the camera view must have burned their dresses too. Because there are sure no more women wearing sexy short dresses let alone garter belts where I live.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Three Ways You Can Learn from Movies

Three Ways You Can Learn from Movies

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Movies are everywhere.

Their stories, phrases, and scenes are a part of our culture.
We all have favorite movies, favorite memories relating to movies, and in some cases movies that help us define our lives. While you may not think about it, movies have probably enriched your life.

Movies are stories told in a rich medium. Stories are how we make sense of the world. They hold tremendous power to surprise and delight; to affect in ways far beyond entertainment. Stories, well told on film, can affect our views of ourselves and alter our perspectives of our world. Stories, without question, have made our lives better.

Learning is one of the most important parts of life. In fact, the ability to learn in a multitude of ways is one of our most human qualities. We learn best when we are immersed in a situation, actively involved in the learning process. Movies can help us learn because they wrap us up in a story. If you`ve ever jumped or screamed or cried during a movie, you`ve experienced the power of film.

While most think of movies as entertainment, a diversion or an escape because of their very nature they can be much more than that. As the previous paragraphs show, they likely already have become a source of learning in your life.

The rest of this article will provide you with three specific ways you can consciously use movies to drive your learning and enrich your life:

Asking Reflective Questions
Exploring Your Mental Filters
Creating Group Conversation
Asking Reflective Questions

There are some general questions that can be helpful when reviewing a movie - whether to reflect personally or to spark a conversation. These questions can be used with any movie and can be, by themselves, the foundation of meaningful learning opportunities. These core questions include:

What was/were your favorite scene(s) and why?
What did you like/dislike about the movie and why?
If you`ve seen the movie before, how was your experience of the movie different from past viewing(s)? What struck you the same or differently?
What scenes made you laugh or cry (if appropriate)? Why?
Which characters, if any, do you identify with in some way?
What about this movie or story reminds you of your life experiences?
What if anything will you do differently, or think about differently, since watching the movie?
What insight do you gain from this movie?
What in this movie inspires you?

Exploring Your Mental Filters

Your state of mind, current thoughts, and life experiences all play a part in how you "see" a movie.

This is one reason why you can watch a movie twice, even if only a few days apart, and have a very different experience. Your mental filters are the reason why you may experience a movie differently on different viewings.

Some of your filters are life-long, based on your values, early experiences and deeply held beliefs. For example, people who grew up in India will have a different perspective and therefore view the movie Gandhi much differently than Americans will. Different filters are largely the reasons for these distinct perspectives.

Other filters are related to more recent events and the various roles you are playing in your life at that time. If you saw The Sound of Music after recently being widowed, your reaction to Captain von Trapp might be different than in previous viewing of this movie. These more recent filters are the main causes of unique experiences during various viewings of the same film.

The question "If you`ve seen the movie before, how was your experience of the movie different from past viewing(s)? What struck you the same or differently?" is included to help you examine your filters. Often by thinking about these filters, movies can help you reflect your own growth and change over time, as well as how current situations are shaping you.

Creating Group Conversation

While you can do the first two tasks by yourself, I`m guessing you often watch movies with other people, so it`s natural to consider having a conversation with others about a movie.
Of course, this happens naturally already, either with the people you watched the movie with or around the coffee pot when you all realize you`ve all seen the same movie.

Since conversations about movies are natural, all I am suggesting is that you consciously extend and/or facilitate the discussion so that everyone can take lessons and insights for their own lives from the fiction you`ve experienced on film.
This may be as simple as you interjecting questions from the reflective question list into the normal movie banter, or it might be even more intentional where people agree ahead of time to extend the entertainment of the movie into the education that can be derived from it. Either way, everyone wins!

In the second case, if you are leading the conversation, the best way to begin is to simply tell people that the goal is to learn from the experience of the movie. Let them know that you want this to be fun, and encourage them to really listen to each other.

Encourage them to approach the conversation with a spirit of inquiry, not of debate. Conversations usually aren`t very fulfilling when everyone has the same opinion, so encourage people to share their thoughts, even if they seem "way out" or different from the opinions of others. When you set up the conversation that way, you are well on your way to a great interchange and much new learning for everyone.

Potential Pointer: Movies are a part of our lives, whether you watch several a week or haven`t been to the theater in years. Because movies provide a rich sensory experience of a story, they provide a wonderful platform to learn when you take the time to intentionally extract lessons from them.

This (Non-Surgical) Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Will Make You Feel New!

This (Non-Surgical) Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Will Make You Feel New!

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For many women who are thinking about a vaginal rejuvenation procedure, it can be difficult to get solid answers to the questions you may have. While there have been major improvements in non-surgical treatments for a wide range of medical issues, not everyone understands the benefits of these techniques.

Many women have elected to have rejuvenation procedures to ease pain, improve aesthetics, or remedy other health issues. But fortunately, women do not need to be scared off or intimidated by the thought of a difficult surgery or painful recovery period any longer.

There are currently non-surgical treatments with extreme health benefits. If you are considering a rejuvenation procedure, these techniques may be right for you.

Are you aware of all the benefits of a non-surgical procedure? Heres what you need to know:

Vaginal Rejuvenation And Increased Pleasure

When some people hear about vaginal rejuvenation they think simply of the aesthetic or pleasurable effects of the procedure. And for many women, the benefit of increased confidence and beauty is more than enough reason to sign up for this non-surgical procedure.

The increased pleasure others encounter is also a major benefit. Cosmetic procedures have been used to increase pleasure during sex and note increased sensitivity and better orgasms as a result.

Treating Other Health Issues

But for other women, vaginal rejuvenation is a remedy for health concerns. They are not receiving non-surgical treatments like Thermiva as a path to more pleasure, but a way to decrease pain.

In addition to decreased pain, there are a number of other health benefits non-surgical rejuvenation offers. They include:

Easing Vaginal Dryness
Helping solve urinary leaking
A remedy for atrophy
Orgasmic dysfunction

There are also women who are finding menopausal relief with a non-surgical rejuvenation procedure.

As these processes grow in ease and affordability, women are finding more and more health benefits when they opt for non-surgical rejuvenation procedure.

A Fast Recovery

One of the barriers to many women having the health benefits of a rejuvenation procedure was the pain associated with surgery. Also, with a long recovery process, many women were afraid their daily lives would be disrupted for too long after to go ahead with the procedure.

Luckily, non-surgical procedures have changed all that. Patients can resume their normal daily lives right after the procedure. Whats even better is that they can resume sexual intercourse with their partners immediately.

For women who have had difficulty with painful intercourse, they will find that the benefits of this procedure allow them to experience sexual intercourse pain-free as well.

A Variety of Additional Benefits

As we all know, a vaginal rejuvenation procedure will beautify and enhance the appearance of a woman. But for others, the treatment will remedy long-standing defects that have maybe plagued them since birth.

For others, it means a return to wearing the dresses, swimwear, and beach styles they have long avoided. Whether for women post-childbirth or others who have long waited for a non-surgical answer, they will find the rewards are numerous.

Dont wait! Talk to your doctor today about the benefits of this non-surgical procedure for you.

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French Rose---Sophie Mapuis

French Rose---Sophie Mapuis

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French Rose---Sophie Mapuis

Italy beautiful lady Monica Bellucci once said that "I think the real belle is the one who has the elegant of France and sex of Italy.In my heart, France star Sophie Mapuis is this real belle." If we compare the beayty of Monica Bellucci to poppy rising from the flames, her wild and spicy just can't stop to keep an eye on her, then Sophie Mapuis is a pink lotus who rises unsullied from mud, an smile on her face would make the whole town turned out to see the circus.

Sophie Mapuis, awared as "forever love" by French men. She has big bright and brown eyes. In her image, we can see the sexy of the westerns and the mstery of easterns. All in all, she was simply oozing with charm. She played a role in "laboum"(1980) when she was only 14. Once the film carried into the screen, this film attracted thousands of audiences. Her fist role in the play made an impression on everybody who saw it. Through this film, she became a new star in France moviedom. During the next five years she appeared in 3 films, laboum2(1982), fortsaganne(1984) and joyeusespues(1984). Until 1985, she met polaand famous director Andrei Zulawski, she became to act wildly in her following films, such as lamourbraque(1985), lafidlit(2000). Her acting made progress in this process, then she developed into the most bright and beautiful sexy belle in European.

There is a beauty, it can soul-stirring and silent. Sophie Mapuis is the lady who has this beauty. In China, there is a famous saying "You cannot have your cake and eat it. Beauty and wisdom can not exist together. While Sophie Mapuis own these two. She not only make films, but also write books, lieing woman (La Menteuse). She once said, words is a record of life. It is the sound of your bottom heart. Writing is an important part in life. In that book, she began with "I don't want to tell truth, because I like mystery. To some extent, mystery is a effective means to increase charming. She knows using words to record herself and life as well as living in a low-key style. The heroine in her book likes dog walking, this is come nearest to her real life. The heroine in her book is Sophie Mapuis from some aspects, and not her from other aspects. "This is not a book of myself, but so far this book is the most personalized thing in my life" she said.

In 2008, she played a role in Femmes de l'ombre, a real "uniform seduction". This movie is a turning point of her acting style, her role in this movie overturned her previous elegant manners. Have you ever seen the movie?

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Things to Look for in a Home Security Camera System

Things to Look for in a Home Security Camera System

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Is your home well protected?

Home security systems are so effective at deterring crime that they can even net you a discount on your insurance.

But not all camera systems are created equal. The right home security camera system can help keep you safe, while the wrong one can leave you vulnerable. At the same time, you want to avoid overspending.

So how do know which one is right for your home? Well show you the three most important things to look for when you are buying a security camera system.

Ease of Use

Are you thinking of hiring a company to install your home security system, or are you planning on managing it yourself?

There are a ton of DIY options. With all the options on the market, the best home security camera system for you is probably one you can install and monitor yourself.

Check reviews and pay attention to any comments about the ease of install. If you choose a complicated, difficult system to install on your own, you may end up making mistakes. This will mean that your system isnt as effective as it could be.

Also, consider the ways you can monitor your cameras. Many camera systems can be managed via an app. In addition to making your system easy to manage, you can check in on your home no matter where you are.

Security Camera System Encryption

Many DIY home security cameras are wireless. They make use of your WIFI network and often communicate with an app on your phone.

While this makes them more convenient, it can also pose a security risk. Research the models you are considering and look for any known security problems.

You can also consider getting a system that is not connected to the internet. You should carefully balance security with ease of use.

Once you have your camera, there are additional steps you can take to ensure they stay locked against potential hackers.

Image and Video Considerations

There are a lot of choices when it comes to the type of video a home security system can record. The right type depends a lot on your personal needs and price range.

One of the biggest considerations is image quality. Higher definition images are more effective when it comes to identifying a potential intruder.

HD has its downsides though. It hogs your internet bandwidth, takes up more storage space, and costs more. Cheaper HD systems often experience video lag.

Some cameras only record video when they detect movement. This can save on bandwidth and storage. This can still be an effective security method, but it means you wont get a live stream you can peek in on.

When you choose a security camera system, you need to balance your needs for price, image quality, and bandwidth and storage use.

Wrapping Up

Installing a security system can be a great way to make your home safer. But it is important to choose the right one for your needs.

While shopping around, keep in mind the ease of use, security, and video type. This way, youll end up with a system that gives you the protection you need.

Interested in finding out more tips and tricks for home improvement, technology, and security? Check out the rest of our blogs today!

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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Ultimate Guide to Creating New Friendships, Part 1

The Ultimate Guide to Creating New Friendships, Part 1

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Studies have found that having friends is one of the most important contributions to having a happy and healthy life. Forming friendships isnt difficult, but it does take some effort.

Friendships Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Some friends we know from childhood are with us our entire lives. Others come into our lives for a short time, and our lives are enhanced. With some friends, we feel close right away, and were are able to share intense experiences soon after we meet. Other friendships develop slowly, perhaps over years.

Some people we keep close contact with frequently. Other friends drift in and out of our lives. I have a friend who I met when I was pregnant with my daughter 30 years ago. We saw each other off and on over the years, losing track of each other, then seeing each other in front of a health food store or crossing the street downtown. Now weve vowed not to lose track of each other again. We have each others phone numbers and e-mail addresses, and its easy to stay in touch.

The more you see a person on a regular basis, the more likely a friendship will flower. You can see someone at the same caf, bump into them at the gym, or share the same class with them over a semester. You start with a simple hi, move to short conversation and then to longer and more intimate ones.

Youre also more likely to form a friendship with someone who lives nearby. Being physically close can make a big difference. If the person is open and friendly and enjoys talking, developing a friendship may happen quickly.

There is a greater chance of becoming friends if you share the same interests, beliefs and values. Although you dont have to agree on everything, if you look at the world in the same way, this is an excellent basis for friendship. You may have similar jobs, family situations, education, ages, spiritual beliefs, or economic status. If their personality is like yours, all the better!

Where to Meet People Who Can Be Your Friends

There are many, many places where you can find people to start a friendship with. Look around you and see if any of your neighbors are similar to you. It can be your neighbor in the next apartment or someone down the street who likes to do what you do. Start a conversation and see where it leads.

What about making contact with people from your past? You can call an old school chum and find out what theyre doing now. You can e-mail each other or, if you live close by, call them and have lunch to catch up. Sometimes this can lead to a closer relationship.

You may find an interesting friend at work, someone who shares your interests or who you enjoy spending time with. During breaks and lunchtime, you can discover if there is any connection. If you ask them to go to a movie or attend an event with you, youll see if you have fun together.

Of course, if youre taking a class, you already know you have something in common. Talking during a break or after class will help you know whether or not you want to make a deeper connection.

One of the best ways to meet people like yourself is to be involved in activities youre interested in. It can be a hobby that youre gaining knowledge about, a physical activity that you enjoy doing, learning a new skill, a lecture youre attending about a topic youre passionate about, or volunteering for a cause that you feel strongly about. You can look for one-time events such as lectures, home shows, concerts, tournaments, or sports events. Or you can look for something more long-term such as political activist meetings, book clubs, meditation groups, yoga classes, or religious services.

When youre attracted to something, others who are similar to you will find you interesting. You can exchange stories and experiences and even create new ways to do things together.


At least once today, compliment a friend on their appearance, their smile, or a decision they have made. Not only will they appreciate your compliment, you will feel good for having enhanced their day.

The Twilight Obsession and Its Effect on Marriages

The Twilight Obsession and Its Effect on Marriages

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The Twilight Fervor

The Twilight fervor seems to be heating up again with the release of the next movie in the Twilight saga. What isn't being talked about though is its potentially negative effects on relationships.

After seeing this disturbing Twilight parody music video, and hearing about "Twilight Moms" and such on Oprah, it seemed necessary to comment on the Twilight phenomenon, and it's detrimental effects on marriages.

What may begin as harmless fun or a little escapism from the rigors of real life can easily become an obsession--especially if there is a void in one's life that is hankering to be filled.

If the connection in marriage is already weak, and there is little happening to nourish it, filling the void with a fantasy is an easy snare to slip into.

For today's "desperate housewives" it may be fun to feed the fantasy of a man who's every breath is focused on her protection and his own self-restraint, all the while being extremely dangerous. His obsessed adoration may be a turn on, but the reality is that real men have a real life with other responsibilities. It's not all about you.

I can only imagine how husbands of "Twi-hards" might be feeling about their wife's Twilight fixation. Most men can handle a passing heart palpitation or two for the hunk on the big screen, but beyond that it can be a bit of a slap in the face.

And seeing the kids of so-called "Twilight Moms" say that their mom loves "Edward" or "Jacob" more than them is a sad commentary on how Twilight can affect family life as well.

It's quite astounding to hear of grown women--mothers no less--spending so much time and attention on all things Twilight.

Women caught in the Twilight fervor may not even be aware that it has become obsessive. They may need to ask themselves how much time and energy they are spending thinking about Twilight-related things in a given day? If someone where to ask their husband or children about Twilight, what would they say?

It might be a good idea to ask your husband or kids what they think about Twilight if you do happen to be a big Twilight fan. They will likely be able to provide some perspective.

What's the Big Deal? Where's the Danger?

Some might ask, "What's the big deal? Where's the danger in a little Twilight obsession? One of the biggest issues with Twilight is that it paints an unrealistic picture of what love and relationships are all about.

Other concerns include the time wasted that could be better spent, and how it may be weakening relationships.

The love between Bella and Edward is so intense and obsessive in its own right that it can imprint our minds with what love is or "should be." That makes for pretty impossible expectations for a real-life husband (or boyfriend--for the young women also obsessed with Twilight) to meet.

How can any real man compare to the fantasy? An over-abundance of chick flicks or other romance novels can have the same effect.

Husbands may become even less motivated to please their wives if they know they are competing with a fantasy--it's a contest they can't win. Most men won't even try.

It makes for a vicious cycle of a woman feeling unloved--making her more susceptible to the Twilight fantasy, and the husband being less likely to even try to connect with her.

It's comparable to an obsession a husband may have with pornography. The more he indulges the less she wants anything to do with him, which makes him feel even more rejected and more susceptible to the fantasy world of pornography.

Wives can't compete with that fantasy either.

Another potential danger is simply the time and energy spent on something other than one's spouse and family, or other worthwhile endeavors. It's an opportunity cost.

If you're reading the books or watching Twilight movies all day you can't be spending quality time with your husband and/or kids. It's not just the woman that gushes about seeing the movies 300 times that may be creating a negative effect in her family.

Time and energy spent on any addiction or compulsive behavior is inherently self-centered, which feeds the obsession itself. Getting outside yourself and refocusing on the welfare of others can help break any obsessive behavior.

It's also a pretty cool gift for a husband to see renewed attention and affection when it had previously been going to Edward or Jacob.

One last danger of a Twilight obsession is that relationships can be weakened. Those that are most susceptible to getting caught up in the Twilight drama are those who likely already have weaker relationships. A Twilight obsession is likely to be an additional means of weakening the marriage further.

I can only imagine how I would feel if my husband were to become obsessed with Megan Fox or anything having to do with Angelina Jolie, even just for fun. It definitely wouldn't help the relationship, and would more likely become a constant source of frustration and resentment.

The Effects on the Intimate Relationship

Given the work I do with couples in their intimate/sexual relationships, I can see how particularly damaging a "Twilight Crush" can be in a marriage. Many men long to have their wives feel affectionate--even sexy--toward them.

When a husband sees his wife enthralled with a fantasy man, but rarely feels such attention from her himself it can be rather disheartening.

Women are wired for emotional connection, so they are more than happy to bask in the eager anticipation, and the mental and emotional longing that a romance novel or obsession with a book or movie character can provide.

For some women the extra thrill is that the psychological excitement can be a pleasure in its own right without it having to lead to "other things."

This is why women are more often accused of a bait and switch after marriage when their premarital teasing and flirty behavior can now lead to "other things." Some husbands complain of finding a less-than-affectionate wife after marriage when she was previously very affectionate and even sexy towards him.

Because of women's sexual wiring they can be quite content to linger in a state of mental and emotional arousal created by a Twilight fantasy without it going further in the sexual cycle.

This may also be one of the reasons women get away with a Twilight addiction more than men can get away with a pornography problem.

Potential Marital Benefits from Twilight

Some women swear that Twilight has improved their sex lives. What they may not realize is that anytime a woman reads a book or does something that encourages her to think romantic thoughts more often it has the potential of increasing her sexual desire and activity--particularly when that desire is taken into her marital bedroom.

Twilight books or movies can stoke a woman's intimate fires for her husband if she were to direct those energies towards her spouse. Rather than feeding the frenzy and obsessing about Twilight to fit in with one's girlfriends, thinking romantically about one's husband throughout the day and night could instead nourish the marriage.

Putting your husband's face on the romantic scenarios you play over and over in your mind can keep the focus where it should be--on your husband! Looking at your spouse the way you would look into the eyes of your fantasy man, and nourishing intimate thoughts about your spouse are other helpful behaviors to strengthen the intimate relationship in marriage.

The stirred up excitement created by Twilight can actually provide a spark for your own marriage if you will direct the thoughts and emotions toward the man you already have--and can actually hold.

If Twilight obsessed women would direct even half of their intimate and erotic energies towards their husbands and the real-life fantasy available to them, their marriage relationship would be greatly strengthened and become infinitely more satisfying.

The Truth about Learning How to Be a Film Director

The Truth about Learning How to Be a Film Director

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If you want to learn to be a film director, then you must realize that directing films is a job that despite some stories about lucky people, requires an education. Quentin Tarantino dropped out of high school and never went to film school, but that is a rare situation. There are lots of college programs offering access to the latest lights, cameras, and film making technology -- but the truth is, the best education for a film career is on the job training.

The education requirements for learning the techniques to become a director also means you can get certification for the technical aspects of film making. The actual work as a director can be challenging, yet flexible and very rewarding. Courses of study often focus on the elements of a successful film plot, style and characters. But there's more...

Directors need to know every aspect of a film's production, from editing to cinematography to digital sound effects. Anyone interested in film probably already has inexpensive modern digital cameras and editing software. But that just means that film making and directing has never been more accessible to anyone, so there is lots of competition in the field. Very few first time directors get to work on million dollar budget blockbuster films. Directors typically must work their way up, often by directing music videos, or commercials, and the salaries for film and movie directors are unpredictable and you start out on the low end.

There are plenty of websites filmmakers should track, such as,, or These are all places where independent movie makers gather to discuss tips and tricks. Schools for directing and some university websites have started hosting videos of mentor teachers helping anyone who wants to learn how to be a film director.

These schools are accredited and will prepare you for all the steps to make your own feature film, music video or commercial. And the best ones find you mentorships where you work under the direct supervision of a professional director in the film industry. Usually within six months, you'll have all the experience, knowledge and connections you need to either direct your first feature, or get a job. The advantage of an apprenticeship is that your personal tutor, or a private mentor, will teach you just about all you need to know. But best of all perhaps, is that they will introduce you to their connections in the film business. You will also get to work on real movie, TV, commercial or music video projects while training for the future.

This method is proven to work, and it sure beats sitting in some overcrowded, overpriced college classroom. Check out what our students and mentors are saying about a career in film directing on YouTube. Just type in what you are looking for - like how to become a film director.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Truth About Egg Donors 5 Myths Debunked

The Truth About Egg Donors 5 Myths Debunked

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The Truth About Egg Donors: 5 Myths Debunked

If youve been thinking about becoming an egg donor or using donated eggs to have a child, youve probably found a lot of contradicting information.

Its important to understand the process and know what to expect when it comes to such an important decision.

Lets debunk some popular misconceptions so you can be armed with the right information.

Myth 1: It is painful and uncomfortable to donate eggs.

During the preparatory period before the egg donation takes place, donors must inject follicle stimulating hormones.

There can be some side effects, including a headache, upset stomach, and cold-like symptoms. The majority of the time, these effects are mild and short-lived.

Concerning the actual procedure where the eggs are retrieved, there is no surgical incision, it rarely takes longer than 15 minutes, and the donor is lightly sedated.

As with the hormones, women report only mild side effects. If you get some over-the-counter pain meds at the drugstore, you should feel fine.

Heres the bottom line: there are some mild side effects you could experience as a donor, but most women report little to no pain.

Myth 2: Donating eggs will hurt my fertility.

There are a couple of common misconceptions that contribute to this myth.

One is that donating eggs will deplete your egg storage.

Women are born with hundreds of thousands of eggs. During the donation procedure, the number of eggs harvested is the number that a woman naturally produces during ovulation.

What does this mean? It means that you would only be donating the number you would naturally lose that month anyway.

Another misconception is that the hormones you take can hurt your fertility.

This is also false: the hormones you take as a donor are similar to your natural hormones, and will not cause infertility.

Myth 3: Donating eggs is detrimental to my health.

There have been claims that donating eggs can lead to breast or ovarian cancer.

But according to recent research, theres no convincing evidence that egg donation causes cancer.

Myth 4: Anyone can be an egg donor, even someone who is uneducated or sick.

Donors go through a screening process in order to become donors and ensure the eggs donated are of good quality.

Some of the common requirements for donors are:

Must have a high school diploma or equivalent
Have a body mass index lower than 29
Be in their 20s
Have good physical and mental health
Are a non-smoker who doesnt use drugs

Depending on the clinic, there may be other requirements pertaining to personal and family history of cancer, heart disease, and psychiatric conditions.

Myth 5: Egg donors only want money.

While there is a financial component to being an egg donor, money is by no means the only motivator.

Many people consider donating eggs so they can help those who are infertile to start a family. It can be immensely gratifying to help someone in need to have a child.

Bottom Line

Choosing to donate eggs or use an egg donor is a big decision, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

Hopefully, this post has given you a better and more accurate understanding of egg donation.

If you have any thoughts, opinions, or experiences related to egg donation, feel free to leave a comment!

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The Topic of a Conversation is Key for a Person with a Hearing Loss to

The Topic of a Conversation is Key for a Person with a Hearing Loss to

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A frequent comment made to me when I am successfully participating in a conversation is, I thought you were partially deaf. How come you seem to hear everything we are saying? " Then they are doubly puzzled when I am shortly thereafter totally confused and not hearing well when the conversation shifts.
This is because the topic and content of a conversation play a huge part in the comprehension of speech - of hearing - for all of us. Especially those of us who are hard of hearing.

Have you not been in a conversation with someone and they suddenly, mid-stream, out of the blue, for no reason at all, they shift gears and talk about something else totally unrelated to the current discussion? What is your first response? "Huh? What? What ARE you talking about?" Is it because you have a hearing loss? No! It is because much of what you were hearing was based on the topic and content of the conversation. When the conversation topic shifted without any warning, the subsequent verbiage didn't "match" what the brain had been expecting and interpreting. So for a brief time you are at a loss until you know the topic of the new conversation. It can happen so fast you may not even be aware you are doing it. Here is an example of what I mean:

It's sort of like trying to understand people with strong foreign accents

Imagine you are standing in line at a convenience store and someone from a foreign land with an extremely strong accent comes up to you and starts talking. The accent is so strong you strain hard; eyes squinted, in an effort to understand what this nice person is enthusiastically talking to you about. Suddenly you hear something that sounds like, "Magic Kingdom." With THAT piece of information, you listen some more and, indeed, that is what the person is talking about - their recent visit to Disneyland. Armed with the topic, you are then able to comprehend their words better. A whole lot better. Your brain is chock full of information about Disneyland that fills in the blanks, so to speak, of what you may not clearly understand from this foreign visitor.


Now, suppose this foreign visitor is chatting on a topic for which you know NOTHING - like nuclear physics. With no prior knowledge stored in your memory to draw upon, the brain cannot help fill the gaps of what you do not comprehend. In that case you probably are going politely explain to the enthusiastic visitor that you are not able to understand them and end the conversation.


How can this knowledge serve those of us who have a hearing impairment or interacting with one with a hearing loss? Make sure the TOPIC of the conversation is understood first and foremost. Hopefully, once the topic is known, there is some knowledge of the content. Knowledge that helps to fill the gaps of what is not fully heard. After 2-3 tries the topic isn't yet understood, write it down in a short sentence. You'll see their eyes light up and relief spread over their face. They can now participate to in the conversation. How much they can participate can depend on how much they already know about the topic. But without at least knowing what the topic is, the chances of participating in any degree is slim.

I recall when my father was losing his hearing and needed this type of assistance to understand what mom was saying. But mom just flatly refused to write anything down for dad. She'd just scream the same sentence over and over, louder and louder. Her face would turn red and the veins in her would neck stick out. It was awful. Dad was isolated. Mom was frustrated. There were few conversations between my parents once dad lost his hearing.

Contrast that to a wonderful audiologist whose husband is hearing impaired. She told me that when they are out to dinner with friends, she always clues him in when the topic of a conversation has shifted, so he has a better opportunity to stay connected with the party. She'll turn to him and say, "Honey, we are now talking about the movie 'Terminator.'" If he doesn't understand her after a couple tries, she'll jot it down for him to read. He smiles in acknowledgement and the conversation continues...with him.


When you capitalize on the topic of conversation and then content, you'll find communication will be much more easily received and achieved. This is true no matter who you are chatting with, but especially if communicating with individuals who are hearing impaired.

If you are discussing a topic for which the listener(s) are not familiar, be prepared to slow down and repeat yourself. Not because they have hearing loss, but because they are not familiar with the topic or content of THAT conversation. If the listener is hearing impaired, much more effort will be required to get the information across.

But it is worth the effort.

Communication is connection. Connection is vital to a person's sense of well-being, esteem and confidence. Be the giver of the gift of connection. You can start by making sure the topic and content of the conversation is known.

*** Author: Linnaea Mallette Author Website: Linnaea Mallette Hearing Loss Website/Blog: Hearing Loss Tips



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Everyone has periods in their life when they feel *down in the dumps*, blue, or mildly depressed, *especially* at holiday times, such as Christmas & Thanksgiving. Many people feel this way especially on New Years Eve due to perhaps a combination of alcohol, the end of a year that was not great for them, etc. These *down* feelings can be due to everything from some personal problems to business hassles to various weather changes or conditions. For those for whom these moods are short-lived and *not frequent* the following have shown to help boost one's mood and general outlook.

1. Socialize & Think Positively!
When a person is feeling blue or *depressed,* often the LAST thing they want to do is be around others or socialize. The fact is, however, when we are feeling blue or down, if we choose to isolate ourselves and hold up in our room or home, we will tend to focus on the same mental *tapes* that are causing us to feel down in the first place! If you will force yourself to call a friend and meet for coffee, a movie, a walk, a talk--anything to get out and change your atmosphere, the chances are good that will have a good effect on changing your mood for the better. For all but those who have a severe depression problem requiring a doctor's help and medication, try and remember, *We are what we THINK*. Our thoughts can propel us into ecstasy or into the depths of the *blues*. And MOST of us have control over our thoughts. It takes being conscious of them, and it takes practice. Remember: We are ALWAYS *at choice* as to thoughts, actions, etc.

2. Do Something Just For YOURSELF!
Be totally selfish here. Think of something you want to do for yourself...a short trip, a manicure, a haircut, buying yourself the coat or scarf you have been wanting. It does not have to be extravagant nor costly. The point is you are being GOOD to yourself, and that will sink in, and a part of your Self will say "Gee, I deserve this, and things are not so bad after all." This is not going to necessarily get to the root of what caused you to feel down or blue, but it will make you feel better long enough that maybe you can put the cause in a different perspective, or simply not take it as seriously!

3. Give Something To Another Person.
One of the best ways we can get beyond our own physical and emotional Self is to find something *bigger* than our own familiar problems upon which to concentrate! Think about your friends, relatives, the poor people in your church, or the local charities. Pick a person or cause that appeals to you and decide to give to that person or that cause. It can be your time or money, a toy, or whatever. Giving to others makes MOST people feel good in their heart. Feeling good in our heart can have a great impact on how we feel in our MIND and body. It is the thought and the symbolism. The gift may be small, but the thought is all. You WILL feel better!

4. Rent Or Go See A Happy/Funny Movie.
Laughter has long been a quick and effective panacea for ills of all kinds. Medical studies show that it creates endorphins (body hormones that act as natural pain killers as well as *mood elevators*) as well as red blood cells and T-cells (the good cells which make up a part of the body's auto-immunue system and help us fight disease). When we laugh we also force our mind (although there is not any real struggle) to change modes and to be *UP* and to feel up, not down or blue or depressed. We substitute our own thoughts and feelings for those of the people on the movie or television screen. Watching an hour long comedy where we laugh and take our mind off our daily problems can last for hours or days as far as reducing chronic pain, a *blue mood* feeling, etc. It is cheap, easy, and, if we allow it to be-it is FUN!

5. Volunteer Your Time.
One of the best ways we can help pull ourself out of feeling sorry for ourselves, or feeling blue, or concentrating on our own aches and pains, is by helping other people who have problems of their own...often much more severe. It is very humbling to take a walk through a rehabilitation unit in a hospital at a time when we are complaining or feeling low due to an ache in our back or almost any other physical problem we might have. Most of the people we see are FAR worse off than we are, yet they are working, smiling, laughing, and talking...trying to do what they can to make the best of their situation. Giving time to others is a very good way to get *outside* of our own situation. Every city has volunteer bureaus and other places that need help, even if it is for an hour a day or a week! Giving to others will come back to us many times over in positive ways if we allow ourselves to try it.

6. Get Out Of The Past & Into The Present!
Most bad moods and mental attitudes are a result of what has happened to us in the PAST. This can be the recent past, or long ago. It is vital to your body and energy and Life as a whole that you stay in the PRESENT with your thoughts and feelings. The past is over! *Hanging onto* old hurts, pains, anger etc. will do you much harm emotionally and physically over time. We can CHOOSE to focus on creating a positive and healthy present for ourselves, or dwell in the past, creating anxiety, depressed moods, anger, guilt, etc. Do you want to live your life in the PRESENT or live it based on the past onto which you are still hanging? Let old hurts and pains and anger go! Doing so will free up all kinds of *positive energy* and your body and mind will have a chance to be MUCH healthier as a result!

7. Walk Or *Mall Walk* To Cheer Up.
Walking is prescribed by many doctors to help depression. Maybe your finances are what have your down in the dumps. If that is the case, drive to the closest mall and walk and just look in the windows. Buy an "Orange Julius" or soda, sit on a bench and watch the people and the children. REALIZE that EVERY person you see has their own problems, and has days when THEY are blue or down. Some may feel much worse, and even be clinically depressed. *To do* is to take action. And taking action fights the blues and the *funk* one feels by sitting or lying down at home brooding indulging in self-blame or pity. Remember *misery loves company*? Well, at a mall you can be assured you have hundreds if not thousands of men and women who have felt or are FEELING just as bad or worse than you at the very time you are there! You are NOT alone. Life will go on...things can get better, You must make the choice to help MAKE them better however.

8. Call Someone You Like Who Is A "Positive" Person And Chat.
This option is alright as long as you do not *dump* on your friend, and as long as you do not abuse it. The idea here is to get OUT of yourself, and have some interaction, and hear about someone else's life, and take your mind off your own *stuff* for awhile. It's okay to let them know you are feeling abit low or down, and if they ask, you can tell them BRIEFLY what is going on. Just don't make it a long whining monologue! Ask them about THEIR life and job and family, etc. Get involved with someone ELSE, and your mind will take a turn as well. Let them talk about their life and current situation. If they are someone you see off and on in person, you might offer to get together with them for lunch, coffee, a movie, etc. sometime soon. The more you talk or listen to them and talk about things other than your OWN current situation, the better the chances are your mood will lift and you'll feel better after the call.

9. Meditate Or Listen To Relaxation or Positive Affirmation Tapes.
Meditation can be a very good way to change your mood. It works whether you are depressed/down, or anxious/hyper. I suggest taking a course or getting good quality tapes which teach meditation. It is amazing what it can do to quiet down the mind and release the stress caused by both anxiety AND depression feelings. Tapes on relaxation as well as self-affirmation by many well known expert authors are readily available through bookstores, some music stores, and also the *New Age* type book and music stores. Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer are two of the most well known authors of books and tapes on health issues, specializing in "positive thinking" and how they affect our physical and emotional health. They can be found in most book stores, or on the Internet at Amazon Books online at The investment in these tapes is quite small compared to the benefits they can give the user.

Creating things alters our mood. It shifts us from the right side of our brain to the left side etc. Creating can be through cooking foods, painting (walls or on canvas or paper) making something using needle and thread, yarn, or Legos! It is also "creating" to play music if you are musical. Play what you wish as loud or as soft as you wish. Make up a song. Music (hearing it or playing it) has long been used by people of all cultures to create or alter a mood. Whatever type of music makes you feel it or create it. It WILL change your mood for the better if you allow it to and if you concentrate on the music and creating and forget how you have been "feeling."

Copyright 97, 98, 99, 00, 2001

This content may be forwarded in full, with copyright, contact, and creation information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit context. For other uses, permission in writing from CoachVille is required. Questions: email

Monday, March 26, 2018

The Top 10 Relationship Movies

The Top 10 Relationship Movies

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Authors of Conscious Loving & Spirit-Centered Relationships
Co-Founders Of The Spiritual Cinema Circle

Here are our nominations for the best relationship movies of all time. Our criteria combined artistic merit with the ability of the movie to shed light on the inner workings of relationships, and how to maximize their potential. In addition, all the movies we selected share that elusive quality known as heart. Weve watched hundreds of movies during the nearly 30 years weve been together. These are the ones that moved us deeply as works of art and inspired us to recommend them as teaching-tools at seminars and professional conferences.

Any Top 10 list is arguable, subjective and highly debatable. If youre a relationship-movie enthusiast, we look forward to hearing about what your favorites are. Please send your nominations to us at

Heres the list, followed by short write-ups about why each movie was chosen and what you might learn from it.

1. Moonstruck
2. The Holiday
3. The January Man
4. Truly, Madly, Deeply
5. Monsoon Wedding
6. Love Actually
7. Tootsie
8. All Of Me
9. Jillians Vantage
10. A Cool, Dry Place

This masterpiece has many things to recommend it, but if we were going to pick just one thing it would be the tour-de-force speech about victimhood and responsibility that Nicholas Cage gives in the basement of the bakery. Everyone interested in relationships should watch this scene (weve probably watched it 100+ times.) Its not only brilliant acting but also shows exactly how people can get trapped in a painful moment in the past that causes them to adopt a view of themselves as victims and reject love thats being offered to them in the present. Also, the ending scene around the dinner table is ensemble acting at its exquisite best.

The Holiday
What a treasure! Nancy Meyers wrote, directed and produced this warm-hearted miracle of a movie. Its got a lot of useful wisdom in it about how to get unstuck from past relationships so you can be present in the moment to give and receive love. Kate Winslet and Jude Law give luminous performances. Pay particularly close attention to Kate Winslets tirade toward the end when shes finally closing the door on her boyfriend, the quintessential handsome cad shes been putting up with for way too long. If youve ever been lied to by someone whos says they love you, youll laugh and wince and learn a lot at she gives him his come-uppance.

The January Man
This overlooked gem is a thriller that we recommend primarily because of one brilliant scene. It takes place toward the beginning, so if you dont like the thriller aspects of the movie you can skip the rest. Watch closely the scene between Kevin Kline and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio in the restaurant at the ice-skating rink. It has one of the best examples ever of how to speak honestly in relationships. If people could learn to talk to each other like this, there would be far fewer problems in relationships.

Truly, Madly, Deeply
This heartful drama, directed by Anthony Minghella, is one of the most beautiful movies weve ever seen. It not only has magical performances from Juliet Stevenson and Alan Rickman, it also teaches powerful healing-lessons about how to come to terms with loss and grief. One high moment of the movie comes when the characters quote a poem from Pablo Neruda. Just thinking of that moment brings tears to our eyes.

Monsoon Wedding
This comedy/drama, directed by Mira Nair, is a loving look at the complexities of an Indian culture in which arranged marriages often match partners whose hearts belong to others. But this wise movie speaks to a universal problem: when you withhold a truth from your partner, you pull back from the relationship and project your own fears and fantasies onto the other person. The film shows a beautiful example of how to resolve this problem through authentic emotional expression. When the truth is finally spoken, the betrothed partners find a depth in each other (and themselves) that had gone unseen before.

Love Actually
Oh, how do we count the joys of this multi-faceted heart-fest? First, you get to feast your eyes and ears on some of the greatest actors of our time: Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman and Colin Firth. Second, there is a wildly funny turn by Bill Nighy, an aging rock star who makes an improbable promise he ultimately must make good on. Third, the movie touches on themes that everyone has confronted at one time or another: the challenges of communication, forgiveness after a betrayal, the healing power of love, even the transformation of a feisty secretary (nicknamed Plumpy by her father) into a Prime Minsters consort. Full of good old-fashioned cheer, this movie is a good one to watch during the holiday season.

In our opinion, the most perfect comic screenplay ever written. Then, when you add Dustin Hoffmans performance, one of the greatest in the history of film, you have a movie for the ages. The primary relationship-wisdom explored in the movie is the search for authenticity. It captures brilliantly the struggle for authenticity that happens in every close relationship. Each of us is wrapped in layers of persona, the masks we wear to get through the rigors of childhood and adolescence. When love emerges and takes us on its eternal journey, the masks are revealed as what they are: covers for the inner conflicts we fear and the inner magnificence we deeply seek to express. If we remove the masks, we set about the task of resolving our inner conflicts and expressing our true potential. If we choose to cling to our masks, fearing what lies beneath, we continue to obscure our true identity and rob ourselves of the ability to make our creative contribution to the world. Tootsies got all that in it, plus some of the funniest, wisest dialogue ever written.

All Of Me
The Buddha taught a crucial piece of relationship wisdom thats brought to life in this comedy classic: each of us must integrate the masculine and feminine elements within us to be fully enlightened. The story is that, due to bizarre circumstances, half of Steve Martins body is occupied by the spirit of a wealthy rage-aholic (played to mean-spirited perfection by Lily Tomlin.) This leads to many complications, many of which come to life in Steve Martins inspired body-language throughout the movie. The relationship wisdom you gain from the movie is important, even life-changing: until we become one with all parts of ourselves, we cannot be fully present for the one we love.

Jillians Vantage
One of the greatest short films ever made, this movie was in the first collection sent out by The Spiritual Cinema Circle, Made by a gifted filmmaker named Geno Andrews, Jillians Vantage brings together a man and a woman who are dealing with their life-challenges in very different ways. This movies reveal, the Ah-Ha! Moment, is one of the most satisfying weve ever seen. From a relationship perspective, Jillians Vantage touches on a crucial issue we all face in relationship, how to come to terms with the flaws we perceive in ourselves. The movie shows us, with great sensitivity and wisdom, how to shift our view of those flaws, and by doing so, heal them.

A Cool, Dry Place
This is one of the best movies ever made about the realities of commitment. The characters in this movie reveal complex layers and committed lives. We love it that the dad lives out the job loss and child-care issues that usually appear in the womans role. We love it that the characters are intelligent and that we can learn something about deep bonding from a film that is so entertaining. We also love seeing a soft, caring relationship between a father and son. Vince Vaughn gives a stunning performance here, the best work weve seen from him.

The Top 10 Most Famous Men with the First Name of Ed or Eddie or Edward

The Top 10 Most Famous Men with the First Name of Ed or Eddie or Edward

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For the past year I've been compiling famous names to list on my name numerology website. These are all noted individuals, but who are the most famous? Today let's count down the most famous men named Ed, Eddie, or Edward.

The most famous people (based on online chatter) with the first name Ed, Eddie, or Edward are:

10. Ed McBain - Author (87th Precinct mystery series, Matthew Hope mystery series)

9. Ed Harris - Actor (Apollo 13, Pollock, The Hours)

8. Ed Wood - Director and Screenwriter (Glen or Glenda, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Bride of the Monster)

7. Edward Scissorhands - Title character from the movie Edward Scissorhands

6. Ed Westwick - Actor (Gossip Girl)

5. Eddie Izzard - Actor and Comedian (The Riches, Valkyrie, Live at the Ambassadors)

4. Edward Norton - Actor (Fight Club, American History X, The Incredible Hulk)

3. Ed Sullivan - Talk Show Host (The Ed Sullivan Show)

2. Eddie Murphy - Actor and Comedian (Beverly Hills Cop, Shrek, Dreamgirls)

...and the most famous man named Ed, Eddie, or Edward is...

1. Edward Cullen - Character in the Twilight Saga series of books and movies

Not making the top 10 were Ed Anger - Weekly World News columnist, Ed Bradley - Television Journalist (60 Minutes, CBS Sunday Night with Ed Bradley), Ed McMahon - Television Announcer and Personality (The Tonight Show), Ed Norton - Character on the TV series The Honeymooners, Ed O'Neill - Actor (Married... with Children, Modern Family, John from Cincinnati), Eddie Munster - Character on the TV series the Munsters, Eddie Van Halen - Musician most natably in the band Van Halen (Jump, Panama, Dance the Night Away), Edward Albee - Playwright (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Seascape, The Zoo Story), Edward Asner - Actor (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Lou Grant, Roots), Edward Ferrars - character in Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility, Edward Furlong - Actor (American History X, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Before and After), Edward Hopper - American Painter (Nighthawks, Automat, Chop Suey), Edward Hyde - Character in the novel Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Edward Murdstone - Character in Charles Dickens' novel David Copperfield, Edward Rochester - Character in Charlotte Bront's novel Jane Eyre, and Edward Teach - Pirate in the early 1700s better known as Blackbeard.

An pretty good mix of occupations for the top ten Ed, Eddies, and Edwards with one talk show host (Ed Sullivan), one director (Ed Wood), one author (Ed McBain), two fictional characters (Edward Cullen and Edward Scissorhands), and five actors (Eddie Murphy, Edward Norton, Eddie Izzard, Ed Westwick, and Ed Harris).

This was an unusual top ten list in that there were no musicians in the top 10, with Eddie Van Halen just barely missing out. No surprise that Twilight fan favorite Edward Cullen topped the list. It's nearly impossible to beat the online popularity of Twilight these days.

I compiled this list by searching for each of the Ed, Eddie, and Edwards on a number of search engines and ranking them by the number of web pages, discussion forums, photos, videos, etc that are available online.

Get complete numerology for the names Ed, Eddie, and Edward at

The Secrets of Feminization Hypnotism

The Secrets of Feminization Hypnotism

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The truth remains that even if we now live in modern age, people tend to remain critical on gender issues. Although transsexuals are gaining acceptance, they have yet to earn enough understanding and respect. As these individuals become more and more aggressive in expressing their personalities, they continue to come up with more ideas and practices. One of which is feminization.

Feminization is an effort to transform a male's appearance, behavior and thinking into that of a female. It could either be temporary or permanent. It is consciously trying to adapt feminine traits such as speech and behavior. Some common types are Forced Feminization and Hypnotic Feminization.

Forced feminization is when a male is instructed to adapt feminine ways against his will. It emphasizes the dominance of the female over the male - contrary to societal standards. Through this practice, the female gets to obtain personal satisfaction over gaining power over her subject. It is done through instructing the male to follow her directions; usually controlling the way he should act, think, and behave. The male is asked to portray the role of a typical feminine character. As the subject refuses to follow her demands, corresponding punishment shall be given to him.

An example is through physical contact such as through spanking and other stereotypical acts. He is asked to wear feminine clothing which are suggestive and provoking in nature such as undergarments. It is stated in some studies that refusal is usually unrealistic as the role-playing and submission secretly feeds on his fantasies and desires. But there are also cases where feminization is practiced as a form of abuse as in the case of sex slaves.

Contrary to forced feminization, hypnotic feminization involves a voluntary participation of the male. As per suggestions of the expert, he is then allowed to enjoy a particular fantasy. This environment usually evolves around being able to experience the feelings, thoughts, and even the physical traits of a female such as actually believing that you have breasts or female genital. It is a make-believe atmosphere where you could have somewhat realistic feelings and experiences. Hypnosis ends as per direction of the hypnosis expert.

The more conservative in us are yet to understand the reasons why some individuals undergo feminization. Feminization continues to create moral questions and it would take more than open mindedness and accepting gender issues. It may be a setback for transsexuals in gaining understanding but the fact exists that this practice exists.

How To Choose Your First Broadband

Image source: How To Choose Your First Broadband Looki...