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Meet the students at the door as they line up to come in. Get them quiet before they come in and explain to them as they stand there that you are Mrs. So and So and that you will be their substitute and that they will enter the classroom quietly and if they do not then they will practice. This sets the tone that you are in control and the teacher for the day. If they do not enter quietly then shoo them out and try it again and again if needed.
After the students have entered and put their books, back packs and coats away and are settled in their desk introduce yourself and your rules. Explain that you know the teacher does it one way, but this is the way it will be today. Explain that there are certain things that bug you and they will not be accepted in the classroom. Do not overwhelm them with a lot because most teachers have set their discipline in motion and most students will be trained well. So my 3 rules are 1. Dont wear hats in class (I start with this one because it is a physical thing and easy to follow. Rule 2. No one talks when I am, but in return if you are talking I will not talk and when a fellow students is talking to the class we will all listen. This way they know when I am instructing and they start talking I stop immediately and wait until it is quiet. Rule 3 is I do not accept any rudeness towards anyone. I expect them to use manners toward me and toward the rest of the class.
After I have told them my 3 rules then I tell them what they will get if they abide by them. If we have accomplished most everything that the teacher has asked us to do that day then we will play a game at the end of the day. I usually choose the game, but you could let them choose it if you wish. I give them ten tally marks on the board so that it is visual and if they break one of my three rules then I erase a mark. They need to have one mark at the end of the day to get the game. I have only had one class in three years that did not earn their game.
PS I am not afraid to have the principal intervene with an unruly student either so use all the resources available to you.
Resource Box - Caroline Mackay 2007 Caroline Mackay is a retired teacher with 37 years experience in teaching and educating students in the elementary schools. She wrote, produced, and directed plays and programs to encourage the display of patriotism, how to stay drug free, celebrate holidays and encourage physical fitness. Being artless herself she developed some Art Starts to encourage her students to express themselves through art. Making education an exciting fun experience she developed games and learning activities to keep the students engaged in the learning experience. She is the host of where you can find plays that teach and entertain children.